
Overall Results
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 Team Chupacabra 191.70 178.16 182.56 195.02 747.44
2 Kyotee Kookers 180.00 188.86 172.32 181.26 722.44
3 Prime Timerz 183.26 183.30 181.42 170.56 718.54
4 BS Cookers 1 164.72 181.88 182.42 178.54 707.56
5 Lady Blue BBQ 173.32 179.70 180.72 172.72 706.46
6 Royce's Blazing BBQ 172.56 178.98 183.72 170.14 705.40
7 2 Sauced 180.46 181.40 164.84 175.12 701.82
8 Flop - N - Holler 173.60 176.98 185.86 161.16 697.60
9 Come and Take It Cookers 173.86 160.02 188.26 174.58 696.72
10 Los Slow Cookers 178.26 179.72 172.98 165.24 696.20
11 Cinco D Cookers 173.86 183.72 167.04 170.96 695.58
12 Lake Conroe Cookers 177.42 182.72 170.56 163.88 694.58
13 The Texas Heat 179.56 178.60 169.80 161.42 689.38
14 VatosLocos 171.28 182.84 164.28 163.12 681.52
15 Bear's Den BBQ 186.28 172.72 155.98 159.74 674.72
16 G-Man BBQ 178.24 162.14 167.14 166.54 674.06
17 BS Cookers 2 157.76 169.40 183.28 162.12 672.56
18 Smokey Bros BBQ 175.58 173.60 164.04 157.92 671.14
19 Cooks N Ladders 2 174.56 157.58 176.86 161.86 670.86
20 Son Of A Buck BBQ 157.00 142.16 182.88 186.96 669.00
21 Diamond J BBQ 172.00 163.30 169.82 156.24 661.36
22 Best In the West #1 162.86 169.42 164.40 164.26 660.94
23 Cooks N Ladders 182.98 165.86 169.14 142.88 660.86
24 Leakey Merchantile 159.86 173.40 154.40 172.96 660.62
25 Smokey and The Brisket 169.42 160.10 159.58 170.38 659.48
26 Once MOre Beer BBQ 149.02 162.86 182.10 164.72 658.70
27 Best In the West #2 175.28 159.32 171.54 150.44 656.58
28 Shade Tree Kookers 151.32 183.28 173.42 148.42 656.44
29 Come and Taste It 152.76 169.00 178.12 155.30 655.18
30 Slice, Slice Baby 133.70 165.72 181.56 171.02 652.00
31 Hermanos De Fuego 168.70 156.00 151.84 170.12 646.66
32 Tejas Barbocoa 154.14 176.70 157.84 152.30 640.98
33 WD Cookers 159.52 138.14 153.42 165.68 616.76
34 The Meat Slingers 154.48 155.88 153.70 144.30 608.36
35 Heavys BBQ 0.00 180.70 177.40 188.28 546.38
36 Free Range Smokers 0.00 184.12 172.00 175.26 531.38
37 KW BBQ 161.16 0.00 172.56 179.96 513.68
38 Xtreme Texas Cookers 2 0.00 173.44 173.70 165.44 512.58
39 Texas Gasoline Alley 168.02 0.00 179.26 156.74 504.02
40 G-Que 160.76 177.68 0.00 163.72 502.16
41 God's Country BBQ 0.00 168.98 161.72 167.56 498.26
42 Salty Smokers 0.00 158.60 162.56 172.42 493.58
43 River Rock Cookin 155.88 160.30 0.00 177.14 493.32
44 Armed & Hammered 155.30 175.96 0.00 156.72 487.98
45 Burnt Butt Cookers 171.32 155.74 0.00 160.24 487.30
46 Smoke Addiction Team 2 147.98 154.58 0.00 161.88 464.44
47 Los Outlaws 0.00 141.42 175.00 146.44 462.86
48 Cookers & Hookers 0.00 152.68 165.12 144.00 461.80
49 1051 Cookers 146.58 134.18 0.00 130.16 410.92
50 Los Tres Bosses Y Potrona 0.00 184.82 0.00 151.86 336.68
51 Reel Cookers 165.42 160.70 0.00 0.00 326.12
52 Camapna Cooking Crew 0.00 160.12 154.88 0.00 315.00
53 SOUTH TEXAS SMOKERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 162.88 162.88

Chicken Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Team Chupacabra 36.00 38.56 37.86 36.00 39.28 40.00 191.70
2 Bear's Den BBQ 33.44 37.14 37.14 39.28 32.00 39.28 186.28
3 Prime Timerz 40.00 36.70 37.84 32.00 34.14 34.58 183.26
