
Overall Results
Rosenberg Masonic Lodge BBQ Cook Off
Needville, TX
Mar 23 2024
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 Double S Smokers 192.00 180.02 195.56 192.40 759.98
2 COME AND EAT IT 183.30 186.58 189.72 197.12 756.72
3 Ten Paces BBQ 183.98 189.86 189.86 188.96 752.66
4 Brother's Keeper BBQ 186.60 184.72 194.84 186.14 752.30
5 The Hogfathers 187.28 191.28 177.30 190.84 746.70
6 G-Walt's with Jokers and Smokers 188.00 187.12 178.98 186.42 740.52
7 NO LIMIT COOKERS 181.44 188.00 194.14 174.84 738.42
8 TX BBQ Hub 168.30 193.42 185.68 190.12 737.52
9 Danny Boy Cookers 185.00 178.60 195.98 171.40 730.98
10 Up N Smoke Cookers 175.58 178.30 196.00 180.46 730.34
11 8 Ball Kookers 169.42 189.42 192.70 176.96 728.50
12 Tonto & the Tres Gringos 182.84 182.86 174.16 188.02 727.88
13 Guzzlin' Gourmets 189.56 187.58 185.10 159.30 721.54
14 Fire in the Hole Cookers 182.56 180.98 174.40 181.12 719.06
15 Brew Dawg Cookers 185.84 170.12 187.96 173.16 717.08
16 Basted and Wasted 192.42 180.72 171.12 169.00 713.26
17 It's Goin' Down Cookers 173.44 174.42 189.72 173.00 710.58
18 Risky Briskets 170.18 183.30 179.14 171.12 703.74
19 GrayWood Cookers 170.14 174.58 181.70 176.86 703.28
20 Raise the Roof Cookers 167.56 176.02 180.68 177.40 701.66
21 The Grill Whisperers 156.42 177.72 179.30 174.98 688.42
22 HFCU #1 170.28 175.16 177.40 160.74 683.58
23 HFCV #2 166.56 166.86 165.58 177.42 676.42
24 Still Smoking Cookers 168.88 170.14 175.82 161.02 675.86
25 Bass Barbecue Shack 166.14 161.00 178.56 158.86 664.56

Chicken Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Rosenberg Masonic Lodge BBQ Cook Off
Needville, TX
Mar 23 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Basted and Wasted 36.72 34.14 40.00 40.00 38.56 37.14 192.42
2 Double S Smokers 38.58 36.00 39.28 38.14 40.00 34.58 192.00
3 Guzzlin' Gourmets 38.56 37.86 38.56 36.72 33.44 37.86 189.56
4 G-Walt's with Jokers and Smokers 36.72 37.86 39.28 38.14 36.00 34.14 188.00
5 The Hogfathers 40.00 33.44 40.00 37.42 34.58 35.28 187.28
6 Brother's Keeper BBQ 36.72 32.72 36.72 36.00 38.58 38.58 186.60
7 Brew Dawg Cookers 36.00 36.00 35.28 32.72 39.28 39.28 185.84
8 Danny Boy Cookers 39.28 32.28 32.00 40.00 34.86 38.58 185.00
9 Ten Paces BBQ 35.28 35.28 34.58 37.42 39.28 36.72 183.98
10 COME AND EAT IT 40.00 30.14 40.00 33.44 32.00 37.86 183.30
11 Tonto & the Tres Gringos 35.28 30.58 34.86 40.00 38.56 34.14 182.84
12 Fire in the Hole Cookers 32.00 36.00 32.00 35.28 39.28 40.00 182.56
13 NO LIMIT COOKERS 34.58 28.72 32.00 40.00 36.72 38.14 181.44
14 Up N Smoke Cookers 32.00 32.00 32.00 40.00 34.86 36.72 175.58
15 It's Goin' Down Cookers 32.00 36.72 32.00 36.00 32.72 36.00 173.44
16 HFCU #1 35.28 38.58 29.86 28.72 34.56 32.00 170.28
17 Risky Briskets 31.30 34.14 28.00 32.72 33.44 38.58 170.18
18 GrayWood Cookers 32.70 33.42 34.86 30.86 33.16 36.00 170.14
19 8 Ball Kookers 32.00 34.56 34.14 31.30 32.72 36.00 169.42
20 Still Smoking Cookers 35.72 33.86 32.00 36.00 30.86 31.30 168.88
