
Overall Results
State Championship
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 Homegrown Barbecue 196.40 194.56 194.84 193.00 778.80
2 Dirt Track Cookers 192.00 193.84 196.00 191.26 773.10
3 Double S Smokers 185.70 192.28 196.28 198.56 772.82
4 Always Forward BBQ 190.14 198.14 188.00 195.98 772.26
5 Pimpin Ain't Easy 198.56 190.42 191.98 190.28 771.24
6 Bayou BBQ 192.72 192.70 192.98 192.26 770.66
7 D&S Cookers 190.40 189.44 195.98 194.12 769.94
8 Alleycats Cookers 193.42 192.26 191.98 191.28 768.94
9 Paynefully Good BBQ 185.12 191.28 193.42 196.70 766.52
10 No Boar BBQ 189.16 193.70 196.00 187.14 766.00
11 The Doghouse Gang 194.42 193.88 192.00 184.96 765.26
12 Regi-Q BBQ 188.00 187.84 197.42 191.70 764.96
13 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 186.86 195.28 194.14 188.40 764.68
14 Kickin' Ash BBQ - Bulverde 192.42 191.24 189.88 190.98 764.52
15 The DUDE BBQ 191.26 187.72 187.58 195.26 761.82
16 Electricuers 183.98 192.98 198.14 185.70 760.80
17 AMP Cookers 2 187.54 192.42 191.28 187.98 759.22
18 2 Live Q 187.28 186.40 197.42 187.98 759.08
19 No Mas Ponle 191.28 185.88 184.72 191.70 753.58
20 On Point BBQ 196.00 190.56 189.42 177.42 753.40
21 Flying G Barbcue 194.56 184.26 194.14 178.14 751.10
22 CruzBrosBbq / JWS Services 182.14 184.98 196.70 186.98 750.80
23 Rocking JC Smokers 184.40 190.12 197.42 174.84 746.78
24 TX Made Smokers 185.86 194.86 189.88 174.86 745.46
25 Schmuck's BBQ 183.30 187.12 184.56 184.70 739.68
26 CC's Country BBQ 177.26 189.70 193.00 179.28 739.24
27 Broke Boys Cooking Team 182.12 185.70 188.72 181.60 738.14
28 The Great Porko 179.84 193.42 188.54 176.28 738.08
29 Lease Crue Cookers 182.86 190.82 177.28 183.12 734.08
30 Just In Time Cookers 193.84 176.68 183.24 178.38 732.14
31 Machart Store Bums 187.98 181.70 174.42 187.98 732.08
32 Burnin' N Turnin' 189.42 184.70 180.72 175.98 730.82
33 MK BBQ #1 183.30 185.00 176.74 185.28 730.32
34 MIdway Smokers 180.70 183.28 174.12 191.96 730.06
35 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 186.16 164.14 197.86 177.88 726.04
36 Peach Creek Cookers 187.28 178.84 179.54 178.58 724.24
37 The Transplants 177.12 174.44 188.40 180.74 720.70
38 Cowgirls Kick Butt 178.56 178.12 180.28 180.30 717.26
39 Bohunk Bar BQ 166.88 182.56 181.82 185.86 717.12
40 Pearl Snap pendejos 189.10 178.16 172.28 174.74 714.28
41 Kaspar Company 183.28 181.70 186.16 161.86 713.00
42 Hooks and Cooks 177.70 189.14 174.42 171.16 712.42
43 Czexicans on the Bayou 190.14 169.72 172.04 177.68 709.58
44 Smokin and Strokin 162.12 185.70 190.58 169.56 707.96
45 Max'D Out Cookers 188.00 185.88 167.74 162.46 704.08
46 Westside Cookers 173.70 184.72 168.02 176.86 703.30
47 Big Block Cookers 189.84 173.44 165.20 170.12 698.60
48 Weid Smokers 182.84 170.14 186.98 157.44 697.40
49 MK BBQ #2 175.56 173.20 180.74 165.46 694.96
50 Game Changers 169.70 183.28 162.88 177.28 693.14
51 Barrel Pit Bandits 184.00 172.32 170.14 165.18 691.64
52 Smokin R Pit Posse 166.18 179.02 157.28 184.42 686.90
53 River Bottom Smokers 181.56 163.60 164.02 154.20 663.38
54 Jayoak BBQ 176.70 165.24 157.68 152.74 652.36
55 The Ribs 171.42 165.30 155.26 154.04 646.02
56 4RBBQ 165.26 169.70 150.16 114.80 599.92
57 Tasajillo BBQ 186.84 180.28 0.00 169.86 536.98
58 Grillz Gone Wild 173.86 183.98 0.00 178.58 536.42

Chicken Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Pimpin Ain't Easy 37.86 40.00 40.00 40.00 39.28 39.28 198.56
2 Homegrown Barbecue 40.00 38.56 40.00 36.00 39.28 38.56 196.40
3 On Point BBQ 37.86 40.00 40.00 38.14 36.00 40.00 196.00