4 Cooks N Ladders 39.28 36.00 33.86 34.56 39.28 33.86 182.98
5 2 Sauced 37.86 38.58 37.86 36.72 25.44 29.44 180.46
6 Kyotee Kookers 40.00 37.86 34.14 36.72 30.86 31.28 180.00
7 The Texas Heat 37.42 28.72 32.72 37.42 36.72 35.28 179.56
8 Los Slow Cookers 39.28 24.72 37.14 33.86 35.98 32.00 178.26
9 G-Man BBQ 32.00 31.98 37.84 36.42 30.58 40.00 178.24
10 Lake Conroe Cookers 34.14 39.28 28.72 35.28 28.72 40.00 177.42
11 Smokey Bros BBQ 26.16 36.00 36.00 34.14 34.14 35.30 175.58
12 Best In the West #2 36.00 39.28 37.14 32.00 27.30 30.86 175.28
13 Cooks N Ladders 2 36.70 32.44 29.42 30.86 40.00 34.56 174.56
14 Cinco D Cookers 40.00 33.86 35.28 32.72 32.00 32.00 173.86
15 Come and Take It Cookers 40.00 31.28 29.44 36.00 34.86 31.72 173.86
16 Flop - N - Holler 36.00 37.16 33.86 32.72 32.02 33.86 173.60
17 Lady Blue BBQ 36.72 30.58 35.72 33.16 37.14 26.16 173.32
18 Royce's Blazing BBQ 37.42 36.00 30.86 32.28 36.00 29.44 172.56
19 Diamond J BBQ 40.00 31.28 32.72 36.00 32.00 30.14 172.00
20 Burnt Butt Cookers 36.72 36.42 35.30 28.72 32.72 30.16 171.32
21 VatosLocos 37.42 31.28 29.42 36.00 31.30 35.28 171.28
22 Smokey and The Brisket 37.42 32.72 32.00 28.72 38.56 28.00 169.42
23 Hermanos De Fuego 37.42 28.00 35.28 35.28 32.72 26.88 168.70
24 Texas Gasoline Alley 36.72 28.72 34.58 28.30 36.00 32.00 168.02
25 Reel Cookers 32.00 36.00 30.14 35.28 29.42 32.00 165.42
26 BS Cookers 1 38.14 32.70 28.72 28.72 34.58 30.58 164.72
27 Best In the West #1 34.14 35.28 36.00 28.72 25.44 28.72 162.86
28 KW BBQ 37.14 25.44 30.58 33.42 28.74 31.28 161.16
29 G-Que 32.72 28.72 36.00 31.30 29.44 31.30 160.76
30 Leakey Merchantile 37.42 30.14 30.14 30.58 29.44 31.58 159.86
31 WD Cookers 29.42 30.84 26.84 29.42 35.28 34.56 159.52
32 BS Cookers 2 26.58 33.44 33.44 27.58 30.58 32.72 157.76
33 Son Of A Buck BBQ 35.28 25.44 30.16 30.14 31.28 30.14 157.00
34 River Rock Cookin 29.86 30.14 31.30 32.00 31.58 30.86 155.88
35 Armed & Hammered 24.72 37.42 28.00 33.86 28.72 27.30 155.30
36 The Meat Slingers 29.44 29.44 32.72 30.16 32.72 27.30 154.48
37 Tejas Barbocoa 33.14 28.00 31.56 25.44 33.44 28.00 154.14
38 Come and Taste It 32.72 28.72 32.02 31.30 25.44 28.00 152.76
39 Shade Tree Kookers 26.14 35.28 30.58 28.28 27.30 29.88 151.32
40 Once MOre Beer BBQ 32.72 24.00 25.44 32.28 30.58 28.00 149.02
41 Smoke Addiction Team 2 35.28 28.00 25.86 28.00 28.00 28.70 147.98
42 1051 Cookers 32.00 28.72 31.28 30.58 24.00 24.00 146.58
43 Slice, Slice Baby 30.14 24.00 24.72 29.42 25.42 24.00 133.70
44 Free Range Smokers 0.00
45 Cookers & Hookers 0.00
46 Los Tres Bosses Y Potrona 0.00
47 Heavys BBQ 0.00
48 God's Country BBQ 0.00
49 Salty Smokers 0.00
50 Xtreme Texas Cookers 2 0.00

Rib Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Kyotee Kookers 40.00 35.28 38.56 28.72 37.16 37.86 188.86
2 Los Tres Bosses Y Potrona 35.28 32.72 33.86 38.56 38.56 38.56 184.82
3 Free Range Smokers 33.86 38.56 34.56 32.70 39.28 37.86 184.12
4 Cinco D Cookers 36.42 40.00 34.58 32.72 35.30 37.42 183.72
5 Prime Timerz 40.00 33.86 40.00 28.00 36.72 32.72 183.30
6 Shade Tree Kookers 37.86 32.00 38.14 28.00 39.28 36.00 183.28