21 TX BBQ Hub 32.00 36.72 33.42 29.44 33.44 32.72 168.30
22 Raise the Roof Cookers 35.28 34.14 32.00 32.72 30.14 33.42 167.56
23 HFCV #2 35.28 36.00 31.28 28.00 32.00 32.00 166.56
24 Bass Barbecue Shack 32.00 30.86 33.86 36.00 29.42 33.42 166.14
25 The Grill Whisperers 31.28 29.42 32.00 32.00 29.86 31.28 156.42

Rib Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Rosenberg Masonic Lodge BBQ Cook Off
Needville, TX
Mar 23 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 TX BBQ Hub 40.00 38.58 39.28 36.72 37.42 38.14 193.42
2 The Hogfathers 31.30 39.28 40.00 32.00 40.00 40.00 191.28
3 Ten Paces BBQ 36.00 38.58 36.00 32.00 40.00 39.28 189.86
4 8 Ball Kookers 36.00 38.14 36.00 35.30 39.28 40.00 189.42
5 NO LIMIT COOKERS 34.58 38.14 40.00 39.28 34.14 36.00 188.00
6 Guzzlin' Gourmets 36.72 38.14 34.86 36.72 36.00 40.00 187.58
7 G-Walt's with Jokers and Smokers 38.14 36.28 37.42 38.14 29.44 37.14 187.12
8 COME AND EAT IT 34.14 40.00 32.44 32.00 40.00 40.00 186.58
9 Brother's Keeper BBQ 32.72 36.72 39.28 40.00 32.00 36.00 184.72
10 Risky Briskets 32.72 34.58 36.00 34.14 40.00 38.58 183.30
11 Tonto & the Tres Gringos 32.00 40.00 37.42 32.00 40.00 33.44 182.86
12 Fire in the Hole Cookers 34.14 35.56 32.00 32.00 40.00 39.28 180.98
13 Basted and Wasted 36.00 37.86 34.14 34.58 33.42 38.14 180.72
14 Double S Smokers 32.72 35.56 36.72 38.58 32.00 36.44 180.02
15 Danny Boy Cookers 36.72 34.58 34.58 32.72 36.00 36.72 178.60
16 Up N Smoke Cookers 32.44 40.00 32.00 32.00 36.00 37.86 178.30
17 The Grill Whisperers 33.44 34.14 38.14 34.14 28.00 37.86 177.72
18 Raise the Roof Cookers 34.58 35.28 32.72 36.72 32.72 36.72 176.02
19 HFCU #1 34.86 32.72 36.72 32.00 34.14 36.72 175.16
20 GrayWood Cookers 29.44 32.72 34.14 32.00 37.16 38.56 174.58
21 It's Goin' Down Cookers 32.72 35.56 34.86 33.42 30.84 37.86 174.42
22 Still Smoking Cookers 32.00 30.14 37.42 33.42 28.00 37.16 170.14
23 Brew Dawg Cookers 30.14 35.28 35.28 34.14 32.00 33.42 170.12
24 HFCV #2 30.14 36.00 30.14 33.86 32.72 34.14 166.86
25 Bass Barbecue Shack 33.42 32.00 30.14 32.72 32.72 28.72 161.00

Pork Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Rosenberg Masonic Lodge BBQ Cook Off
Needville, TX
Mar 23 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Up N Smoke Cookers 36.00 32.72 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 196.00
2 Danny Boy Cookers 40.00 38.56 40.00 37.42 40.00 36.70 195.98
3 Double S Smokers 40.00 40.00 38.14 30.16 40.00 37.42 195.56
4 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.14 40.00 38.14 39.28 38.14 39.28 194.84
5 NO LIMIT COOKERS 33.44 37.42 38.58 40.00 38.14 40.00 194.14
6 8 Ball Kookers 32.72 39.28 36.72 39.28 38.14 39.28 192.70
7 Ten Paces BBQ 32.72 37.14 40.00 40.00 40.00 31.58 189.86
8 COME AND EAT IT 36.72 38.14 40.00 36.28 38.14 36.72 189.72
9 It's Goin' Down Cookers 34.86 40.00 38.14 33.44 36.72 40.00 189.72
10 Brew Dawg Cookers 37.42 36.70 39.28 34.84 36.00 38.56 187.96
