
Overall Results
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 2 Live Q 175.28 188.40 198.14 187.40 749.22
2 Smoking OCD 191.72 184.26 174.00 189.10 739.08
3 The PitFather BBQ 189.86 187.26 172.68 184.80 734.60
4 Cuatro D BBQ 188.00 190.56 166.14 188.38 733.08
5 Get'n Sauced BBQ 187.26 188.72 173.84 181.72 731.54
6 All Metal Concepts 192.72 184.52 181.10 172.66 731.00
7 Flying G Barbcue 179.72 178.54 184.26 177.72 720.24
8 Smokin' Regulators 164.72 180.28 188.98 183.12 717.10
9 War Pig BBQ 187.00 185.12 159.84 185.12 717.08
10 Tilted Q BBQ Team 180.30 188.30 189.84 153.44 711.88
11 One Man Pits 183.58 181.28 162.84 182.98 710.68
12 Lobo's Den BBQ Co. 165.70 183.68 185.12 175.16 709.66
13 H-B BBQ 182.50 191.56 154.40 180.42 708.88
14 Smokealicious BBQ 167.10 177.42 182.60 181.54 708.66
15 Get Lit 162.98 190.82 189.16 164.42 707.38
16 Sweet Heat BBQ 170.14 189.70 176.00 170.96 706.80
17 Brother's Keeper BBQ 189.12 175.72 170.40 171.12 706.36
18 Backward Jacks 159.88 177.42 187.12 179.52 703.94
19 On Point BBQ 163.30 170.86 177.86 186.96 698.98
20 Metting Q'ers 168.28 174.16 183.58 170.56 696.58
21 2 Hot 2 Handle 177.70 166.44 174.34 173.84 692.32
22 Barton BBQ 161.40 182.58 169.72 174.82 688.52
23 The Rounders 165.84 183.00 175.56 163.28 687.68
24 Twisted Brisket 173.42 179.26 175.56 158.98 687.22
25 Crawford's BBQ 162.44 176.28 170.86 176.98 686.56
26 Lost in the Sauce 164.26 187.72 162.46 170.54 684.98
27 Steady Cookin 173.42 170.30 180.52 157.36 681.60
28 Pit is Full BBQ 160.58 163.30 167.96 188.82 680.66
29 Que Se Mueve BBQ Cookers 150.84 172.70 180.70 175.68 679.92
30 BRB Concepts Cookers 163.50 170.12 174.86 170.14 678.62
31 NXTLVL BBQ 186.58 167.12 168.14 151.76 673.60
32 bustin' briskets bbq 156.28 164.72 191.28 159.82 672.10
33 3FBBQ 145.18 180.32 178.58 167.28 671.36
34 Game Changers 166.14 170.12 158.68 174.42 669.36
35 Blow N Smoke 162.54 178.14 163.62 163.26 667.56
36 Czexicans on the Bayou 163.84 159.30 166.58 175.71 665.43
37 Smoking and Joking Cookers 156.70 180.52 178.68 147.88 663.78
38 stx cookers 153.42 171.84 168.72 169.18 663.16
39 The Good, The Fat, and the Ugly 152.68 165.28 191.56 153.00 662.52
40 Just like heaven 168.98 164.74 161.12 159.74 654.58
41 Highway 90 BBQ 130.56 170.12 181.56 168.84 651.08
42 Wied Smokers 168.02 177.12 146.98 158.16 650.28
43 Machart Store Bums 163.14 188.00 151.40 144.34 646.88
44 MK BBQ #2 148.98 145.02 163.92 188.12 646.04
45 Smokin and Strokin 150.18 171.06 163.58 159.44 644.26
46 MK BBQ #1 148.02 162.44 159.54 168.70 638.70
47 M&E Smokers 169.90 142.14 173.00 153.12 638.16
48 Barrel Pit Bandits 167.70 180.42 150.42 139.56 638.10
49 In Law Cookers 151.88 164.44 167.98 152.44 636.74
50 Fire in the Hole Cookers 158.24 156.60 164.32 155.56 634.72
51 Max'd Out Cookers, Dos 152.00 152.74 151.28 170.14 626.16
52 MIdway Smokers 141.86 157.40 161.12 165.14 625.52
53 Broke Boys Cooking Team 152.16 164.76 159.54 134.86 611.32
54 K&L Cookers 140.44 138.14 167.12 145.00 590.70