7 VatosLocos 36.00 36.00 39.28 36.70 33.16 34.86 182.84
8 Lake Conroe Cookers 36.00 37.14 30.58 36.44 38.56 34.58 182.72
9 BS Cookers 1 35.74 34.14 36.00 29.14 37.42 38.58 181.88
10 2 Sauced 29.42 37.14 36.00 34.14 36.70 37.42 181.40
11 Heavys BBQ 33.42 37.14 36.00 37.42 30.14 36.72 180.70
12 Los Slow Cookers 33.86 36.00 32.00 37.86 26.86 40.00 179.72
13 Lady Blue BBQ 38.56 34.58 29.44 36.00 30.56 40.00 179.70
14 Royce's Blazing BBQ 35.28 35.30 31.30 37.84 35.28 35.28 178.98
15 The Texas Heat 36.00 40.00 32.02 35.30 34.14 33.16 178.60
16 Team Chupacabra 36.00 32.72 36.72 32.44 37.86 34.86 178.16
17 G-Que 40.00 30.16 34.58 34.12 34.84 34.14 177.68
18 Flop - N - Holler 39.28 32.00 34.84 32.00 38.14 32.72 176.98
19 Tejas Barbocoa 32.72 39.28 36.00 34.14 33.42 33.86 176.70
20 Armed & Hammered 29.86 28.00 38.14 35.28 34.84 37.84 175.96
21 Smokey Bros BBQ 33.86 37.14 34.58 32.02 29.44 36.00 173.60
22 Xtreme Texas Cookers 2 39.28 32.72 33.86 36.72 29.86 30.86 173.44
23 Leakey Merchantile 33.40 36.00 34.14 32.72 27.28 37.14 173.40
24 Bear's Den BBQ 39.28 24.72 33.16 31.56 32.72 36.00 172.72
25 Best In the West #1 36.00 30.56 32.72 31.28 34.14 35.28 169.42
26 BS Cookers 2 28.72 33.42 30.14 35.28 34.56 36.00 169.40
27 Come and Taste It 34.14 33.42 32.44 34.86 29.44 34.14 169.00
28 God's Country BBQ 37.86 30.56 34.14 28.00 38.14 28.28 168.98
29 Cooks N Ladders 34.14 32.00 28.02 28.00 34.56 37.14 165.86
30 Slice, Slice Baby 34.14 27.28 31.58 28.00 36.72 35.28 165.72
31 Diamond J BBQ 31.28 29.86 33.44 32.72 28.72 36.00 163.30
32 Once MOre Beer BBQ 29.44 39.28 30.58 28.72 30.14 33.42 162.86
33 G-Man BBQ 29.44 33.42 32.00 32.00 32.72 32.00 162.14
34 Reel Cookers 33.42 31.30 31.28 32.72 29.42 31.98 160.70
35 River Rock Cookin 36.00 27.58 28.00 32.00 26.16 36.72 160.30
36 Camapna Cooking Crew 29.42 33.00 30.14 32.00 35.56 29.42 160.12
37 Smokey and The Brisket 36.70 37.84 31.14 26.86 27.56 25.44 160.10
38 Come and Take It Cookers 32.00 35.28 32.00 28.00 28.72 32.02 160.02
39 Best In the West #2 33.86 25.44 30.16 28.00 34.58 32.72 159.32
40 Salty Smokers 30.58 31.30 29.42 32.72 28.00 34.58 158.60
41 Cooks N Ladders 2 28.44 36.00 32.00 32.00 28.02 29.14 157.58
42 Hermanos De Fuego 28.72 33.42 28.72 33.86 29.86 30.14 156.00
43 The Meat Slingers 28.72 31.30 30.14 30.86 29.44 34.14 155.88
44 Burnt Butt Cookers 32.00 32.44 28.72 30.58 28.72 32.00 155.74
45 Smoke Addiction Team 2 33.42 32.44 28.00 28.72 26.84 32.00 154.58
46 Cookers & Hookers 29.42 28.00 31.28 32.00 26.58 31.98 152.68
47 Son Of A Buck BBQ 29.86 27.30 24.72 28.72 24.72 31.56 142.16
48 Los Outlaws 29.42 24.72 28.72 28.00 30.56 24.00 141.42
49 WD Cookers 28.00 25.44 26.86 27.28 27.28 28.72 138.14
50 1051 Cookers 24.72 28.02 24.72 25.86 25.44 30.14 134.18

Pork Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Come and Take It Cookers 36.70 30.58 40.00 35.56 36.00 40.00 188.26
2 Flop - N - Holler 34.14 36.00 40.00 33.42 37.86 37.86 185.86
3 Royce's Blazing BBQ 37.42 34.58 34.58 39.28 30.86 37.86 183.72
4 BS Cookers 2 34.14 39.28 36.72 35.28 37.86 33.44 183.28
5 Son Of A Buck BBQ 34.14 40.00 33.44 32.72 38.58 36.72 182.88
6 Team Chupacabra 37.14 35.28 40.00 30.14 38.14 32.00 182.56
