
Overall Results
Triple Crown Cook Off
State Championship
Porter, Tx
May 1 2021
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 First Class BBQ 189.58 192.00 196.72 188.98 767.28
2 Shut Up & Smoke 186.42 186.84 193.16 191.98 758.40
3 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 195.68 184.42 189.42 185.42 754.94
4 East Texas Smokers 184.14 191.58 185.42 188.44 749.58
5 Brother's Keeper BBQ 192.40 191.68 177.72 186.98 748.78
6 Big Horn Cookers 192.00 192.28 186.86 174.62 745.76
7 Double S Smokers 182.14 186.56 184.86 191.26 744.82
8 360 BBQ 183.68 186.42 180.42 187.00 737.52
9 Pops & Sons 178.14 181.42 193.16 178.12 730.84
10 Compadre Cookers 183.56 183.56 165.40 186.54 719.06
11 CC's Country BBQ 181.28 178.58 178.14 172.44 710.44
12 Lite Em Up Cookers 174.54 169.00 182.32 175.56 701.42
13 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 172.68 168.02 182.84 172.54 696.08
14 Brace Yourself 165.04 175.28 176.00 177.12 693.44
15 TGB BBQ 4 164.02 162.12 174.10 185.40 685.64
16 Hoo Kares Kookers 160.04 186.56 164.42 173.00 684.02
17 Seasonal Smokers 177.74 161.30 175.72 163.06 677.82
18 Lady Top Hand Cookers 160.02 182.84 170.82 158.60 672.28
19 Git-R-Done Kookers 171.56 164.70 177.84 150.58 664.68
20 BS Cookers 176.84 159.88 173.42 153.98 664.12
21 The Lushes 146.40 177.42 161.44 162.82 648.08
22 Spoiled Yankee 161.42 164.32 165.86 156.28 647.88
23 Backdraft BBQ 168.30 155.16 155.42 164.98 643.86
24 Plumber Bob 155.08 145.44 163.10 178.56 642.18
25 Those Damn Yankees 162.68 166.84 160.98 149.42 639.92
26 Country Side Cookers 2 151.16 162.00 165.26 157.00 635.42
27 Country Side Cookers 1 147.28 145.18 166.12 163.58 622.16
28 Rack Slabbath 149.52 163.86 157.02 150.84 621.24
29 Country Side Cookers 3 141.72 146.86 179.98 148.58 617.14
30 Pork-O-Holics 139.82 150.12 149.14 150.56 589.64
31 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 0.00 178.46 179.16 180.72 538.34
32 BC Cookers 177.82 175.98 0.00 166.56 520.36
33 Double L Cookers 170.82 158.70 168.26 0.00 497.78

Chicken Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Triple Crown Cook Off
Porter, Tx
May 1 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 39.28 32.72 40.00 37.84 39.28 39.28 195.68
2 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.14 38.56 38.56 37.14 40.00 30.14 192.40
3 Big Horn Cookers 36.00 38.14 38.58 32.72 39.28 40.00 192.00
4 First Class BBQ 35.30 40.00 37.86 34.14 39.28 37.14 189.58
5 Shut Up & Smoke 33.00 38.14 36.00 39.28 40.00 32.72 186.42
6 East Texas Smokers 40.00 36.00 37.86 29.44 35.00 35.28 184.14
7 360 BBQ 37.42 34.58 37.84 36.00 35.98 36.44 183.68
8 Compadre Cookers 40.00 31.30 34.14 39.28 33.42 36.72 183.56
9 Double S Smokers 36.70 36.00 36.00 33.44 40.00 32.00 182.14
10 CC's Country BBQ 36.28 34.14 37.42 32.72 40.00 33.44 181.28