55 Tex-Mex Bandits 146.14 155.60 127.14 143.32 572.20
56 Salsa De Leon 151.68 163.74 0.00 155.56 470.98
57 Ranch Hand Grillers 120.00 170.14 0.00 167.58 457.72
58 DD Racks 0.00 139.30 143.68 134.44 417.42

Chicken Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 All Metal Concepts 34.86 39.28 34.58 38.58 40.00 40.00 192.72
2 Smoking OCD 39.28 40.00 33.86 40.00 34.58 37.86 191.72
3 The PitFather BBQ 39.28 39.28 35.28 40.00 36.00 35.30 189.86
4 Brother's Keeper BBQ 29.16 38.56 35.28 36.00 40.00 39.28 189.12
5 Cuatro D BBQ 34.14 39.28 38.14 35.28 35.30 40.00 188.00
6 Get'n Sauced BBQ 35.28 39.28 35.28 37.42 36.00 39.28 187.26
7 War Pig BBQ 36.00 39.28 30.58 40.00 33.86 37.86 187.00
8 NXTLVL BBQ 39.28 39.28 34.58 32.72 33.44 40.00 186.58
9 One Man Pits 39.28 36.72 34.14 37.42 34.86 35.30 183.58
10 H-B BBQ 33.42 35.98 38.56 32.70 36.70 37.84 182.50
11 Tilted Q BBQ Team 31.30 37.42 38.14 35.30 31.30 38.14 180.30
12 Flying G Barbcue 33.42 34.58 36.00 35.28 36.00 37.86 179.72
13 2 Hot 2 Handle 30.14 37.42 33.42 32.00 34.86 40.00 177.70
14 2 Live Q 36.00 28.02 31.28 38.14 40.00 29.86 175.28
15 Steady Cookin 36.00 32.00 36.00 35.28 34.14 32.00 173.42
16 Twisted Brisket 32.00 31.56 34.14 33.42 36.00 37.86 173.42
17 Sweet Heat BBQ 36.70 36.00 32.72 32.00 32.72 28.72 170.14
18 M&E Smokers 33.88 36.72 24.72 37.86 32.72 28.72 169.90
19 Kill it&Grill It 32.72 32.72 32.72 32.72 33.44 37.42 169.02
20 Just like heaven 34.14 33.42 33.42 36.00 26.86 32.00 168.98
21 Metting Q'ers 30.58 34.14 32.72 35.28 32.00 34.14 168.28
22 Wied Smokers 32.00 36.00 33.86 31.28 33.44 32.72 168.02
23 Barrel Pit Bandits 32.00 36.00 37.14 30.14 31.28 31.28 167.70
24 Smokealicious BBQ 33.42 33.14 30.14 32.28 36.70 31.56 167.10
25 Game Changers 33.42 32.72 30.58 30.86 34.58 34.56 166.14
26 The Rounders 37.84 32.00 32.72 32.00 30.86 31.28 165.84
27 Lobo's Den BBQ Co. 30.58 32.56 32.00 35.28 35.28 28.70 165.70
28 Smokin' Regulators 30.14 36.00 32.00 30.86 33.86 32.00 164.72
29 Lost in the Sauce 33.44 30.84 33.42 30.14 34.56 32.00 164.26
30 Czexicans on the Bayou 29.42 24.72 33.42 34.86 32.72 33.42 163.84
31 BRB Concepts Cookers 28.00 28.26 29.42 38.56 34.56 32.70 163.50
32 On Point BBQ 27.30 36.70 34.58 28.72 32.72 30.58 163.30
33 Machart Store Bums 30.86 29.44 28.02 28.28 38.14 36.42 163.14
34 Get Lit 28.72 31.14 32.70 30.14 34.14 34.86 162.98
35 Blow N Smoke 31.28 35.28 35.28 30.56 30.14 28.28 162.54
36 Crawford's BBQ 30.86 32.00 32.72 35.56 31.30 28.02 162.44
37 Barton BBQ 32.70 32.00 32.00 30.56 34.14 29.44 161.40
38 Pit is Full BBQ 30.86 33.42 34.14 29.44 28.72 32.72 160.58
39 Backward Jacks 28.44 31.28 30.58 33.00 33.00 32.02 159.88
40 Fire in the Hole Cookers 37.12 24.00 34.56 28.00 27.28 31.28 158.24
41 Smoking and Joking Cookers 31.72 29.44 25.86 34.56 33.42 27.56 156.70
42 bustin' briskets bbq 26.58 30.14 35.28 30.14 34.14 26.14 156.28
43 stx cookers 32.00 28.72 30.14 26.14 32.00 30.56 153.42
44 The Good, The Fat, and the Ugly 26.14 34.56 32.70 29.42 28.00 28.00 152.68