7 BS Cookers 1 34.86 37.42 30.16 40.00 32.00 38.14 182.42
8 Once MOre Beer BBQ 34.86 34.56 35.56 38.56 38.56 28.72 182.10
9 Slice, Slice Baby 38.58 32.70 38.56 31.72 40.00 30.14 181.56
10 Prime Timerz 29.44 39.28 34.58 34.84 40.00 32.72 181.42
11 Lady Blue BBQ 32.02 34.58 36.72 32.70 40.00 36.72 180.72
12 Texas Gasoline Alley 34.84 36.00 28.72 32.28 35.28 37.86 179.26
13 Come and Taste It 36.00 36.70 37.42 32.00 36.00 28.72 178.12
14 Heavys BBQ 35.98 29.44 40.00 30.86 40.00 30.56 177.40
15 Cooks N Ladders 2 33.86 25.44 36.00 35.28 36.44 35.28 176.86
16 Los Outlaws 37.14 30.86 37.14 36.00 31.30 33.42 175.00
17 Xtreme Texas Cookers 2 31.84 39.28 37.86 27.58 30.86 33.86 173.70
18 Shade Tree Kookers 36.00 33.86 34.14 31.58 36.00 33.42 173.42
19 Los Slow Cookers 28.72 36.00 35.28 34.84 37.42 29.44 172.98
20 KW BBQ 31.12 35.28 34.86 31.56 36.28 34.58 172.56
21 Kyotee Kookers 38.58 32.02 32.72 29.86 36.72 32.28 172.32
22 Free Range Smokers 30.86 35.28 32.00 40.00 33.86 28.72 172.00
23 Best In the West #2 34.12 35.28 28.00 30.14 37.86 34.14 171.54
24 Lake Conroe Cookers 30.14 32.00 28.72 36.00 35.28 37.14 170.56
25 Diamond J BBQ 34.12 30.58 33.86 31.28 39.28 31.28 169.82
26 The Texas Heat 32.00 34.56 31.98 37.84 27.30 33.42 169.80
27 Cooks N Ladders 30.58 33.86 33.42 30.40 39.28 32.00 169.14
28 G-Man BBQ 31.28 32.00 24.00 36.42 32.16 35.28 167.14
29 Cinco D Cookers 31.30 33.86 32.00 33.44 31.30 36.44 167.04
30 Cookers & Hookers 28.00 34.56 29.42 37.14 36.00 28.00 165.12
31 2 Sauced 35.28 35.00 28.00 26.14 31.28 35.28 164.84
32 Best In the West #1 32.70 39.28 27.28 31.28 28.00 33.14 164.40
33 VatosLocos 33.42 28.72 31.30 35.56 32.72 31.28 164.28
34 Smokey Bros BBQ 29.44 32.72 26.86 33.44 31.30 37.14 164.04
35 Salty Smokers 28.72 34.58 32.70 31.28 32.00 32.00 162.56
36 God's Country BBQ 30.14 32.72 30.16 29.44 35.28 33.42 161.72
37 Smokey and The Brisket 29.42 32.00 38.14 30.58 29.44 29.42 159.58
38 Tejas Barbocoa 30.58 35.28 27.28 34.56 29.86 27.56 157.84
39 Bear's Den BBQ 29.42 36.70 24.72 32.44 24.72 32.70 155.98
40 Camapna Cooking Crew 30.14 28.72 31.30 24.72 36.00 28.72 154.88
41 Leakey Merchantile 26.86 30.84 36.00 32.70 25.44 28.00 154.40
42 The Meat Slingers 26.86 32.00 32.70 33.42 28.72 26.86 153.70
43 WD Cookers 28.00 28.00 34.86 34.56 26.58 28.00 153.42
44 Hermanos De Fuego 30.86 28.00 34.14 30.84 28.00 28.00 151.84

Brisket Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Team Chupacabra 37.16 30.86 40.00 40.00 37.86 40.00 195.02
2 Heavys BBQ 40.00 38.14 36.00 34.14 40.00 28.72 188.28
3 Son Of A Buck BBQ 32.00 37.84 37.14 39.28 33.42 39.28 186.96
4 Kyotee Kookers 37.14 38.56 33.86 37.84 33.86 32.00 181.26
5 KW BBQ 36.70 30.58 39.28 32.70 36.00 35.28 179.96
6 BS Cookers 1 38.56 32.72 35.28 28.70 36.00 35.98 178.54
7 River Rock Cookin 33.86 39.28 34.58 32.00 37.42 28.00 177.14
8 Free Range Smokers 29.42 36.70 33.86 33.86 37.42 33.42 175.26
9 2 Sauced 33.96 36.72 32.00 33.86 28.00 38.58 175.12
10 Come and Take It Cookers 31.30 34.56 28.72 36.00 40.00 32.72 174.58
11 Leakey Merchantile 31.28 34.12 24.72 37.86 34.14 35.56 172.96
12 Lady Blue BBQ 38.56 34.58 32.72 31.30 31.56 35.30 172.72