4 Flying G Barbcue 39.28 40.00 40.00 38.56 32.72 36.72 194.56
5 The Doghouse Gang 40.00 38.14 32.00 40.00 40.00 36.28 194.42
6 Just In Time Cookers 39.28 37.84 40.00 36.72 33.86 40.00 193.84
7 Alleycats Cookers 39.28 40.00 34.14 34.86 40.00 39.28 193.42
8 Bayou BBQ 36.72 36.72 40.00 36.00 40.00 39.28 192.72
9 Kickin' Ash BBQ - Bulverde 39.28 37.86 39.28 36.70 36.72 39.28 192.42
10 Dirt Track Cookers 40.00 40.00 33.42 36.00 36.00 40.00 192.00
11 No Mas Ponle 35.28 40.00 38.14 40.00 35.28 37.86 191.28
12 The DUDE BBQ 39.28 39.28 32.00 39.28 36.00 37.42 191.26
13 D&S Cookers 39.28 38.14 35.28 39.28 36.28 37.42 190.40
14 Always Forward BBQ 33.86 40.00 36.72 38.14 35.28 40.00 190.14
15 Czexicans on the Bayou 39.28 38.14 30.58 36.72 39.28 36.72 190.14
16 Big Block Cookers 39.28 39.28 33.42 28.72 37.86 40.00 189.84
17 Burnin' N Turnin' 32.28 36.72 39.28 40.00 39.28 34.14 189.42
18 No Boar BBQ 39.28 37.16 38.14 36.00 38.58 32.72 189.16
19 Pearl Snap pendejos 37.84 34.58 38.56 38.56 36.72 37.42 189.10
20 Max'D Out Cookers 39.28 36.72 31.28 39.28 34.14 38.58 188.00
21 Regi-Q BBQ 34.86 37.86 37.42 37.86 40.00 30.86 188.00
22 Machart Store Bums 36.00 40.00 35.28 36.70 35.28 40.00 187.98
23 AMP Cookers 2 34.58 34.84 38.14 39.28 38.56 36.72 187.54
24 Peach Creek Cookers 36.72 37.86 37.42 36.00 36.00 39.28 187.28
25 2 Live Q 35.28 34.58 37.86 39.28 40.00 34.86 187.28
26 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 40.00 36.00 34.58 36.00 36.72 38.14 186.86
27 Tasajillo BBQ 32.70 36.00 40.00 40.00 38.14 32.00 186.84
28 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 30.14 40.00 38.58 38.14 36.00 33.44 186.16
29 TX Made Smokers 36.72 35.56 37.42 35.72 39.28 36.72 185.86
30 Double S Smokers 37.42 36.72 37.42 33.86 36.72 37.42 185.70
31 Paynefully Good BBQ 39.28 34.58 33.42 35.98 36.00 39.28 185.12
32 Rocking JC Smokers 37.42 36.70 35.28 37.86 37.14 34.58 184.40
33 Barrel Pit Bandits 31.30 34.84 40.00 37.86 30.58 40.00 184.00
34 Electricuers 38.14 35.28 36.00 34.58 38.56 36.00 183.98
35 Schmuck's BBQ 36.72 37.42 34.58 36.00 38.58 33.44 183.30
36 MK BBQ #1 38.58 36.00 33.42 38.58 32.72 36.72 183.30
37 Kaspar Company 33.86 37.42 36.00 40.00 36.00 30.14 183.28
38 Lease Crue Cookers 34.14 32.72 40.00 40.00 36.00 28.72 182.86
39 Weid Smokers 40.00 34.14 32.72 35.98 32.72 40.00 182.84
40 CruzBrosBbq / JWS Services 36.72 40.00 33.42 30.14 36.00 36.00 182.14
41 Broke Boys Cooking Team 36.72 33.44 36.70 35.28 37.42 36.00 182.12
42 River Bottom Smokers 37.14 37.14 32.72 29.86 39.28 35.28 181.56
43 MIdway Smokers 39.28 36.00 30.14 33.42 36.72 35.28 180.70
44 The Great Porko 34.14 37.42 37.86 34.42 36.00 32.72 179.84
45 Cowgirls Kick Butt 31.28 36.72 34.56 40.00 36.00 30.14 178.56
46 Hooks and Cooks 40.00 32.00 37.42 34.14 32.00 34.14 177.70
47 CC's Country BBQ 36.72 32.28 36.00 29.44 34.84 37.42 177.26
48 The Transplants 35.56 31.56 38.56 36.00 33.86 33.14 177.12
49 Jayoak BBQ 32.00 38.58 37.42 29.44 32.00 36.70 176.70
50 MK BBQ #2 36.00 36.00 28.72 34.84 30.16 38.56 175.56
51 Grillz Gone Wild 40.00 30.58 36.00 32.72 31.28 33.86 173.86
52 Westside Cookers 32.00 32.00 32.28 36.70 36.00 36.72 173.70
53 The Ribs 34.86 38.14 29.44 31.56 30.86 36.00 171.42
54 Game Changers 32.00 31.30 32.72 33.42 36.00 35.56 169.70
55 Bohunk Bar BQ 36.72 30.58 34.56 31.58 32.02 32.00 166.88
56 Smokin R Pit Posse 34.14 31.30 36.00 29.44 31.30 33.44 166.18
57 4RBBQ 32.28 28.00 36.00 32.72 33.42 30.84 165.26
58 Smokin and Strokin 32.00 29.42 33.86 29.42 36.70 30.14 162.12

Rib Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Always Forward BBQ 40.00 40.00 40.00 38.14 40.00 34.14 198.14