11 Pops & Sons 32.72 33.42 39.28 36.00 36.72 31.28 178.14
12 BC Cookers 36.72 35.28 32.00 38.56 35.26 32.00 177.82
13 Seasonal Smokers 36.72 31.58 38.58 34.14 36.72 28.72 177.74
14 BS Cookers 37.42 30.86 35.30 37.42 31.14 35.56 176.84
15 Lite Em Up Cookers 28.72 31.28 38.56 32.72 37.14 34.84 174.54
16 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 33.42 34.56 33.86 36.70 34.14 32.72 172.68
17 Git-R-Done Kookers 38.14 33.42 33.42 28.72 28.00 37.86 171.56
18 Double L Cookers 37.42 29.42 35.28 36.00 32.70 24.00 170.82
19 Backdraft BBQ 32.28 29.44 32.00 34.86 35.30 33.86 168.30
20 Brace Yourself 36.72 32.72 28.02 32.72 24.72 34.86 165.04
21 TGB BBQ 4 34.58 32.72 31.30 28.72 35.28 30.14 164.02
22 Those Damn Yankees 31.56 28.72 28.28 33.42 35.56 33.42 162.68
23 Spoiled Yankee 35.28 25.44 29.42 35.28 31.30 30.14 161.42
24 Hoo Kares Kookers 29.16 31.30 32.00 31.30 29.44 36.00 160.04
25 Lady Top Hand Cookers 30.58 32.72 33.42 30.58 28.72 32.72 160.02
26 Plumber Bob 34.12 26.14 35.28 27.56 25.42 31.98 155.08
27 Country Side Cookers 2 28.72 32.72 30.86 28.00 27.30 30.86 151.16
28 Rack Slabbath 30.86 29.42 27.56 33.42 25.44 28.26 149.52
29 Country Side Cookers 1 32.00 33.42 26.58 24.00 24.00 31.28 147.28
30 The Lushes 32.28 24.00 28.70 34.14 24.00 27.28 146.40
31 Country Side Cookers 3 25.44 25.44 32.00 29.42 29.42 24.72 141.72
32 Pork-O-Holics 30.84 25.42 28.28 31.28 24.00 24.00 139.82
33 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 0.00

Rib Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Triple Crown Cook Off
Porter, Tx
May 1 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Big Horn Cookers 40.00 40.00 39.28 33.00 32.72 40.00 192.28
2 First Class BBQ 36.72 37.42 36.00 40.00 37.86 40.00 192.00
3 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.56 36.00 39.28 38.56 39.28 35.28 191.68
4 East Texas Smokers 36.72 33.00 40.00 40.00 36.72 38.14 191.58
5 Shut Up & Smoke 38.58 34.84 40.00 34.14 33.42 39.28 186.84
6 Double S Smokers 34.58 30.58 39.28 40.00 37.42 35.28 186.56
7 Hoo Kares Kookers 39.28 36.00 35.28 36.00 40.00 30.58 186.56
8 360 BBQ 37.42 38.14 40.00 34.58 36.28 29.42 186.42
9 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 38.58 35.28 38.56 33.42 38.58 28.00 184.42
10 Compadre Cookers 33.42 34.58 37.42 35.56 36.00 40.00 183.56
11 Lady Top Hand Cookers 32.00 32.72 34.14 39.28 39.28 37.42 182.84
12 Pops & Sons 34.58 32.00 36.00 37.42 36.00 37.42 181.42
13 CC's Country BBQ 37.42 35.72 33.44 36.00 32.72 36.00 178.58
14 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 35.30 28.72 33.44 38.14 34.86 36.72 178.46
15 The Lushes 32.00 35.28 33.44 39.28 30.16 37.42 177.42
16 BC Cookers 40.00 32.00 26.58 35.28 36.00 32.70 175.98
17 Brace Yourself 32.00 32.00 38.58 37.42 28.72 35.28 175.28