13 Salty Smokers 32.72 38.56 33.86 32.00 35.28 28.00 172.42
14 Slice, Slice Baby 28.28 28.72 37.14 36.44 33.44 35.28 171.02
15 Cinco D Cookers 34.56 29.42 35.28 31.28 37.84 32.00 170.96
16 Prime Timerz 30.58 35.28 32.72 34.84 37.14 28.00 170.56
17 Smokey and The Brisket 29.42 39.28 31.56 28.00 31.56 38.56 170.38
18 Royce's Blazing BBQ 31.58 28.72 35.28 32.00 38.56 32.72 170.14
19 Hermanos De Fuego 27.28 33.42 33.00 30.58 37.84 35.28 170.12
20 God's Country BBQ 32.28 32.00 36.00 31.28 35.98 31.30 167.56
21 G-Man BBQ 26.58 36.00 32.72 34.12 32.42 31.28 166.54
22 WD Cookers 25.42 29.14 37.84 29.14 33.14 36.42 165.68
23 Xtreme Texas Cookers 2 34.14 31.28 31.58 26.14 33.88 34.56 165.44
24 Los Slow Cookers 30.86 35.98 32.00 30.86 32.26 34.14 165.24
25 Once MOre Beer BBQ 36.72 24.72 26.58 34.14 39.28 28.00 164.72
26 Best In the West #1 32.70 30.14 35.28 28.72 37.42 26.86 164.26
27 Lake Conroe Cookers 28.72 33.44 34.14 24.72 34.86 32.72 163.88
28 G-Que 28.74 32.44 32.00 34.14 31.28 33.86 163.72
29 VatosLocos 33.42 31.56 30.14 32.72 27.30 35.28 163.12
30 SOUTH TEXAS SMOKERS 26.86 32.02 32.00 30.14 36.72 32.00 162.88
31 BS Cookers 2 35.56 31.28 35.28 28.00 27.30 32.00 162.12
32 Smoke Addiction Team 2 33.16 32.72 31.28 35.28 29.44 28.00 161.88
33 Cooks N Ladders 2 28.72 37.14 32.70 24.00 27.30 36.00 161.86
34 The Texas Heat 32.00 31.28 33.42 29.42 32.72 32.00 161.42
35 Flop - N - Holler 34.58 28.72 29.42 28.00 33.44 35.00 161.16
36 Burnt Butt Cookers 27.28 32.70 30.14 32.72 30.12 34.56 160.24
37 Bear's Den BBQ 31.58 31.72 28.00 33.86 24.00 34.58 159.74
38 Smokey Bros BBQ 33.86 36.00 32.02 28.02 28.02 28.00 157.92
39 Texas Gasoline Alley 31.30 31.28 30.14 28.72 25.44 35.30 156.74
40 Armed & Hammered 31.28 27.30 32.00 30.14 25.86 36.00 156.72
41 Diamond J BBQ 28.00 34.56 30.84 24.00 29.42 33.42 156.24
42 Come and Taste It 29.42 29.86 32.72 32.00 30.58 30.14 155.30
43 Tejas Barbocoa 26.16 32.00 32.70 25.44 29.44 32.00 152.30
44 Los Tres Bosses Y Potrona 29.44 28.72 28.00 28.00 32.28 33.42 151.86
45 Best In the West #2 25.86 30.86 30.58 28.72 26.84 33.44 150.44
46 Shade Tree Kookers 30.30 28.00 27.28 24.00 32.72 30.12 148.42
47 Los Outlaws 25.42 28.70 31.58 26.16 28.00 32.00 146.44
48 The Meat Slingers 26.86 29.86 32.00 24.72 30.14 25.44 144.30
49 Cookers & Hookers 29.42 29.86 30.14 25.42 28.00 26.58 144.00
50 Cooks N Ladders 26.14 26.88 32.00 28.00 28.72 27.28 142.88
51 1051 Cookers 24.00 24.00 29.42 24.72 25.44 26.58 130.16

Beans Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Los Tres Bosses Y Potrona 33.86 38.14 31.72 39.28 33.44 40.00 184.72
2 VatosLocos 37.86 36.70 35.28 26.58 32.00 38.14 179.98
3 Smokey Bros BBQ 38.56 35.28 36.70 35.28 34.14 30.42 179.96
4 Come and Taste It 35.28 26.16 32.98 33.42 35.28 40.00 176.96
5 The Meat Slingers 32.72 32.72 36.00 35.28 32.00 40.00 176.72
6 Cooks N Ladders 32.00 38.56 35.28 31.28 39.28 30.14 176.40
7 River Rock Cookin 32.00 32.72 33.42 33.42 37.42 38.56 175.54
8 Lake Conroe Cookers 39.28 40.00 33.14 24.72 29.86 32.00 174.28
9 The Texas Heat 32.70 24.72 34.12 33.42 37.12 36.70 174.06
10 KW BBQ 34.14 29.44 34.86 36.70 32.02 36.28 174.00
