
Overall Results
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 Big Horn Cookers 200.00 194.84 195.28 197.84 787.96
2 Strictly Tx. 196.00 191.98 197.14 197.86 782.98
3 The Doghouse Gang 198.56 182.16 196.72 195.98 773.42
4 Just Smokin Around 190.14 193.42 195.26 193.86 772.68
5 Loud & Heavy BBQ 194.58 196.70 184.72 194.86 770.86
6 Faulkner BBQ 184.98 181.00 198.58 190.14 754.70
7 The Slow Burn Cookers 186.58 188.42 190.54 189.14 754.68
8 Brother's Keeper BBQ 196.00 181.88 192.98 182.56 753.42
9 All Lit Up - TMPA 196.42 194.56 179.96 179.56 750.50
10 Spare Time Cookers 179.72 189.42 185.86 192.72 747.72
11 Dirty B's BBQ #2 185.88 186.14 183.26 189.82 745.10
12 TX BBQ Hub 189.00 182.70 192.88 180.28 744.86
13 Double S Smokers 195.28 182.30 187.28 179.86 744.72
14 Full Belly Smokers 176.96 186.14 194.98 186.14 744.22
15 Bar T BBQ 186.12 188.70 179.58 186.58 740.98
16 Smokin D's Cooking Team 184.42 190.30 188.00 177.42 740.14
17 Burnt Meat #2 181.70 194.84 185.00 175.70 737.24
18 All American Rigging #1 197.86 177.00 179.24 178.14 732.24
19 NO BS About It 181.44 189.42 167.74 192.40 731.00
20 The Left Overs TX 187.24 180.28 181.84 180.70 730.06
21 Lone Wolves Cookers 180.98 176.74 190.12 180.42 728.26
22 Dirty B's BBQ #1 188.00 167.34 179.30 192.98 727.62
23 Grill Mates #2 178.86 185.86 173.38 189.42 727.52
24 RPM Cookers #1 183.26 181.44 176.26 185.86 726.82
25 Burnt Meat #3 182.56 184.30 179.58 178.42 724.86
26 OC Originals #1 172.30 177.02 189.86 180.28 719.46
27 Grill Mates #1 180.56 180.72 172.70 183.26 717.24
28 Blind Hog 2 188.02 177.00 171.30 180.72 717.04
29 Big & Rick 180.24 177.16 177.00 180.98 715.38
30 Damifino 173.46 184.68 183.98 172.42 714.54
31 Burnt Meat #1 186.56 182.14 180.72 161.46 710.88
32 Double D Cookers #1 180.24 187.98 181.12 161.02 710.36
33 Roberts Crew 183.70 180.68 159.26 186.56 710.20
34 The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 189.68 173.42 167.58 177.86 708.54
35 VFW Post 8576 166.84 187.12 190.98 161.32 706.26
36 Stubborn Ass Smokers (SAS) 183.72 178.98 174.40 166.16 703.26
37 Throw'd Off Cookers #2 181.00 166.16 169.42 185.12 701.70
38 Red Devils #1 177.72 179.32 180.68 161.16 698.88
39 Wild Land Cookers 170.88 170.86 182.40 163.56 687.70
40 Throw'd Off Cookers #1 169.00 184.26 160.28 172.98 686.52
41 RPM Cookers #2 175.58 168.30 175.98 166.14 686.00
42 Running Chickens 179.98 177.00 154.60 173.00 684.58
43 Smokin Choppers 172.28 187.30 158.00 165.00 682.58
44 Guns and Hoses 177.68 172.70 171.98 155.16 677.52
45 Double D Cookers #2 161.44 171.30 169.42 174.40 676.56
46 Red Devils #2 165.42 180.70 158.84 168.72 673.68
47 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch 194.54 165.26 158.40 153.88 672.08
48 Bayou Pirate #2 179.28 177.42 0.00 180.96 537.66
49 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #3 175.74 175.70 0.00 173.14 524.58
50 Flat Broke & Rollin Smoke 166.84 0.00 174.14 179.54 520.52
51 Bayou Pirate #1 170.40 159.28 0.00 170.12 499.80
52 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 164.98 152.00 0.00 179.26 496.24

Chicken Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Big Horn Cookers 40.00 40.00 36.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00
2 The Doghouse Gang 38.56 40.00 36.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 198.56
3 All American Rigging #1 40.00 38.58 36.72 40.00 40.00 39.28 197.86