2 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 40.00 39.28 36.00 40.00 40.00 36.00 195.28
3 TX Made Smokers 40.00 35.30 36.72 40.00 38.14 40.00 194.86
4 Homegrown Barbecue 40.00 40.00 36.00 38.56 40.00 35.56 194.56
5 The Doghouse Gang 35.56 35.74 40.00 40.00 40.00 38.14 193.88
6 Dirt Track Cookers 39.28 35.28 39.28 32.00 40.00 40.00 193.84
7 No Boar BBQ 38.14 34.14 37.42 40.00 40.00 38.14 193.70
8 The Great Porko 39.28 38.58 39.28 36.28 40.00 36.00 193.42
9 Electricuers 38.14 40.00 39.28 36.00 37.42 38.14 192.98
10 Bayou BBQ 40.00 39.28 37.42 36.00 36.72 39.28 192.70
11 AMP Cookers 2 38.56 34.58 40.00 30.58 39.28 40.00 192.42
12 Double S Smokers 40.00 36.00 38.14 38.14 40.00 36.00 192.28
13 Alleycats Cookers 39.28 38.14 36.00 37.42 37.42 40.00 192.26
14 Paynefully Good BBQ 39.28 34.14 40.00 34.58 39.28 38.14 191.28
15 Kickin' Ash BBQ - Bulverde 40.00 38.56 35.28 38.56 37.42 36.70 191.24
16 Lease Crue Cookers 37.42 39.28 32.72 36.70 37.42 40.00 190.82
17 On Point BBQ 38.14 36.00 37.86 36.00 39.28 39.28 190.56
18 Pimpin Ain't Easy 38.14 36.00 40.00 35.28 38.14 38.14 190.42
19 Rocking JC Smokers 38.56 37.42 36.72 34.84 40.00 37.42 190.12
20 CC's Country BBQ 34.58 36.28 36.72 40.00 38.14 38.56 189.70
21 D&S Cookers 36.72 31.30 40.00 33.44 39.28 40.00 189.44
22 Hooks and Cooks 37.86 35.28 39.28 36.00 37.42 38.58 189.14
23 Regi-Q BBQ 40.00 36.00 36.00 37.42 36.28 38.14 187.84
24 The DUDE BBQ 36.72 36.42 36.00 30.58 38.58 40.00 187.72
25 Schmuck's BBQ 34.14 40.00 34.14 37.42 38.14 37.42 187.12
26 2 Live Q 36.72 37.42 33.44 37.42 34.84 40.00 186.40
27 No Mas Ponle 35.30 38.58 36.00 37.16 38.14 36.00 185.88
28 Max'D Out Cookers 36.72 37.86 36.72 38.58 36.00 34.58 185.88
29 Broke Boys Cooking Team 38.14 37.42 33.42 34.14 36.72 39.28 185.70
30 Smokin and Strokin 34.14 31.30 40.00 40.00 33.42 38.14 185.70
31 MK BBQ #1 40.00 34.84 36.00 38.14 35.30 35.56 185.00
32 CruzBrosBbq / JWS Services 38.14 40.00 36.00 34.84 36.00 34.14 184.98
33 Westside Cookers 33.16 31.30 39.28 38.14 37.86 36.28 184.72
34 Burnin' N Turnin' 33.86 32.02 36.72 37.42 36.70 40.00 184.70
35 Flying G Barbcue 39.28 33.42 36.00 32.00 35.56 40.00 184.26
36 Grillz Gone Wild 36.00 33.42 37.86 32.00 37.42 39.28 183.98
37 Game Changers 39.28 32.72 35.28 32.00 36.00 40.00 183.28
38 MIdway Smokers 36.00 33.42 37.86 29.44 36.00 40.00 183.28
39 Bohunk Bar BQ 36.00 38.56 36.00 36.00 34.14 36.00 182.56
40 Kaspar Company 37.42 32.72 32.72 40.00 37.42 34.14 181.70
41 Machart Store Bums 32.02 36.00 36.00 34.14 38.14 37.42 181.70
42 Tasajillo BBQ 34.58 32.72 39.28 32.72 37.42 36.28 180.28
43 Smokin R Pit Posse 40.00 32.44 29.44 29.44 39.28 37.86 179.02
44 Peach Creek Cookers 32.02 33.86 36.00 35.56 39.28 34.14 178.84
45 Pearl Snap pendejos 34.14 36.72 32.72 36.00 32.00 38.58 178.16
46 Cowgirls Kick Butt 28.72 37.14 34.86 33.42 36.00 36.70 178.12
47 Just In Time Cookers 34.84 33.42 30.14 31.28 37.14 40.00 176.68
48 The Transplants 34.14 33.44 30.14 32.72 36.00 38.14 174.44
49 Big Block Cookers 32.72 33.86 31.56 29.44 35.30 40.00 173.44
50 MK BBQ #2 31.30 29.44 40.00 33.88 33.44 34.58 173.20
51 Barrel Pit Bandits 34.58 33.44 36.72 34.14 32.00 33.44 172.32
52 Weid Smokers 34.58 31.30 36.00 34.14 33.42 32.00 170.14
53 Czexicans on the Bayou 34.14 36.72 33.44 33.42 30.14 32.00 169.72
54 4RBBQ 36.00 32.00 33.44 34.14 32.70 33.42 169.70
55 The Ribs 32.72 35.30 32.72 31.56 28.72 33.00 165.30
56 Jayoak BBQ 33.42 32.70 32.00 31.58 34.14 32.98 165.24
57 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 36.00 31.56 32.72 31.58 32.28 29.44 164.14