11 Kyotee Kookers 37.86 35.28 35.28 28.00 28.00 36.72 173.14
12 Cinco D Cookers 32.00 32.70 34.14 32.72 36.00 37.14 172.70
13 Leakey Merchantile 40.00 32.70 31.28 32.72 28.72 35.28 171.98
14 Cooks N Ladders 2 32.00 38.56 35.28 28.72 37.14 28.72 171.70
15 Smoke Addiction Team 2 35.28 32.00 30.14 30.58 40.00 32.72 170.58
16 Armed & Hammered 28.00 30.16 36.70 37.86 28.00 36.00 168.72
17 Come and Take It Cookers 32.72 30.86 36.00 32.00 35.28 32.00 168.00
18 Best In the West #2 33.42 36.00 32.00 33.86 32.28 30.16 167.56
19 Team Chupacabra 38.56 30.16 29.42 30.14 38.56 30.14 167.56
20 Bear's Den BBQ 31.28 32.72 35.28 28.72 32.72 34.14 166.14
21 1051 Cookers 32.00 29.44 32.72 28.72 35.28 35.28 164.72
22 Cookers & Hookers 33.44 30.14 32.00 32.72 36.00 29.86 164.30
23 WD Cookers 36.70 35.30 29.42 31.28 31.28 29.42 163.98
24 Once MOre Beer BBQ 32.00 26.86 30.86 35.28 30.84 34.84 163.82
25 Free Range Smokers 37.86 37.14 30.58 28.00 28.72 28.72 163.02
26 2 Sauced 30.86 30.86 36.00 28.72 28.72 35.30 161.74
27 Best In the West #1 34.58 31.30 33.86 26.16 28.00 32.72 160.46
28 Smokey and The Brisket 28.72 30.58 32.72 30.86 36.72 28.00 159.60
29 Burnt Butt Cookers 35.98 28.00 29.44 27.30 36.00 30.16 159.58
30 Diamond J BBQ 28.00 28.00 33.44 28.00 35.30 31.28 156.02
31 Texas Gasoline Alley 36.00 31.28 28.00 25.44 28.72 31.30 155.30
32 Reel Cookers 32.00 31.28 32.44 28.00 28.28 25.86 152.00
33 Shade Tree Kookers 28.00 28.72 32.44 24.72 27.30 32.72 149.18
34 Slice, Slice Baby 31.30 28.72 26.86 26.16 25.44 35.56 148.60
35 G-Man BBQ 29.42 26.14 26.14 24.72 24.00 40.00 146.42
36 BS Cookers 1 32.00 29.44 28.72 26.14 26.14 28.28 144.58
37 BS Cookers 2 29.44 25.42 29.72 24.72 26.88 28.00 139.46

Dessert Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 BS Cookers 1 39.28 38.58 34.58 39.28 39.28 40.00 196.42
2 Shade Tree Kookers 35.28 39.28 38.58 40.00 40.00 36.72 194.58
3 Lake Conroe Cookers 34.58 39.28 28.72 40.00 40.00 38.56 192.42
4 Team Chupacabra 32.72 39.28 36.70 40.00 40.00 33.44 189.42
5 Cookers & Hookers 40.00 32.72 31.28 40.00 37.16 39.28 189.16
6 Best In the West #1 36.00 34.58 30.58 39.28 38.58 38.14 186.58
7 Cinco D Cookers 32.72 35.28 37.42 32.72 37.86 39.28 182.56
8 Smokey Bros BBQ 33.42 32.00 36.72 36.00 40.00 35.28 181.42
9 Hookers & Cookers #2 33.86 33.42 30.86 36.70 36.42 39.28 179.68
10 Come and Take It Cookers 30.16 32.72 28.72 40.00 38.58 37.16 178.62
11 2 Sauced 33.86 32.00 31.28 36.70 39.28 36.00 177.84
12 Cooks N Ladders 31.30 32.70 40.00 36.00 37.16 28.72 177.16
13 Come and Taste It 35.28 31.28 37.42 30.58 39.28 32.00 175.26
14 Camapna Cooking Crew 36.00 36.00 32.00 29.70 38.56 32.28 174.84
15 The Meat Slingers 32.72 33.42 30.14 39.28 29.44 37.42 172.98
16 Once MOre Beer BBQ 29.44 36.72 29.44 36.00 35.28 34.84 172.28
17 Flop - N - Holler 33.44 36.00 30.58 35.30 27.58 34.86 170.18
18 Slice, Slice Baby 30.58 34.14 32.00 32.70 32.00 38.56 169.40
19 G-Man BBQ 32.72 31.28 33.88 35.30 30.58 33.44 166.62
20 1051 Cookers 33.14 32.00 32.72 31.28 33.42 32.00 163.28
21 Salty Smokers 33.42 32.28 26.58 30.56 26.84 38.14 161.24
22 Best In the West #2 26.58 26.58 28.72 39.28 31.00 25.44 152.16
23 WD Cookers 29.44 29.44 28.72 33.42 27.58 28.74 149.76