45 Broke Boys Cooking Team 30.86 28.72 30.86 28.72 32.28 29.44 152.16
46 Max'd Out Cookers, Dos 30.58 31.28 28.00 28.72 33.42 28.00 152.00
47 In Law Cookers 28.72 31.30 30.14 28.70 30.86 30.86 151.88
48 Salsa De Leon 24.00 25.86 32.00 31.28 28.70 33.84 151.68
49 Que Se Mueve BBQ Cookers 30.14 26.86 31.28 33.86 28.00 27.56 150.84
50 Smokin and Strokin 32.00 26.16 29.44 30.14 28.72 29.88 150.18
51 MK BBQ #2 32.70 28.72 31.28 26.14 30.14 25.42 148.98
52 MK BBQ #1 28.00 26.58 32.00 28.72 32.72 24.72 148.02
53 Tex-Mex Bandits 27.28 29.86 24.72 28.28 30.86 29.86 146.14
54 3FBBQ 24.00 28.72 30.58 32.00 28.44 25.44 145.18
55 MIdway Smokers 24.00 26.86 29.86 29.86 27.28 28.00 141.86
56 K&L Cookers 26.58 29.86 26.58 26.14 28.00 29.42 140.44
57 Highway 90 BBQ 24.00 24.00 27.28 28.00 24.00 27.28 130.56
58 Ranch Hand Grillers 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 120.00
59 a to z bbq 0.00
60 DD Racks 0.00

Rib Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 H-B BBQ 34.84 40.00 34.58 40.00 38.58 38.14 191.56
2 Get Lit 34.84 38.14 39.28 40.00 33.86 38.56 190.82
3 Cuatro D BBQ 40.00 38.14 36.70 35.00 40.00 35.72 190.56
4 Sweet Heat BBQ 37.86 32.72 36.28 37.42 40.00 38.14 189.70
5 Get'n Sauced BBQ 34.56 40.00 40.00 36.00 36.72 36.00 188.72
6 2 Live Q 38.56 35.30 39.28 38.56 32.72 36.70 188.40
7 Tilted Q BBQ Team 32.70 38.14 40.00 34.86 38.58 36.72 188.30
8 Machart Store Bums 34.14 36.00 40.00 33.44 40.00 37.86 188.00
9 Lost in the Sauce 32.72 36.00 39.28 33.86 38.58 40.00 187.72
10 The PitFather BBQ 31.30 37.86 39.28 39.28 31.56 39.28 187.26
11 War Pig BBQ 32.70 40.00 40.00 35.28 37.14 31.30 185.12
12 All Metal Concepts 35.56 30.16 37.42 37.42 37.42 36.70 184.52
13 Smoking OCD 37.42 37.42 38.56 32.00 38.58 32.28 184.26
14 Lobo's Den BBQ Co. 32.00 36.70 37.84 32.00 37.86 39.28 183.68
15 The Rounders 33.42 39.28 36.72 37.86 35.72 32.72 183.00
16 Barton BBQ 33.16 34.58 38.14 37.86 37.86 34.14 182.58
17 One Man Pits 30.16 35.30 40.00 38.14 32.98 34.86 181.28
18 Smoking and Joking Cookers 39.28 34.14 34.84 34.84 37.42 33.00 180.52
19 Barrel Pit Bandits 38.56 39.28 34.14 33.42 34.58 33.86 180.42
20 3FBBQ 35.30 36.72 33.44 32.72 40.00 34.86 180.32
21 Smokin' Regulators 31.28 36.72 36.72 38.14 33.42 35.28 180.28
22 Twisted Brisket 31.58 37.86 32.72 35.98 38.56 34.14 179.26
23 Flying G Barbcue 35.28 32.72 38.56 37.84 33.44 33.42 178.54
24 Blow N Smoke 36.28 38.58 35.28 33.42 34.58 33.42 178.14
25 Backward Jacks 31.28 40.00 38.14 32.00 36.00 28.72 177.42
26 Smokealicious BBQ 32.00 28.02 37.42 33.42 38.58 36.00 177.42
27 Wied Smokers 31.74 32.00 37.84 36.00 36.00 35.28 177.12
28 Crawford's BBQ 32.72 28.74 36.72 40.00 34.12 32.72 176.28
29 Brother's Keeper BBQ 29.86 31.72 40.00 34.58 36.00 33.42 175.72
30 Metting Q'ers 33.42 33.44 36.00 38.58 32.72 29.00 174.16
31 Que Se Mueve BBQ Cookers 30.58 29.44 36.00 39.28 33.42 33.42 172.70
32 stx cookers 30.86 29.44 36.28 32.00 36.70 36.00 171.84