58 River Bottom Smokers 28.72 32.72 32.72 28.72 36.72 32.72 163.60

Pork Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Electricuers 40.00 40.00 38.14 40.00 40.00 36.72 198.14
2 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 40.00 40.00 37.86 34.42 40.00 40.00 197.86
3 Regi-Q BBQ 40.00 40.00 37.16 38.14 39.28 40.00 197.42
4 2 Live Q 40.00 40.00 40.00 39.28 38.14 32.72 197.42
5 Rocking JC Smokers 32.72 37.42 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 197.42
6 CruzBrosBbq / JWS Services 40.00 39.28 39.28 36.00 40.00 38.14 196.70
7 Double S Smokers 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 38.14 38.14 196.28
8 Dirt Track Cookers 37.86 38.14 40.00 40.00 40.00 37.42 196.00
9 No Boar BBQ 40.00 36.72 39.28 28.00 40.00 40.00 196.00
10 D&S Cookers 34.58 39.28 40.00 39.28 40.00 37.42 195.98
11 Homegrown Barbecue 38.14 40.00 32.72 36.70 40.00 40.00 194.84
12 Flying G Barbcue 38.14 40.00 37.42 39.28 38.58 38.14 194.14
13 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 40.00 40.00 40.00 37.42 36.72 36.28 194.14
14 Paynefully Good BBQ 38.14 39.28 40.00 36.72 39.28 34.86 193.42
15 CC's Country BBQ 38.58 40.00 36.28 35.28 40.00 38.14 193.00
16 Bayou BBQ 38.14 37.42 36.28 38.14 39.28 40.00 192.98
17 The Doghouse Gang 38.58 39.28 36.00 32.70 40.00 38.14 192.00
18 Alleycats Cookers 37.86 36.72 38.14 37.42 39.28 39.28 191.98
19 Pimpin Ain't Easy 36.00 37.42 39.28 40.00 39.28 36.00 191.98
20 AMP Cookers 2 37.14 39.28 40.00 36.00 38.14 36.72 191.28
21 Smokin and Strokin 36.00 34.14 39.28 40.00 38.58 36.72 190.58
22 Kickin' Ash BBQ - Bulverde 34.14 37.42 37.16 40.00 40.00 35.30 189.88
23 TX Made Smokers 40.00 36.72 37.86 28.00 40.00 35.30 189.88
24 On Point BBQ 36.00 40.00 35.56 40.00 37.42 36.00 189.42
25 Broke Boys Cooking Team 34.58 31.30 40.00 36.00 40.00 38.14 188.72
26 The Great Porko 37.42 36.00 39.28 36.28 37.42 38.14 188.54
27 The Transplants 39.28 33.44 39.28 37.84 38.56 28.72 188.40
28 Always Forward BBQ 38.58 34.86 37.42 36.00 40.00 36.00 188.00
29 The DUDE BBQ 36.72 38.14 38.58 36.00 38.14 36.00 187.58
30 Weid Smokers 39.28 35.28 35.72 39.28 36.70 36.00 186.98
31 Kaspar Company 32.72 38.58 36.72 35.56 36.72 38.58 186.16
32 No Mas Ponle 36.00 34.14 40.00 36.72 36.00 36.00 184.72
33 Schmuck's BBQ 38.14 34.14 36.00 34.86 39.28 36.28 184.56
34 Just In Time Cookers 37.42 35.28 35.28 32.02 38.56 36.70 183.24
35 Bohunk Bar BQ 36.70 31.28 35.28 39.28 39.28 30.58 181.82
36 MK BBQ #2 34.14 36.72 37.16 36.00 36.72 30.16 180.74
37 Burnin' N Turnin' 38.14 37.42 33.86 29.86 34.58 36.72 180.72
38 Cowgirls Kick Butt 35.28 36.00 38.14 36.72 31.30 34.14 180.28
39 Peach Creek Cookers 32.28 36.70 37.42 39.28 32.72 33.42 179.54
40 Lease Crue Cookers 29.44 34.14 32.00 34.86 40.00 36.28 177.28
41 MK BBQ #1 35.30 34.14 31.58 32.72 40.00 34.58 176.74
42 Hooks and Cooks 32.72 32.72 34.14 35.28 37.42 34.86 174.42
43 Machart Store Bums 34.58 35.28 32.00 36.28 32.72 35.56 174.42
44 MIdway Smokers 32.72 34.14 34.14 34.56 38.56 29.42 174.12
45 Pearl Snap pendejos 33.42 32.00 36.00 36.00 34.86 28.72 172.28
46 Czexicans on the Bayou 34.58 35.30 32.72 36.72 32.72 31.58 172.04
47 Barrel Pit Bandits 36.00 33.42 35.28 32.72 32.72 32.72 170.14
48 Westside Cookers 32.00 30.58 34.58 34.14 36.72 28.72 168.02
49 Max'D Out Cookers 36.00 33.88 32.72 31.28 33.86 29.44 167.74
50 Big Block Cookers 32.72 33.16 34.14 32.02 33.16 28.00 165.20
51 River Bottom Smokers 32.00 36.00 28.72 32.00 32.72 31.30 164.02
52 Game Changers 36.00 30.86 28.72 29.44 37.86 28.00 162.88
53 Jayoak BBQ 34.12 32.00 29.42 28.00 32.00 30.14 157.68