11 TX BBQ Hub 40.00 37.42 37.42 36.70 34.14 33.42 185.68
12 Guzzlin' Gourmets 35.28 34.56 37.42 39.28 33.86 38.56 185.10
13 GrayWood Cookers 31.28 38.14 40.00 39.28 32.72 31.56 181.70
14 Raise the Roof Cookers 32.70 37.14 37.86 36.70 34.14 34.84 180.68
15 The Grill Whisperers 38.58 34.58 32.72 39.28 34.14 30.58 179.30
16 Risky Briskets 29.42 38.14 37.42 36.00 37.42 30.16 179.14
17 G-Walt's with Jokers and Smokers 34.86 36.72 37.42 33.70 36.28 33.44 178.98
18 Bass Barbecue Shack 36.00 35.28 37.14 34.14 36.00 33.42 178.56
19 HFCU #1 37.42 37.14 33.42 33.42 36.00 31.28 177.40
20 The Hogfathers 36.72 35.30 35.56 34.86 34.86 34.58 177.30
21 Still Smoking Cookers 29.42 33.42 33.42 39.28 34.14 35.56 175.82
22 Fire in the Hole Cookers 36.72 36.70 33.42 30.14 36.00 31.56 174.40
23 Tonto & the Tres Gringos 34.86 32.72 32.00 38.58 36.00 30.14 174.16
24 Basted and Wasted 28.00 32.70 36.00 36.00 31.58 34.84 171.12
25 HFCV #2 28.00 33.86 33.86 35.28 30.58 32.00 165.58

Brisket Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Rosenberg Masonic Lodge BBQ Cook Off
Needville, TX
Mar 23 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 COME AND EAT IT 39.28 38.56 39.28 37.84 40.00 40.00 197.12
2 Double S Smokers 37.42 38.56 34.14 40.00 37.86 38.56 192.40
3 The Hogfathers 40.00 39.28 37.42 35.28 36.00 38.14 190.84
4 TX BBQ Hub 37.86 36.70 38.14 38.14 37.42 38.56 190.12
5 Ten Paces BBQ 39.28 35.56 33.00 37.42 39.28 37.42 188.96
6 Tonto & the Tres Gringos 36.72 33.44 36.72 38.58 40.00 36.00 188.02
7 G-Walt's with Jokers and Smokers 40.00 34.14 36.28 37.42 36.72 36.00 186.42
8 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.58 38.14 40.00 34.14 34.14 35.28 186.14
9 Fire in the Hole Cookers 32.00 38.56 36.00 37.14 30.14 37.42 181.12
10 Up N Smoke Cookers 34.86 35.30 37.86 34.58 37.86 32.00 180.46
11 HFCV #2 32.72 38.56 36.00 30.14 30.86 39.28 177.42
12 Raise the Roof Cookers 38.56 36.00 34.14 33.42 35.28 33.42 177.40
13 8 Ball Kookers 32.28 39.28 32.70 33.42 36.72 34.84 176.96
14 GrayWood Cookers 34.86 34.14 34.86 36.28 36.00 34.86 176.86
15 The Grill Whisperers 35.28 35.28 36.00 32.00 35.00 33.42 174.98
16 NO LIMIT COOKERS 32.00 37.42 29.44 35.28 32.72 37.42 174.84
17 Brew Dawg Cookers 32.00 32.72 33.86 32.72 38.58 35.28 173.16
18 It's Goin' Down Cookers 37.42 32.72 32.72 30.86 32.00 38.14 173.00
19 Danny Boy Cookers 32.28 34.14 33.42 34.14 34.14 35.56 171.40
20 Risky Briskets 33.42 33.42 28.72 34.14 37.42 32.72 171.12
21 Basted and Wasted 36.72 34.14 32.00 31.56 32.72 33.42 169.00
22 Still Smoking Cookers 32.00 29.44 28.72 32.72 34.14 32.72 161.02
23 HFCU #1 30.86 35.30 31.30 28.72 31.28 32.00 160.74
24 Guzzlin' Gourmets 32.00 32.00 28.72 30.58 28.72 36.00 159.30
25 Bass Barbecue Shack 32.00 30.14 32.72 28.00 28.00 36.00 158.86

Fajitas Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Rosenberg Masonic Lodge BBQ Cook Off
Needville, TX
Mar 23 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 NO LIMIT COOKERS 39.28 36.72 40.00 37.86 38.58 40.00 195.72