33 Smokin and Strokin 33.16 36.72 29.88 27.30 38.58 32.72 171.06
34 On Point BBQ 33.86 28.28 38.14 28.72 32.72 37.42 170.86
35 Steady Cookin 33.86 34.58 30.16 33.14 38.56 29.44 170.30
36 Ranch Hand Grillers 34.86 36.00 36.00 31.28 32.00 28.00 170.14
37 Game Changers 29.42 29.44 32.72 36.70 35.28 35.98 170.12
38 BRB Concepts Cookers 28.28 32.72 36.00 37.84 30.86 32.70 170.12
39 Highway 90 BBQ 34.56 27.58 37.42 31.28 25.44 39.28 170.12
40 NXTLVL BBQ 33.42 28.72 36.00 36.00 30.84 30.86 167.12
41 2 Hot 2 Handle 29.44 28.74 39.28 38.14 30.84 28.72 166.44
42 Kill it&Grill It 34.42 35.72 30.58 30.84 33.86 31.30 166.14
43 The Good, The Fat, and the Ugly 32.00 33.42 38.14 30.86 30.86 30.14 165.28
44 Broke Boys Cooking Team 28.02 32.72 27.56 30.86 38.58 34.58 164.76
45 Just like heaven 34.58 34.84 33.88 31.58 29.16 29.86 164.74
46 bustin' briskets bbq 27.58 26.16 34.58 34.58 34.12 33.86 164.72
47 In Law Cookers 31.28 37.42 33.14 31.30 31.30 30.58 164.44
48 Salsa De Leon 27.56 34.58 30.86 30.58 34.56 33.16 163.74
49 Pit is Full BBQ 34.84 33.88 32.72 31.28 30.58 29.00 163.30
50 MK BBQ #1 29.44 35.28 33.44 28.72 34.86 29.42 162.44
51 Czexicans on the Bayou 26.86 32.00 24.72 28.72 37.86 33.86 159.30
52 MIdway Smokers 29.68 25.44 38.56 25.42 27.72 36.00 157.40
53 Fire in the Hole Cookers 30.86 32.72 30.16 29.42 33.44 26.16 156.60
54 Tex-Mex Bandits 35.30 25.44 33.44 32.00 28.72 26.14 155.60
55 Max'd Out Cookers, Dos 28.00 33.42 27.30 26.16 32.72 31.30 152.74
56 MK BBQ #2 29.42 27.30 32.00 29.44 26.16 26.86 145.02
57 M&E Smokers 25.42 24.72 32.70 27.30 24.72 32.00 142.14
58 DD Racks 28.70 24.72 27.30 31.28 26.58 25.44 139.30
59 K&L Cookers 25.86 25.44 28.00 32.00 26.84 24.00 138.14

Pork Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 2 Live Q 35.30 38.14 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 198.14
2 The Good, The Fat, and the Ugly 34.86 40.00 39.28 29.00 37.42 40.00 191.56
3 bustin' briskets bbq 28.72 39.28 39.28 40.00 40.00 32.72 191.28
4 Tilted Q BBQ Team 32.44 37.42 38.56 39.28 35.30 39.28 189.84
5 Get Lit 36.72 39.28 38.58 34.58 32.72 40.00 189.16
6 Smokin' Regulators 36.00 36.28 39.28 38.14 30.86 39.28 188.98
7 Backward Jacks 30.86 35.56 39.28 39.28 36.72 36.28 187.12
8 Lobo's Den BBQ Co. 38.14 35.28 35.28 38.56 36.00 37.14 185.12
9 Flying G Barbcue 39.28 35.28 34.14 35.56 34.86 39.28 184.26
10 Metting Q'ers 36.00 29.44 36.72 34.14 36.72 40.00 183.58
11 Smokealicious BBQ 32.72 38.58 40.00 38.58 31.58 32.72 182.60
12 Highway 90 BBQ 37.14 36.00 25.42 37.14 32.00 39.28 181.56
13 All Metal Concepts 36.70 35.28 33.42 36.00 35.28 37.84 181.10
14 Que Se Mueve BBQ Cookers 27.58 37.86 38.56 34.86 36.00 33.42 180.70
15 Steady Cookin 31.28 34.84 36.70 37.14 36.28 35.56 180.52
16 Smoking and Joking Cookers 33.42 32.28 37.42 38.14 37.42 29.44 178.68
17 3FBBQ 33.16 34.86 36.00 30.86 36.00 38.56 178.58
18 On Point BBQ 36.00 32.00 35.28 34.58 30.58 40.00 177.86
19 Sweet Heat BBQ 35.28 34.58 40.00 28.72 33.42 32.72 176.00