54 Smokin R Pit Posse 30.14 32.28 37.42 28.00 28.72 28.72 157.28
55 The Ribs 29.42 32.00 37.84 28.00 28.00 28.00 155.26
56 4RBBQ 30.86 32.00 28.00 28.00 30.58 28.72 150.16

Brisket Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Double S Smokers 40.00 40.00 39.28 38.14 39.28 40.00 198.56
2 Paynefully Good BBQ 32.72 40.00 39.28 39.28 40.00 38.14 196.70
3 Always Forward BBQ 39.28 36.00 39.28 40.00 40.00 37.42 195.98
4 The DUDE BBQ 35.30 39.28 40.00 37.42 39.28 39.28 195.26
5 D&S Cookers 39.28 40.00 40.00 38.56 36.28 35.28 194.12
6 Homegrown Barbecue 40.00 36.72 38.14 40.00 38.14 34.14 193.00
7 Bayou BBQ 40.00 34.14 38.14 39.28 37.42 37.42 192.26
8 MIdway Smokers 39.28 33.44 37.42 39.28 37.42 38.56 191.96
9 Regi-Q BBQ 40.00 37.14 33.42 40.00 39.28 35.28 191.70
10 No Mas Ponle 35.30 39.28 33.42 39.28 39.28 38.56 191.70
11 Alleycats Cookers 40.00 36.00 39.28 36.72 39.28 36.00 191.28
12 Dirt Track Cookers 37.42 39.28 35.28 38.14 39.28 37.14 191.26
13 Kickin' Ash BBQ - Bulverde 37.86 38.56 39.28 36.00 39.28 35.28 190.98
14 Pimpin Ain't Easy 39.28 37.14 35.28 38.58 39.28 36.00 190.28
15 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 38.56 35.28 36.00 39.28 39.28 32.72 188.40
16 AMP Cookers 2 36.72 36.28 37.86 39.28 37.42 36.70 187.98
17 Machart Store Bums 37.42 36.00 38.56 38.14 37.86 34.14 187.98
18 2 Live Q 36.72 39.28 32.72 37.42 38.56 36.00 187.98
19 No Boar BBQ 40.00 36.00 34.86 40.00 36.28 34.14 187.14
20 CruzBrosBbq / JWS Services 33.86 33.42 39.28 39.28 39.28 35.28 186.98
21 Bohunk Bar BQ 37.42 36.00 34.14 37.86 38.58 36.00 185.86
22 Electricuers 36.72 40.00 39.28 33.44 35.56 34.14 185.70
23 MK BBQ #1 38.14 39.28 32.72 38.14 34.86 34.86 185.28
24 The Doghouse Gang 37.42 34.14 37.42 38.56 37.42 33.86 184.96
25 Schmuck's BBQ 36.70 40.00 34.14 39.28 34.14 34.58 184.70
26 Smokin R Pit Posse 37.86 32.70 35.28 35.28 40.00 36.00 184.42
27 Lease Crue Cookers 31.30 38.14 36.72 40.00 33.42 34.84 183.12
28 Broke Boys Cooking Team 40.00 34.58 33.42 38.58 34.58 33.86 181.60
29 The Transplants 36.00 36.72 34.58 40.00 33.44 32.00 180.74
30 Cowgirls Kick Butt 36.72 38.14 33.44 37.42 34.58 32.72 180.30
31 CC's Country BBQ 33.86 35.28 39.28 32.72 38.14 31.56 179.28
32 Grillz Gone Wild 35.30 37.42 32.72 36.00 37.14 32.00 178.58
33 Peach Creek Cookers 35.28 36.72 36.00 37.86 32.72 32.00 178.58
34 Just In Time Cookers 32.28 36.00 36.70 38.56 33.70 33.42 178.38
35 Flying G Barbcue 32.72 36.00 36.00 36.00 37.42 30.86 178.14
36 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 33.42 40.00 35.30 34.58 31.58 34.58 177.88
37 Czexicans on the Bayou 37.86 34.14 33.42 35.56 36.70 33.42 177.68
38 On Point BBQ 34.58 36.00 35.28 34.14 37.42 34.14 177.42
39 Game Changers 36.28 36.72 34.14 31.28 37.42 32.72 177.28
40 Westside Cookers 33.86 39.28 33.86 36.00 33.86 32.00 176.86
41 The Great Porko 35.56 40.00 32.72 36.00 29.44 32.00 176.28
42 Burnin' N Turnin' 34.58 29.42 33.42 35.28 36.70 36.00 175.98
43 TX Made Smokers 32.00 32.00 36.72 36.00 38.14 32.00 174.86
44 Rocking JC Smokers 36.72 33.42 33.42 36.00 35.28 32.28 174.84
45 Pearl Snap pendejos 36.44 31.28 32.00 37.14 34.58 34.58 174.74
46 Hooks and Cooks 31.30 34.86 36.00 36.28 31.30 32.72 171.16
47 Big Block Cookers 29.42 32.00 33.86 34.14 37.42 32.70 170.12
48 Tasajillo BBQ 37.86 31.28 32.00 34.14 34.58 29.44 169.86
49 Smokin and Strokin 30.14 33.44 37.42 29.44 34.42 34.14 169.56
50 MK BBQ #2 31.30 35.72 33.00 32.72 28.00 32.72 165.46
51 Barrel Pit Bandits 29.42 36.00 32.72 31.30 34.58 30.58 165.18
52 Max'D Out Cookers 34.86 29.44 35.28 28.72 32.72 30.16 162.46
53 Kaspar Company 31.56 33.86 30.58 28.72 32.00 33.86 161.86