2 HFCU #1 39.28 36.72 33.44 38.58 36.72 40.00 191.30
3 Double S Smokers 36.00 37.42 34.14 39.28 39.28 39.28 191.26
4 HFCV #2 37.42 37.42 38.58 37.86 36.00 38.56 189.84
5 The Grill Whisperers 35.28 38.14 36.00 40.00 37.42 36.72 188.28
6 Ten Paces BBQ 40.00 38.58 36.72 36.00 33.44 33.44 184.74
7 Still Smoking Cookers 31.56 36.72 32.28 40.00 37.42 35.56 181.98
8 Danny Boy Cookers 38.14 37.86 38.58 35.28 31.58 29.44 181.44
9 Brew Dawg Cookers 30.14 35.28 36.00 38.56 33.42 36.42 179.68
10 8 Ball Kookers 33.70 33.44 37.42 36.00 34.86 34.14 176.12
11 It's Goin' Down Cookers 40.00 34.86 33.44 30.86 33.44 33.44 175.18
12 The Hogfathers 31.56 36.00 30.14 36.72 37.42 32.72 174.42
13 G-Walt's with Jokers and Smokers 28.72 35.30 33.44 34.58 32.02 37.42 172.76
14 Guzzlin' Gourmets 34.14 36.00 33.44 35.30 33.44 31.30 172.32
15 Bass Barbecue Shack 28.00 32.72 33.86 35.28 32.72 36.44 171.02
16 Fire in the Hole Cookers 36.00 32.72 40.00 30.86 29.44 28.72 169.02
17 Basted and Wasted 38.58 32.72 30.86 32.00 28.72 32.72 166.88
18 Raise the Roof Cookers 34.14 30.16 34.14 32.28 32.02 33.44 166.02
19 Risky Briskets 32.72 33.42 32.72 31.30 28.72 33.44 163.60
20 Brother's Keeper BBQ 32.72 28.00 30.14 32.70 34.14 33.42 163.12
21 Tonto & the Tres Gringos 39.28 32.00 29.44 29.42 28.72 32.72 162.86
22 Up N Smoke Cookers 32.00 32.72 32.72 33.42 28.72 32.00 162.86
23 TX BBQ Hub 28.72 33.44 32.72 31.30 31.30 30.58 159.34

Margarita Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Rosenberg Masonic Lodge BBQ Cook Off
Needville, TX
Mar 23 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Bass Barbecue Shack 36.28 39.28 35.28 40.00 40.00 33.44 190.84
2 Tonto & the Tres Gringos 39.28 34.84 34.14 40.00 35.28 34.14 183.54
3 The Hogfathers 32.72 32.72 34.58 38.58 38.56 37.86 182.30
4 HFCV #2 38.56 32.98 32.72 38.14 35.28 36.70 181.66
5 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.14 37.42 32.00 29.44 34.14 39.28 180.98
6 G-Walt's with Jokers and Smokers 32.72 40.00 32.72 35.30 36.00 36.72 180.74
7 Fire in the Hole Cookers 34.58 39.28 28.72 36.00 28.72 37.42 176.00
8 Basted and Wasted 30.14 37.42 35.28 36.72 32.00 32.00 173.42
9 Ten Paces BBQ 32.72 38.56 33.42 32.72 32.28 34.14 171.56
10 NO LIMIT COOKERS 29.44 38.56 30.16 36.00 36.72 29.44 170.88
11 Double S Smokers 39.28 34.12 30.14 33.88 32.72 30.86 170.86
12 Risky Briskets 36.00 37.86 31.56 36.00 29.44 28.72 170.86
13 8 Ball Kookers 28.72 37.42 32.72 36.00 32.00 30.14 168.28
14 It's Goin' Down Cookers 30.14 38.56 32.72 29.44 34.14 30.16 165.72
15 Brew Dawg Cookers 28.00 38.58 30.86 33.44 32.72 28.72 164.32
16 The Grill Whisperers 30.86 32.72 30.14 29.44 37.42 32.00 163.14
17 HFCU #1 32.72 33.42 32.70 28.72 28.72 34.56 162.12
18 Danny Boy Cookers 29.44 32.28 30.86 30.16 28.72 36.70 159.44
19 Guzzlin' Gourmets 30.86 29.44 28.72 30.16 28.72 37.42 156.60
20 Raise the Roof Cookers 29.44 35.56 28.72 29.44 28.72 30.58 153.74