20 The Rounders 36.00 29.44 39.28 32.00 32.72 35.56 175.56
21 Twisted Brisket 34.14 35.02 36.70 26.86 32.28 37.42 175.56
22 BRB Concepts Cookers 40.00 32.00 30.14 32.72 32.72 37.42 174.86
23 2 Hot 2 Handle 28.74 30.60 35.30 35.28 36.00 37.16 174.34
24 Smoking OCD 30.86 38.14 40.00 32.28 29.44 32.72 174.00
25 Get'n Sauced BBQ 37.86 33.14 30.14 37.42 26.14 35.28 173.84
26 M&E Smokers 33.42 30.86 36.44 34.86 29.70 37.42 173.00
27 The PitFather BBQ 35.28 28.00 34.56 34.84 32.00 36.00 172.68
28 Crawford's BBQ 30.86 32.00 32.00 28.72 36.72 39.28 170.86
29 Brother's Keeper BBQ 30.14 34.14 37.42 33.42 30.14 35.28 170.40
30 Barton BBQ 34.14 32.72 33.42 32.72 29.44 36.72 169.72
31 stx cookers 36.00 35.28 30.58 36.72 30.14 30.14 168.72
32 NXTLVL BBQ 32.72 34.86 32.28 32.28 29.44 36.00 168.14
33 In Law Cookers 31.28 37.86 30.14 36.70 27.58 32.00 167.98
34 Pit is Full BBQ 26.58 33.42 38.56 29.42 28.00 38.56 167.96
35 K&L Cookers 33.42 30.58 36.00 33.42 32.28 32.00 167.12
36 Czexicans on the Bayou 32.72 28.72 26.16 32.00 39.28 33.86 166.58
37 Cuatro D BBQ 32.72 28.72 35.28 33.42 28.72 36.00 166.14
38 Fire in the Hole Cookers 34.14 26.14 29.44 32.72 31.30 36.72 164.32
39 MK BBQ #2 30.84 32.98 29.00 30.42 32.26 37.42 163.92
40 Blow N Smoke 30.16 32.02 32.72 28.72 28.02 40.00 163.62
41 Smokin and Strokin 34.58 28.72 26.86 36.70 29.44 34.14 163.58
42 One Man Pits 29.42 28.72 33.86 28.72 32.28 38.56 162.84
43 Lost in the Sauce 27.30 34.86 31.30 37.42 27.58 31.30 162.46
44 Just like heaven 28.00 32.00 31.28 32.00 33.42 32.42 161.12
45 MIdway Smokers 30.14 28.00 31.28 29.86 32.00 37.84 161.12
46 War Pig BBQ 30.86 28.72 33.42 33.42 28.00 33.42 159.84
47 Broke Boys Cooking Team 36.70 32.00 26.14 26.58 30.14 34.12 159.54
48 MK BBQ #1 28.00 35.28 28.70 38.58 25.44 28.98 159.54
49 Game Changers 30.42 24.00 28.70 33.42 32.72 33.42 158.68
50 H-B BBQ 26.58 26.14 34.84 30.14 32.00 30.84 154.40
51 Machart Store Bums 31.56 27.56 28.98 32.00 24.72 31.30 151.40
52 Max'd Out Cookers, Dos 24.72 32.00 29.86 31.28 30.14 28.00 151.28
53 Barrel Pit Bandits 24.72 29.42 24.00 29.00 31.28 36.00 150.42
54 Wied Smokers 27.28 31.28 27.28 25.86 35.28 24.00 146.98
55 DD Racks 28.00 31.56 26.14 25.44 28.28 29.70 143.68
56 Tex-Mex Bandits 24.00 24.72 26.14 24.00 26.14 26.14 127.14

Brisket Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Smoking OCD 40.00 31.98 38.56 36.70 34.56 39.28 189.10
2 Pit is Full BBQ 38.56 35.28 38.56 36.44 35.98 39.28 188.82
3 Cuatro D BBQ 37.84 36.70 40.00 30.58 38.56 35.28 188.38
4 MK BBQ #2 37.86 38.56 37.86 33.84 32.72 40.00 188.12
5 2 Live Q 35.28 37.84 39.28 35.28 30.86 37.16 187.40
6 On Point BBQ 40.00 28.70 38.56 34.56 35.28 38.56 186.96
7 War Pig BBQ 35.28 36.00 36.00 38.56 38.56 36.00 185.12
8 The PitFather BBQ 37.84 32.00 36.70 37.86 37.84 34.56 184.80
9 Smokin' Regulators 32.00 39.28 32.28 39.28 37.42 34.86 183.12
10 One Man Pits 40.00 28.70 34.56 32.72 36.42 39.28 182.98
11 Get'n Sauced BBQ 38.14 31.56 33.44 36.72 34.14 39.28 181.72