18 Lite Em Up Cookers 29.44 34.58 36.00 33.70 29.44 35.28 169.00
19 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 39.28 30.14 32.00 32.72 32.72 31.30 168.02
20 Those Damn Yankees 32.72 36.70 32.00 30.14 33.42 32.00 166.84
21 Git-R-Done Kookers 28.28 28.72 36.70 29.44 37.14 32.70 164.70
22 Spoiled Yankee 32.00 30.84 33.44 33.44 32.72 32.72 164.32
23 Rack Slabbath 31.28 28.72 36.00 29.00 34.14 33.44 163.86
24 TGB BBQ 4 31.28 31.56 35.28 30.58 33.42 30.58 162.12
25 Country Side Cookers 2 30.86 34.14 33.42 30.86 32.72 28.00 162.00
26 Seasonal Smokers 26.88 32.72 30.58 29.72 34.86 33.42 161.30
27 BS Cookers 28.72 33.42 34.14 28.72 30.16 33.44 159.88
28 Double L Cookers 29.44 32.72 34.14 31.56 28.72 30.84 158.70
29 Backdraft BBQ 28.72 32.72 36.00 29.00 28.72 28.30 155.16
30 Pork-O-Holics 24.72 32.72 28.72 28.70 28.00 31.98 150.12
31 Country Side Cookers 3 26.86 24.72 25.86 28.72 37.42 28.00 146.86
32 Plumber Bob 28.00 27.30 27.30 25.44 33.42 29.42 145.44
33 Country Side Cookers 1 24.72 27.30 28.44 28.00 32.72 28.72 145.18

Pork Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Triple Crown Cook Off
Porter, Tx
May 1 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 First Class BBQ 40.00 36.00 36.72 40.00 40.00 40.00 196.72
2 Pops & Sons 36.00 40.00 36.00 38.58 38.58 40.00 193.16
3 Shut Up & Smoke 38.58 35.30 39.28 38.58 40.00 36.72 193.16
4 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 37.42 36.00 36.72 40.00 39.28 33.44 189.42
5 Big Horn Cookers 36.00 34.86 37.86 38.14 40.00 34.86 186.86
6 East Texas Smokers 35.28 34.14 38.56 40.00 34.86 36.72 185.42
7 Double S Smokers 38.56 34.58 34.58 37.86 33.42 39.28 184.86
8 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 34.14 31.56 34.14 40.00 34.56 40.00 182.84
9 Lite Em Up Cookers 35.30 30.86 36.00 38.58 34.58 37.86 182.32
10 360 BBQ 36.00 33.86 35.28 39.28 36.00 32.72 180.42
11 Country Side Cookers 3 36.00 33.86 35.28 37.14 35.28 36.28 179.98
12 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 32.00 34.86 36.00 38.14 35.30 34.86 179.16
13 CC's Country BBQ 34.14 28.72 36.00 39.28 32.72 36.00 178.14
14 Git-R-Done Kookers 34.14 32.70 38.56 36.00 34.56 34.58 177.84
15 Brother's Keeper BBQ 34.14 36.00 38.14 32.72 32.72 36.72 177.72
16 Brace Yourself 34.14 33.42 33.86 34.86 34.58 38.56 176.00
17 Seasonal Smokers 30.86 33.14 36.00 37.14 32.72 36.72 175.72
18 TGB BBQ 4 32.70 32.00 35.28 32.28 38.56 35.28 174.10
19 BS Cookers 33.86 31.28 31.28 38.14 34.14 36.00 173.42
20 Lady Top Hand Cookers 33.70 35.28 35.28 28.00 28.00 38.56 170.82
21 Double L Cookers 32.00 35.28 32.72 34.84 33.42 28.72 168.26
22 Country Side Cookers 1 30.84 30.14 32.00 35.28 32.00 36.00 166.12
23 Spoiled Yankee 33.42 29.42 32.00 30.58 32.00 37.86 165.86
24 Compadre Cookers 32.70 29.42 33.42 33.86 32.00 33.42 165.40