Fajitas Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Los Outlaws 28.00 38.56 32.00 37.42 33.44 37.86 179.28
2 Best In the West #1 30.86 34.14 33.86 38.56 36.00 36.70 179.26
3 Come and Take It Cookers 24.72 38.56 30.56 38.56 36.00 34.58 178.26
4 Heavys BBQ 28.00 31.98 33.84 37.84 39.28 32.00 174.94
5 Smokey Bros BBQ 28.72 33.58 32.00 36.00 32.70 33.86 168.14
6 Free Range Smokers 35.28 33.42 26.86 36.70 30.58 32.00 167.98
7 Reel Cookers 28.72 33.86 30.58 35.28 37.42 29.14 166.28
8 Best In the West #2 33.44 30.58 31.28 30.86 33.14 36.72 165.44
9 Texas Gasoline Alley 26.16 29.44 36.00 32.56 35.30 30.86 164.16
10 G-Man BBQ 32.00 31.56 36.00 33.42 25.86 30.56 163.54
11 The Meat Slingers 30.58 32.00 26.14 34.14 34.14 32.00 162.86
12 Lake Conroe Cookers 36.00 29.42 36.72 28.72 30.56 28.00 161.42
13 BS Cookers 2 32.70 31.00 30.56 34.56 32.00 30.58 160.84
14 2 Sauced 28.72 30.86 29.42 38.56 31.56 28.00 159.12
15 Burnt Butt Cookers 31.30 34.58 32.02 27.56 27.30 33.42 158.88
16 Hermanos De Fuego 28.72 37.86 28.02 29.86 27.30 32.00 156.46
17 BS Cookers 1 31.28 27.28 27.28 31.98 33.42 32.00 155.96
18 Flop - N - Holler 33.86 26.14 26.14 31.30 26.14 37.84 155.28
19 The Texas Heat 29.44 32.72 33.44 28.00 27.30 31.28 154.88
20 Diamond J BBQ 29.44 30.58 28.28 35.98 28.00 30.58 154.86
21 Slice, Slice Baby 28.72 28.72 30.56 31.14 32.00 26.14 151.14
22 Tejas Barbocoa 28.00 25.42 24.00 34.56 32.00 30.58 150.56
23 Kyotee Kookers 26.88 28.00 24.72 36.00 26.14 33.42 150.44
24 Shade Tree Kookers 28.72 33.58 29.44 31.28 25.42 27.28 150.30
25 Leakey Merchantile 24.72 28.02 26.86 32.00 30.14 31.28 148.30
26 God's Country BBQ 35.28 26.58 24.72 27.58 32.00 26.86 148.30
27 1051 Cookers 29.44 26.14 27.56 32.70 29.42 28.98 148.10
28 WD Cookers 26.16 28.00 30.14 29.42 28.72 31.30 147.58
29 KW BBQ 28.02 28.00 26.58 28.72 24.72 35.00 146.32
30 Camapna Cooking Crew 28.72 26.14 26.14 31.72 29.42 30.14 146.14
31 Come and Taste It 30.58 25.44 24.72 34.86 28.02 26.14 145.04
32 Cinco D Cookers 26.16 26.14 27.56 26.86 25.42 35.28 142.00
33 Cookers & Hookers 25.44 24.72 25.44 33.86 25.44 30.58 140.76
34 Smokey and The Brisket 26.16 25.44 26.16 29.42 29.86 28.72 140.32
35 Cooks N Ladders 2 25.44 24.72 28.28 25.44 28.00 30.16 137.32
36 Salty Smokers 26.14 25.44 26.14 30.58 25.44 28.72 137.02
37 Armed & Hammered 24.72 28.72 25.44 27.28 24.72 29.14 135.30

Margarita Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Come and Take It Cookers 36.72 40.00 32.72 30.86 40.00 39.28 188.72
2 Smokey and The Brisket 30.58 37.12 37.14 35.28 40.00 38.56 188.10
3 Smoke Addiction Team 2 25.86 39.28 36.00 33.14 38.14 39.28 185.84
4 Armed & Hammered 26.16 40.00 35.28 32.72 34.42 38.58 181.00
5 Vegan Rehab #2 35.28 39.28 33.86 32.00 40.00 30.60 180.42
6 Texas Gasoline Alley 32.86 35.00 28.72 33.86 38.56 34.56 174.84
7 Burnt Butt Cookers 29.58 36.42 35.28 32.00 34.84 33.14 171.68
8 Hermanos De Fuego 30.56 27.28 33.84 32.72 33.88 40.00 171.00
9 Diamond J BBQ 37.84 31.30 32.70 35.28 28.00 32.70 169.82
10 Best In the West #1 35.56 28.72 35.28 29.42 37.42 32.00 169.68
11 Come and Taste It 34.14 31.30 36.00 30.14 36.72 28.00 168.30