12 Smokealicious BBQ 37.14 38.56 34.56 36.72 34.56 30.86 181.54
13 H-B BBQ 37.14 35.28 39.28 34.58 34.14 34.14 180.42
14 Backward Jacks 37.84 32.70 40.00 31.00 33.42 35.56 179.52
15 Flying G Barbcue 33.44 31.58 38.14 35.28 39.28 30.14 177.72
16 Crawford's BBQ 32.28 33.42 36.72 27.30 39.28 35.28 176.98
17 Czexicans on the Bayou 34.59 35.28 35.28 36.00 34.56 33.42 175.71
18 Que Se Mueve BBQ Cookers 36.70 32.00 32.44 38.58 35.26 32.70 175.68
19 Lobo's Den BBQ Co. 36.28 31.30 34.86 36.72 36.00 31.30 175.16
20 Barton BBQ 34.56 29.44 36.28 35.28 34.56 34.14 174.82
21 Game Changers 36.28 34.14 30.86 34.58 38.14 31.28 174.42
22 2 Hot 2 Handle 32.00 36.00 35.28 29.44 33.42 37.14 173.84
23 All Metal Concepts 35.28 32.70 35.98 24.72 37.42 31.28 172.66
24 Brother's Keeper BBQ 32.00 39.28 33.42 30.86 28.30 35.56 171.12
25 Sweet Heat BBQ 35.28 33.84 32.00 29.42 31.28 38.56 170.96
26 Metting Q'ers 38.56 32.00 27.56 32.00 37.42 30.58 170.56
27 Lost in the Sauce 33.42 34.56 35.28 33.86 31.28 33.42 170.54
28 BRB Concepts Cookers 28.00 34.14 40.00 28.72 35.28 32.00 170.14
29 Max'd Out Cookers, Dos 32.72 39.28 33.42 28.72 28.00 36.00 170.14
30 stx cookers 32.72 34.86 33.86 28.72 30.58 37.16 169.18
31 Highway 90 BBQ 30.56 32.00 38.56 28.70 32.42 35.30 168.84
32 MK BBQ #1 35.28 30.14 32.72 34.14 36.42 29.86 168.70
33 Ranch Hand Grillers 35.28 36.72 30.14 28.72 31.30 34.14 167.58
34 3FBBQ 31.30 30.14 33.86 33.42 35.28 33.42 167.28
35 MIdway Smokers 29.44 34.56 35.28 27.56 28.00 37.86 165.14
36 Get Lit 37.42 28.00 31.28 35.28 28.00 32.44 164.42
37 The Rounders 28.00 31.28 39.28 32.00 28.00 32.72 163.28
38 Blow N Smoke 31.28 28.72 38.56 31.28 31.28 30.86 163.26
39 bustin' briskets bbq 27.56 36.00 28.72 36.70 26.16 30.84 159.82
40 Just like heaven 31.72 31.30 33.86 31.56 30.14 31.30 159.74
41 Smokin and Strokin 32.28 32.72 30.14 33.00 31.30 27.30 159.44
42 Twisted Brisket 24.72 32.00 29.86 33.14 34.56 29.42 158.98
43 Wied Smokers 29.44 30.14 31.30 29.44 32.00 35.28 158.16
44 Steady Cookin 28.44 30.84 34.12 31.28 30.56 30.56 157.36
45 Fire in the Hole Cookers 30.14 33.86 31.56 30.14 28.00 29.86 155.56
46 Salsa De Leon 24.00 31.28 40.00 24.72 33.42 26.14 155.56
47 Tilted Q BBQ Team 30.58 29.44 33.42 31.28 28.72 24.72 153.44
48 M&E Smokers 28.00 28.70 34.56 31.28 29.86 28.72 153.12
49 The Good, The Fat, and the Ugly 29.42 34.56 27.58 25.44 24.72 36.00 153.00
50 In Law Cookers 27.72 30.58 32.00 28.00 30.58 31.28 152.44
51 NXTLVL BBQ 32.44 31.30 28.72 30.58 28.72 27.30 151.76
52 Kill it&Grill It 28.72 31.28 29.86 25.44 25.44 35.28 150.58
53 Smoking and Joking Cookers 30.86 32.00 24.00 25.44 26.86 32.72 147.88
54 K&L Cookers 32.00 29.42 24.00 25.44 24.72 28.72 145.00
55 Machart Store Bums 26.16 28.00 30.16 29.44 30.58 25.44 144.34
56 Tex-Mex Bandits 25.44 28.00 32.00 27.30 29.86 26.16 143.32
57 Barrel Pit Bandits 25.42 30.56 25.44 26.14 28.00 29.42 139.56
58 Broke Boys Cooking Team 26.14 26.14 24.72 33.14 24.00 24.72 134.86