54 Weid Smokers 35.28 28.00 32.00 32.72 29.44 28.00 157.44
55 River Bottom Smokers 32.72 30.16 31.30 28.72 29.44 30.58 154.20
56 The Ribs 29.44 29.44 32.72 29.44 31.58 30.86 154.04
57 Jayoak BBQ 31.30 32.72 28.00 32.00 28.00 28.72 152.74
58 4RBBQ 22.96 22.96 22.96 22.96 22.96 22.96 114.80

Beans Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Game Changers 39.28 36.00 36.72 37.42 40.00 38.14 191.56
2 Big Block Cookers 38.58 40.00 36.00 37.16 39.28 34.86 191.02
3 Schmuck's BBQ 37.86 33.00 35.28 39.28 40.00 34.14 186.56
4 MK BBQ #2 39.28 38.14 33.14 39.28 33.42 36.00 186.12
5 Peach Creek Cookers 2 35.28 36.00 36.00 39.28 37.86 31.56 184.42
6 smokin' hot bbq 32.28 34.86 36.00 37.42 40.00 36.00 184.28
7 Dirt Track Cookers 37.42 36.28 32.72 39.28 32.28 37.86 183.56
8 The DUDE BBQ 36.28 32.70 29.42 40.00 35.28 38.58 182.84
9 On Point BBQ 33.86 35.28 37.14 38.58 28.72 36.70 181.56
10 Paynefully Good BBQ 35.28 37.14 29.42 36.72 33.86 38.14 181.14
11 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 36.00 40.00 32.70 35.28 34.14 35.56 180.98
12 Peach Creek Cookers 35.28 36.00 34.86 36.70 37.86 30.84 180.70
13 Czexicans on the Bayou 36.00 38.56 32.70 33.86 32.00 39.28 180.40
14 MK BBQ #1 34.14 35.56 36.00 38.14 34.14 36.00 179.84
15 Double Barrel Cookers I 35.28 36.00 32.72 39.28 33.42 35.28 179.26
16 Smokin Hot BBq 2 37.86 35.28 34.56 32.72 36.72 34.14 178.56
17 Grillz Gone Wild 28.00 36.00 36.00 38.56 33.42 33.44 177.42
18 The Ribs 32.00 32.28 33.44 40.00 38.56 32.28 176.56
19 Westside Cookers 32.00 34.58 34.58 35.30 37.14 34.86 176.46
20 TX Made Smokers 35.72 36.00 34.56 36.00 33.42 32.28 175.70
21 Bayou BBQ 32.72 36.70 30.86 36.70 34.14 35.28 175.54
22 Regi-Q BBQ 32.72 35.28 35.72 31.56 36.00 35.28 175.00
23 Rocking JC Smokers 30.86 32.00 36.72 40.00 35.00 28.72 174.58
24 Lease Crue Cookers 33.42 32.72 32.72 38.14 34.14 36.00 174.42
25 Weid Smokers 35.28 33.42 32.26 37.86 28.72 34.86 173.68
26 Pearl Snap pendejos 39.28 28.72 32.72 32.72 36.72 30.16 171.60
27 Broke Boys Cooking Team 34.14 33.86 36.00 34.86 31.56 32.72 171.58
28 Electricuers 30.86 36.00 36.00 32.72 33.42 33.42 171.56
29 Dirty Max BBQ 33.14 36.44 36.42 32.72 31.56 30.14 170.28
30 Jayoak BBQ 33.42 34.58 30.86 32.02 35.28 34.86 170.16
31 Pimpin Ain't Easy 32.28 36.00 30.86 33.44 36.72 30.86 169.30
32 2 Live Q 36.00 31.28 30.84 36.72 28.00 32.72 167.56
33 Max'D Out Cookers 37.14 32.44 31.28 31.30 28.72 35.28 167.44
34 Cowgirls Kick Butt 28.72 33.44 36.70 30.14 36.72 29.44 166.44
35 Hooks and Cooks 29.42 31.28 38.56 34.84 29.86 31.56 166.10
36 Barrel Pit Bandits 30.86 32.00 36.00 33.44 32.00 32.00 165.44
37 MIdway Smokers 32.00 32.00 29.42 32.72 32.72 36.00 165.44
38 The Great Porko 32.72 36.70 30.84 32.00 29.44 32.72 164.98
39 Bohunk Bar BQ 30.14 33.44 34.58 34.56 31.56 29.44 164.28
40 Burnin' N Turnin' 30.14 34.14 32.72 32.72 30.84 33.42 163.84
41 Homegrown Barbecue 28.00 28.00 38.56 36.00 31.28 28.72 162.56
42 Smokin & Strokin 3 28.00 34.14 32.72 32.00 34.56 28.00 161.42
43 Smokin & Strokin 2 28.00 32.70 31.28 29.42 33.70 32.00 159.10
44 Smokin Hot BBq 3 28.72 30.86 34.14 33.42 29.44 30.14 158.00
45 Smokin and Strokin 28.00 30.86 32.44 28.00 33.58 28.72 153.60

Steak Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Regi-Q BBQ 38.14 39.28 38.14 36.72 39.28 39.28 194.12
2 stx cookers 39.28 31.30 40.00 40.00 39.28 32.72 191.28
3 Los Sporaky 38.56 36.00 38.58 36.00 37.42 38.58 189.14
4 Bayou BBQ 32.72 37.42 40.00 40.00 37.86 33.44 188.72
5 Pearl Snap pendejos 36.72 33.00 40.00 35.30 37.42 38.14 187.58