12 The Texas Heat 28.00 24.72 33.86 36.00 38.58 25.44 161.88
13 Cinco D Cookers 30.14 32.72 34.42 34.86 29.72 26.16 161.86
14 Shade Tree Kookers 33.42 24.72 38.56 28.70 28.72 31.28 160.68
15 Bear's Den BBQ 36.70 29.86 30.58 28.00 30.58 32.72 160.44
16 BS Cookers 2 33.42 28.00 32.00 30.14 32.00 29.44 157.00
17 Slice, Slice Baby 27.72 28.00 31.28 35.72 32.26 25.42 154.98
18 Best In the West #2 27.58 26.88 29.44 32.72 37.42 25.44 154.04
19 Kyotee Kookers 28.00 35.28 32.44 28.70 29.42 24.72 153.84
20 G-Que 24.00 28.00 33.14 31.28 30.40 30.56 153.38
21 G-Man BBQ 25.86 26.14 29.42 33.86 30.40 33.14 152.96
22 2 Sauced 28.72 28.44 37.16 29.44 28.74 24.00 152.50
23 Free Range Smokers 26.14 24.00 26.58 28.72 30.60 40.00 152.04
24 BS Cookers 1 30.84 26.58 26.14 34.56 30.58 25.44 148.70
25 The Meat Slingers 24.00 28.72 30.58 31.28 30.40 27.58 148.56
26 Smokey Bros BBQ 29.70 28.00 24.72 27.56 33.86 28.72 147.84
27 1051 Cookers 31.56 28.00 29.44 26.14 28.72 28.72 146.44
28 Lake Conroe Cookers 29.42 33.86 24.72 25.44 32.00 24.00 145.44
29 Salty Smokers 24.72 25.44 33.14 30.14 30.14 24.72 143.58
30 Leakey Merchantile 31.00 27.28 28.70 32.42 24.00 24.00 143.40

Salsa Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
Fall on the Frio
Concan, TX
Oct 2 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Cookers & Hookers 32.72 30.86 26.14 38.58 38.14 39.28 179.58
2 Diamond J BBQ 39.28 32.00 32.72 39.28 35.28 32.44 179.00
3 Heavys BBQ 34.58 34.14 28.72 36.72 40.00 29.72 175.16
4 Best In the West #1 29.16 39.28 32.02 38.14 33.16 30.56 173.16
5 1051 Cookers 30.86 32.70 34.86 29.44 38.14 34.14 170.70
6 Lake Conroe Cookers 40.00 32.70 28.70 29.16 34.56 34.28 170.70
7 Kyotee Kookers 33.44 33.86 32.72 36.72 32.72 30.14 169.46
8 Tejas Barbocoa 36.00 33.42 24.72 34.58 39.28 26.14 169.42
9 BS Cookers 1 35.28 33.86 31.28 28.72 35.28 32.86 168.56
10 Cinco D Cookers 24.72 33.86 32.72 26.86 33.42 35.28 168.00
11 Smokey Bros BBQ 36.00 30.86 32.00 40.00 26.86 28.72 167.58
12 Burnt Butt Cookers 33.44 32.00 37.42 33.00 28.72 31.30 167.16
13 Free Range Smokers 31.14 35.28 31.30 33.42 36.00 30.14 167.14
14 Smokey and The Brisket 28.00 32.00 36.00 27.30 33.88 36.00 165.88
15 2 Sauced 32.72 32.00 32.00 32.72 29.86 32.72 162.16
16 The Texas Heat 34.58 32.00 28.02 29.88 35.28 30.14 161.88
17 G-Man BBQ 36.00 31.28 33.42 24.00 31.30 29.42 161.42
18 Once MOre Beer BBQ 33.44 32.00 29.86 26.58 30.16 34.58 160.04
19 Armed & Hammered 32.98 30.14 33.44 25.44 32.02 30.14 158.72
20 BS Cookers 2 34.56 35.28 28.00 26.14 26.58 31.28 158.56
21 WD Cookers 28.00 31.28 27.28 26.88 35.28 36.00 157.84
22 Bear's Den BBQ 30.56 33.42 28.00 31.56 29.86 28.72 155.56
23 Cooks N Ladders 25.44 32.00 27.58 31.28 25.44 36.72 155.16
24 Come and Taste It 25.44 30.14 30.58 30.86 28.72 30.14 153.02
25 Salty Smokers 29.42 33.42 28.00 28.72 30.58 26.58 150.14
26 Come and Take It Cookers 32.00 30.86 28.72 26.14 24.72 31.56 149.28
27 G-Que 26.16 28.72 30.58 29.44 28.72 28.72 148.04
28 Leakey Merchantile 28.72 28.70 24.72 26.16 34.58 28.02 146.18
29 Best In the West #2 30.14 30.86 27.56 28.28 26.14 26.86 143.70
30 Shade Tree Kookers 26.14 28.70 26.14 26.16 32.00 28.72 141.72