59 DD Racks 24.00 26.14 29.44 24.00 30.14 24.72 134.44

Beans Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Smoking and Joking Cookers 37.86 30.14 38.56 40.00 38.56 38.56 193.54
2 Metting Q'ers 31.28 38.14 36.72 37.84 37.42 29.44 181.40
3 Lost in the Sauce 38.56 34.56 34.56 36.00 36.70 33.84 180.38
4 Backward Jacks 32.00 36.00 39.28 30.56 36.70 32.28 176.26
5 The Rounders 31.28 33.84 36.00 35.26 31.28 39.28 175.66
6 In Law Cookers 36.00 33.86 29.42 38.56 34.14 32.00 174.56
7 HB BBQ 34.58 37.86 31.28 35.56 32.72 32.00 172.72
8 Barton BBQ 33.42 40.00 27.30 35.28 32.72 31.28 172.70
9 On Point BBQ 32.28 34.58 39.28 33.16 32.44 32.00 171.74
10 Pit is Full BBQ 33.42 40.00 32.00 32.70 28.72 32.72 170.84
11 the y nots 29.42 35.30 36.00 33.84 33.42 30.86 169.42
12 Wied Smokers 36.72 35.56 30.86 29.44 33.42 32.70 169.26
13 Game Changers 36.44 36.70 32.72 28.02 34.56 26.14 168.44
14 MIdway Smokers 32.72 33.44 32.00 38.14 32.00 29.44 168.30
15 Smokin and Strokin 32.28 34.14 34.14 33.42 34.14 32.00 168.12
16 wied smokers 2 30.16 32.00 28.72 38.14 32.28 35.28 167.86
17 Czexicans on the Bayou 29.00 38.14 34.58 28.00 35.28 30.86 167.86
18 Barrel Pit Bandits 32.00 35.28 32.70 32.72 32.70 33.42 166.82
19 Machart Store Bums 28.72 38.56 34.56 30.86 32.00 28.72 164.70
20 Blow N Smoke 35.28 34.56 30.58 32.00 29.86 32.00 164.42
21 BRB Concepts Cookers 28.72 33.86 36.00 32.72 26.16 32.72 164.02
22 ranch hand grillers 2 35.56 32.00 28.72 34.84 32.70 26.86 163.82
23 stx cookers 26.86 33.86 35.28 28.70 31.28 32.98 162.10
24 Ranch Hand Grillers 33.42 36.70 33.86 25.44 30.84 26.86 161.68
25 Pearl Snap pendejos 28.00 31.72 36.00 31.30 28.72 33.86 161.60
26 on point bbq 2 25.44 33.16 32.72 26.58 29.14 40.00 161.60
27 Max'd Out Cookers, Dos 28.72 28.00 38.58 29.14 33.16 30.86 160.46
28 Smoking OCD 24.00 29.42 33.42 35.28 25.42 36.70 160.24
29 Get'n Sauced BBQ 32.70 31.56 33.44 29.42 32.72 28.28 159.84
30 Smokealicious BBQ 24.72 34.56 30.14 28.00 33.84 33.14 159.68
31 Smokin' Regulators 33.86 33.42 29.42 26.86 32.00 30.86 159.56
32 MK BBQ #2 33.42 34.14 31.28 26.14 32.44 28.28 159.56
33 Get Lit 32.72 32.00 30.14 29.86 32.00 30.14 157.00
34 Tex-Mex Bandits 26.86 32.00 35.28 29.42 33.42 26.14 156.98
35 Broke Boys Cooking Team 31.58 30.86 26.14 33.42 30.14 30.14 156.14
36 Steady Cookin 28.72 31.30 33.86 30.86 27.56 31.28 156.02
37 H-B BBQ 30.84 35.28 24.00 28.72 32.00 28.00 154.84
38 NXTLVL BBQ 26.84 31.56 29.86 36.72 28.00 24.72 152.98
39 Highway 90 BBQ 32.70 31.56 28.00 30.14 28.72 28.72 151.84
40 NXTLVL BBQ jackpot 31.28 28.00 32.70 24.72 28.70 30.84 151.52
41 In Law Cookers 29.42 28.72 28.72 26.86 30.14 30.86 147.86
42 Salsa De Leon 24.72 28.70 32.00 24.00 31.98 29.42 146.82
43 smokin' hot bbq 28.72 29.44 28.72 28.72 30.86 28.72 146.46
44 Just like heaven 28.72 30.16 24.72 31.58 24.72 28.72 143.90
45 Kill it&Grill It 30.42 28.00 24.72 29.44 26.86 28.72 143.44
46 Twisted Brisket 26.14 26.14 28.00 25.42 26.14 26.14 132.56