6 Los Sporaky 2 40.00 34.84 37.42 36.00 37.14 36.70 187.26
7 Kickin' Ash BBQ - Bulverde 40.00 32.72 38.14 32.72 38.14 36.72 185.72
8 Weid Smokers 40.00 36.70 38.14 32.72 37.14 32.72 184.70
9 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 33.42 34.58 36.72 40.00 36.72 36.00 184.02
10 The DUDE BBQ 36.00 30.84 34.86 35.28 38.56 39.28 183.98
11 Max'D Out Cookers 34.14 36.00 39.28 32.72 34.84 39.28 183.54
12 The Transplants 35.56 34.14 38.14 36.72 37.42 34.86 182.70
13 Big Block Cookers 40.00 31.28 36.28 30.14 39.28 32.72 179.56
14 The Great Porko 32.00 34.14 34.58 32.72 35.98 40.00 177.42
15 Broke Boys Cooking Team 40.00 30.58 36.72 32.00 35.28 32.72 176.72
16 Burnin' N Turnin' 37.42 30.58 32.00 32.72 37.42 36.00 175.56
17 Electricuers 37.86 34.56 28.72 32.00 37.42 32.72 174.56
18 Dirt Track Cookers 33.14 35.28 36.00 32.72 28.72 37.42 174.56
19 Westside Cookers 38.14 32.00 30.14 32.72 35.56 36.00 174.42
20 Pimpin Ain't Easy 29.86 35.28 36.00 30.14 33.42 38.56 173.40
21 Smokin and Strokin 36.00 31.30 36.00 33.44 31.58 34.58 171.60
22 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 33.44 28.00 36.72 31.30 33.42 36.72 171.60
23 On Point BBQ 35.98 32.72 31.56 34.58 34.14 32.72 170.14
24 Cowgirls Kick Butt 32.00 33.42 33.86 28.72 34.12 36.70 170.10
25 Schmuck's BBQ 36.42 29.44 30.86 35.30 32.00 32.00 166.58
26 Hooks and Cooks 32.00 31.28 31.28 33.14 36.72 32.72 165.86

Margarita Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Double Barrel Cookers I 40.00 36.28 37.86 38.14 33.70 40.00 192.28
2 On Point BBQ 39.28 39.28 34.86 34.14 38.14 40.00 191.56
3 Smokin and Strokin 36.00 39.28 36.70 38.58 36.00 39.28 189.84
4 Double Barrel Cookers II 35.56 34.86 36.70 37.42 40.00 40.00 189.68
5 MIdway Smokers 39.28 35.28 39.28 35.28 36.00 38.56 188.40
6 Midway Smokers II 37.86 34.14 39.28 35.28 39.28 36.28 187.98
7 Cowgirls Kick Butt 37.86 37.14 39.28 33.86 33.14 39.28 187.42
8 Burnin' N Turnin' 32.28 29.44 40.00 40.00 36.72 38.14 187.14
9 Pimpin Ain't Easy 2 37.42 32.00 33.42 39.28 38.56 38.14 186.82
10 Weide Smokers II 40.00 33.44 40.00 33.00 36.72 35.28 185.44
11 Kickin' Ash BBQ - Bulverde 36.00 34.86 39.28 30.86 35.56 37.42 183.12
12 Dirt Track Cookers 33.42 36.00 37.14 36.00 39.28 34.14 182.56
13 Electricuers 36.00 34.14 37.86 34.56 33.86 37.14 179.70
14 Double Barrel Cookers III 36.42 34.58 35.28 34.56 35.72 36.70 178.70
15 Broke Boys Cooking Team 35.56 37.42 36.28 31.56 37.42 30.84 178.24
16 Game Changers 36.72 36.00 35.56 29.44 32.00 37.86 178.14
17 The Great Porko 36.00 36.00 35.28 34.14 34.14 35.28 176.70
18 Pimpin Ain't Easy 35.56 36.00 36.72 30.84 33.42 34.84 176.54
19 Paynefully Good BBQ 34.58 33.86 28.00 35.28 37.14 35.28 176.14
20 The DUDE BBQ 37.14 30.14 33.42 32.72 33.14 39.28 175.70
21 Lease Crue Cookers 37.86 34.14 34.86 32.72 29.42 36.00 175.58
22 Smokin Hot BBq 4 35.28 36.72 32.02 32.02 36.28 33.44 173.74
23 Wied Smokers 3 32.00 36.00 35.28 32.72 32.28 36.00 172.28
24 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 34.86 30.86 31.56 36.72 31.58 36.72 171.44
25 Czexicans on the Bayou 32.28 36.00 32.28 32.72 28.00 37.42 170.70
26 4RBBQ 30.16 32.72 30.86 33.88 36.72 36.00 170.18
27 2 Live Q 34.58 32.00 36.44 30.86 34.14 32.72 169.88
28 Smokin & Strokin 2 30.14 28.72 36.00 34.58 31.28 36.72 168.72
29 Weid Smokers 31.30 36.00 33.00 33.42 33.44 32.72 168.58
30 Rocking JC Smokers 35.28 36.00 33.44 30.14 31.58 31.30 167.60
31 Smokin Hot BBq 3 34.58 30.86 33.86 32.00 28.72 36.00 167.30
32 Max'D Out Cookers 38.58 32.72 31.28 29.44 35.28 28.00 167.30
33 smokin' hot bbq 36.00 29.86 30.14 28.72 30.86 40.00 166.86