25 Country Side Cookers 2 32.98 32.00 30.86 34.84 32.72 32.72 165.26
26 Hoo Kares Kookers 37.14 28.72 32.00 31.28 32.00 32.00 164.42
27 Plumber Bob 32.98 32.00 28.72 34.84 31.28 32.00 163.10
28 The Lushes 28.72 25.42 33.86 34.14 28.72 36.00 161.44
29 Those Damn Yankees 29.86 28.00 33.42 34.86 30.14 32.70 160.98
30 Rack Slabbath 31.58 28.00 29.44 28.00 37.84 30.16 157.02
31 Backdraft BBQ 27.56 29.44 26.86 30.86 30.14 37.42 155.42
32 Pork-O-Holics 25.44 26.58 26.58 35.28 28.00 32.70 149.14

Brisket Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Triple Crown Cook Off
Porter, Tx
May 1 2021

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Shut Up & Smoke 34.14 38.14 39.28 37.42 39.28 37.86 191.98
2 Double S Smokers 38.56 36.70 36.72 35.28 39.28 40.00 191.26
3 First Class BBQ 38.14 35.28 37.42 36.00 37.42 40.00 188.98
4 East Texas Smokers 36.00 36.00 38.58 32.00 39.28 38.58 188.44
5 360 BBQ 34.58 37.14 30.86 36.00 40.00 39.28 187.00
6 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.56 37.86 34.14 39.28 36.00 35.28 186.98
7 Compadre Cookers 37.42 35.28 38.56 40.00 35.28 32.00 186.54
8 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 34.14 36.70 36.00 36.72 36.00 40.00 185.42
9 TGB BBQ 4 31.56 39.28 37.42 35.28 36.00 37.42 185.40
10 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 33.44 35.28 38.14 35.28 38.58 30.84 180.72
11 Plumber Bob 30.58 32.00 35.28 34.14 39.28 37.86 178.56
12 Pops & Sons 35.28 35.28 37.42 30.58 37.42 32.72 178.12
13 Brace Yourself 38.56 33.42 30.86 35.28 36.00 33.86 177.12
14 Lite Em Up Cookers 34.86 36.00 36.70 32.72 35.28 28.72 175.56
15 Big Horn Cookers 30.16 34.58 40.00 35.30 33.44 31.30 174.62
16 Hoo Kares Kookers 34.84 29.44 36.00 33.44 37.86 30.86 173.00
17 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 30.14 39.28 29.70 37.42 36.00 28.72 172.54
18 CC's Country BBQ 37.14 28.72 36.00 32.00 34.14 33.16 172.44
19 BC Cookers 29.86 34.12 25.86 33.44 34.56 34.58 166.56
20 Backdraft BBQ 29.42 35.28 38.14 32.72 29.42 28.72 164.98
21 Country Side Cookers 1 32.72 31.28 34.14 30.58 34.86 26.58 163.58
22 Seasonal Smokers 32.44 28.74 29.88 28.72 32.00 40.00 163.06
23 The Lushes 32.70 28.00 34.42 35.28 32.42 26.58 162.82
24 Lady Top Hand Cookers 32.00 28.00 31.30 29.44 35.28 30.58 158.60
25 Country Side Cookers 2 32.72 26.58 33.42 29.42 34.86 25.86 157.00
26 Spoiled Yankee 34.56 28.00 26.86 34.86 26.14 32.00 156.28
27 BS Cookers 32.00 29.42 29.00 35.56 28.00 28.00 153.98
28 Rack Slabbath 29.86 24.72 24.00 32.70 33.42 30.14 150.84
29 Git-R-Done Kookers 28.00 27.28 29.86 34.14 28.00 30.58 150.58
30 Pork-O-Holics 32.00 25.86 32.00 27.28 33.42 24.00 150.56
31 Those Damn Yankees 32.00 27.28 32.00 28.00 30.14 25.42 149.42
32 Country Side Cookers 3 26.86 30.58 29.70 32.72 24.72 28.72 148.58