47 K&L Cookers 24.00 28.70 28.72 24.72 24.00 24.72 130.86
48 Fire in the Hole Cookers 24.72 25.42 24.00 24.72 25.44 25.44 125.74

Steak Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total

Pork Chop Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Lobo's Den BBQ Co. 40.00 37.86 36.70 39.28 39.28 38.58 195.00
2 Wied Smokers 40.00 33.44 37.14 36.28 40.00 37.86 191.28
3 Twisted Brisket 40.00 36.72 34.56 34.58 36.70 34.28 182.56
4 Get'n Sauced BBQ 40.00 37.86 32.72 30.56 40.00 28.74 181.14
5 Steady Cookin 39.28 39.28 28.00 33.40 33.40 33.86 179.22
6 get lit 4 37.42 36.72 36.00 31.28 32.72 36.00 178.86
7 ranch hand grillers 3 40.00 37.84 30.58 29.16 37.84 32.00 178.26
8 Lost in the Sauce 40.00 32.00 34.56 34.56 34.28 34.56 177.96
9 BRB Concepts Cookers 32.00 38.56 31.28 29.44 38.56 37.42 177.82
10 wied smokers 2 40.00 33.44 32.00 29.44 34.86 36.44 176.74
11 Get Lit 28.02 38.14 35.28 38.56 33.44 28.30 173.72
12 get lit 3 37.84 33.00 39.28 33.86 26.88 29.70 173.68
13 stx cookers 38.58 27.28 30.56 38.56 33.86 29.42 170.98
14 get lit 2 35.56 39.28 28.72 29.86 33.60 31.28 169.58
15 Ranch Hand Grillers 40.00 30.84 26.14 26.58 37.84 30.14 165.40
16 2 Hot 2 Handle 32.72 34.58 30.16 24.72 24.00 33.44 155.62
17 ranch hand grillers 2 25.86 28.00 28.00 24.00 27.28 40.00 149.14

Giblet Rice Results
Jesse Lopez
Event Coordinator
Shiner Half Moon Holidays
Shiner, TX
Jul 3 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 The Rounders 35.28 36.72 30.86 37.86 34.14 34.42 178.42
2 Smokin and Strokin 36.00 31.58 39.28 25.44 36.72 30.86 174.44
3 Pearl Snap pendejos 32.00 36.72 36.00 28.28 30.86 36.00 171.58
4 Rice Kings #2 34.56 36.70 29.86 32.00 31.98 33.14 168.38
5 Lost in the Sauce 27.28 29.42 33.42 38.56 27.28 39.28 167.96
6 Barrel Pit Bandits 30.14 36.00 32.72 32.00 36.00 30.86 167.58
7 Dry Lake Cookers 30.56 26.58 32.72 36.00 32.00 36.00 167.28
8 Rice Kings #3 26.84 33.14 30.86 39.28 36.00 25.42 166.12
9 Tex-Mex Bandits 34.56 33.86 29.86 32.00 29.42 33.86 164.14
10 All Metal Concepts 36.42 33.14 29.86 36.00 26.14 28.72 164.14
11 Rice Kings 32.00 33.42 29.86 35.28 31.28 31.28 163.26
12 Get'n Sauced BBQ 25.42 27.30 38.14 32.00 32.00 32.00 161.44
13 Game Changers 32.72 29.72 36.00 28.70 30.14 32.72 161.30
14 Max'd Out Cookers, Dos 31.56 33.42 31.28 35.28 28.00 28.72 160.26
15 get'n sauced bbq jackpot 2 29.42 28.72 37.42 32.28 26.14 30.86 158.70
16 On Point BBQ 28.00 24.72 30.84 32.00 32.72 28.00 151.56
17 Wied Smokers 30.14 28.00 26.14 35.28 24.00 32.00 151.56
18 MK BBQ #1 37.12 27.28 28.70 29.86 24.72 28.00 150.96
19 Twisted Brisket 32.70 26.58 26.86 32.44 26.58 31.28 149.86
20 Czexicans on the Bayou 26.58 26.58 27.30 28.00 34.56 32.72 149.16
21 Just like heaven 25.42 27.28 32.26 29.42 28.70 24.00 143.08
22 Highway 90 BBQ 25.42 26.14 30.58 26.14 25.42 33.42 141.70
23 Pit is Full BBQ 25.86 24.72 24.72 29.42 33.84 27.30 141.14
24 Machart Store Bums 28.00 28.02 32.00 24.00 24.00 27.30 139.32
25 MK BBQ #2 26.86 26.16 25.44 26.86 27.56 26.14 133.58