34 Hooks and Cooks 30.14 30.86 32.72 36.00 34.14 30.14 163.86
35 Smokin R Pit Posse 35.02 28.72 34.58 30.14 30.58 32.44 162.76
36 Smokin Hot BBq 2 34.14 29.44 30.86 34.14 30.86 32.72 162.72
37 Barrel Pit Bandits 33.42 28.00 32.28 29.42 30.86 34.86 160.84
38 Pearl Snap pendejos 32.28 31.56 32.72 29.44 30.58 32.00 159.14
39 Double S Smokers 28.00 31.28 28.00 33.14 31.72 33.14 157.28

Kid's Que Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Kids Chaley and Peyton 40.00 37.42 38.58 39.28 40.00 38.58 196.44
2 Kids Weston Kuntschik 37.86 37.42 35.30 40.00 40.00 40.00 195.28
3 Kids Colton Dieringer 35.28 40.00 34.58 40.00 39.28 36.72 191.28
4 Kids Kaleb Flores 34.86 40.00 37.16 38.14 40.00 32.72 190.16
5 Kids Kadence Hernandez 38.14 35.30 37.86 38.56 40.00 30.58 189.86
6 Kids Emma and Luke 35.56 35.56 33.42 36.70 40.00 40.00 187.82
7 Kids LILLIAN Towery 36.72 37.42 31.58 36.00 36.28 40.00 186.42
8 Kids Lyla Towery 36.44 36.00 33.16 37.42 36.44 39.28 185.58
9 Kids Brooklyn Rother 39.28 33.42 36.42 37.14 37.84 28.00 184.10
10 Kids Landon Dieringer 38.58 40.00 35.00 32.72 35.02 35.28 183.88
11 Kids Grayson Schloegel 36.72 36.00 30.14 36.44 38.56 36.00 183.72
12 Kids Garrett Perez 31.58 37.86 28.72 39.28 37.42 36.72 182.86
13 Kids KAYLEE Bennett 34.58 37.42 36.00 33.86 38.56 35.56 182.12
14 Kids Colt Craft 35.28 38.56 35.28 32.72 29.44 38.56 180.40
15 Kids Jackson Swinford 33.42 34.84 36.70 37.14 37.84 32.72 179.94
16 Kids Xavier Gonzales 33.00 32.00 32.72 38.58 38.14 33.44 175.88
17 kids Kohen Blaschke 31.30 38.58 30.58 37.42 34.58 30.86 172.74
18 Kids Coraleigh Orsak 32.00 32.70 32.70 38.58 35.30 32.00 171.28
19 Kids ALessandria and Donovan 32.00 33.86 29.86 33.16 29.86 31.28 160.16

Giblet Rice Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
Shiner, TX
Jul 6 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Schmuck's BBQ 40.00 38.14 36.72 40.00 36.00 29.44 190.86
2 On Point BBQ 36.00 36.00 38.58 40.00 38.56 34.14 189.14
3 Grillz Gone Wild 37.86 35.28 36.00 33.86 35.28 40.00 184.42
4 The Great Porko 38.58 29.42 38.14 32.00 34.14 40.00 182.86
5 smokin' hot bbq 38.14 36.72 31.30 39.28 30.86 37.14 182.58
6 Czexicans on the Bayou 34.14 36.00 39.28 33.42 35.28 37.84 182.54
7 Broke Boys Cooking Team 40.00 35.30 39.28 33.42 32.72 33.86 181.86
8 Los Sporaky 2 39.28 32.28 36.72 37.42 30.86 36.00 181.70
9 Bayou BBQ 37.86 34.14 32.00 35.28 34.14 38.14 179.56
10 Pearl Snap pendejos 36.00 39.28 37.14 33.44 31.28 29.42 177.14
11 Game Changers 37.14 34.14 33.44 32.00 31.30 40.00 176.72
12 Bohunk Bar BQ 36.72 39.28 36.00 31.30 32.72 28.72 176.02
13 Cowgirls Kick Butt 39.28 37.86 33.86 34.14 30.86 29.86 176.00
14 Electricuers 36.00 36.00 32.00 33.86 28.72 37.86 175.72
15 Weid Smokers 37.14 29.42 35.28 35.28 35.28 32.00 174.98
16 MK BBQ #2 36.72 34.14 29.86 39.28 33.42 28.00 173.42
17 Hooks and Cooks 32.00 32.00 32.70 28.00 36.72 39.28 172.70
18 MK BBQ #1 38.56 32.00 28.00 32.00 30.14 40.00 172.70
19 Smokin and Strokin 36.72 33.44 35.30 32.72 34.14 29.86 172.32
20 Barrel Pit Bandits 33.44 28.00 36.70 37.14 31.28 33.44 172.00
21 Smokin Hot BBq 2 32.00 32.72 34.58 30.14 36.00 35.30 170.60
22 Max'D Out Cookers 35.28 30.14 32.70 36.00 30.58 36.00 170.56
23 Double Barrel Cookers I 33.44 32.72 30.58 34.84 33.42 33.86 168.28
24 Westside Cookers 36.00 33.42 32.70 34.14 30.86 31.28 167.54
25 The DUDE BBQ 35.28 33.42 30.84 35.98 28.00 30.84 166.36
26 Stickerhill Ranch Cookers 33.86 28.00 28.72 30.58 32.00 39.28 164.44
27 Rocking JC Smokers 32.00 32.72 33.44 32.00 32.72 29.44 162.88
28 Jayoak BBQ 30.14 32.00 32.72 31.58 29.86 33.86 160.30