4 All Lit Up - TMPA 38.58 39.28 39.28 33.44 40.00 39.28 196.42
5 Strictly Tx. 40.00 38.14 37.86 40.00 40.00 35.30 196.00
6 Brother's Keeper BBQ 40.00 40.00 35.28 38.14 40.00 37.86 196.00
7 Double S Smokers 36.72 38.58 39.28 39.28 38.14 40.00 195.28
8 Loud & Heavy BBQ 36.72 40.00 40.00 33.42 38.58 39.28 194.58
9 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch 38.56 39.28 38.14 32.00 39.28 39.28 194.54
10 Just Smokin Around 34.86 40.00 39.28 36.00 40.00 34.14 190.14
11 The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 37.42 37.42 40.00 36.00 37.42 37.42 189.68
12 TX BBQ Hub 38.14 38.14 35.28 36.72 38.58 37.42 189.00
13 Blind Hog 2 36.00 34.58 35.30 40.00 38.14 38.58 188.02
14 Dirty B's BBQ #1 40.00 37.42 36.00 36.00 38.58 35.28 188.00
15 The Left Overs TX 37.42 38.56 35.28 38.56 33.42 37.42 187.24
16 The Slow Burn Cookers 31.58 39.28 34.14 38.58 34.58 40.00 186.58
17 Burnt Meat #1 32.00 40.00 29.44 37.86 37.42 39.28 186.56
18 Bar T BBQ 37.42 40.00 36.70 35.28 35.30 36.70 186.12
19 Dirty B's BBQ #2 35.30 38.14 34.14 37.86 34.58 40.00 185.88
20 Faulkner BBQ 37.42 32.72 39.28 32.72 35.56 40.00 184.98
21 Smokin D's Cooking Team 38.56 36.00 34.58 36.00 32.72 39.28 184.42
22 Stubborn Ass Smokers (SAS) 37.86 34.58 36.00 36.00 37.86 36.00 183.72
23 Roberts Crew 37.86 39.28 34.12 35.28 36.00 35.28 183.70
24 RPM Cookers #1 36.70 36.00 36.00 39.28 35.28 32.72 183.26
25 Burnt Meat #3 34.14 37.14 36.00 36.00 36.72 36.70 182.56
26 Burnt Meat #2 34.14 34.84 34.14 38.14 34.58 40.00 181.70
27 NO BS About It 34.14 33.44 36.00 40.00 34.58 36.72 181.44
28 Throw'd Off Cookers #2 40.00 34.86 32.72 35.28 38.14 32.00 181.00
29 Lone Wolves Cookers 35.56 36.72 35.28 37.42 33.86 36.00 180.98
30 Grill Mates #1 34.86 39.28 36.28 29.44 36.00 34.14 180.56
31 Big & Rick 38.56 34.14 33.42 34.14 36.70 36.70 180.24
32 Double D Cookers #1 36.70 32.70 34.14 38.56 36.00 34.84 180.24
33 Running Chickens 34.14 39.28 33.42 37.42 33.86 35.28 179.98
34 Spare Time Cookers 34.58 38.56 35.28 33.44 34.58 36.72 179.72
35 Bayou Pirate #2 40.00 35.28 32.72 33.42 37.86 32.00 179.28
36 Grill Mates #2 37.86 34.14 32.00 36.00 36.72 34.14 178.86
37 Red Devils #1 36.72 35.28 38.14 34.14 32.72 33.44 177.72
38 Guns and Hoses 39.28 32.28 34.14 33.42 38.56 31.30 177.68
39 Full Belly Smokers 31.58 36.28 34.84 33.14 39.28 33.42 176.96
40 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #3 36.00 30.14 40.00 30.58 34.58 34.58 175.74
41 RPM Cookers #2 32.72 32.72 34.14 36.00 40.00 32.72 175.58
42 Damifino 36.00 34.86 34.58 32.72 35.30 32.72 173.46
43 OC Originals #1 33.44 34.58 32.72 30.58 37.42 34.14 172.30
44 Smokin Choppers 33.42 32.70 34.14 36.00 34.58 34.14 172.28
45 Wild Land Cookers 29.44 34.14 32.72 36.00 32.72 35.30 170.88
46 Bayou Pirate #1 34.14 30.14 32.00 37.42 28.72 36.70 170.40
47 Throw'd Off Cookers #1 28.72 38.14 28.72 36.00 32.00 34.14 169.00
48 VFW Post 8576 31.56 33.42 30.84 33.86 32.72 35.28 166.84
49 Flat Broke & Rollin Smoke 29.42 36.00 33.42 36.00 28.00 32.00 166.84
50 Red Devils #2 33.42 29.44 32.72 29.86 32.72 36.70 165.42
51 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 39.28 29.42 28.72 32.00 35.56 28.72 164.98
52 Double D Cookers #2 28.00 36.00 30.86 32.72 29.86 32.00 161.44
53 O C Originals #2 0.00
54 Tex-Mex Smokers 0.00
55 Smoke like a Girl 0.00

Rib Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Loud & Heavy BBQ 34.86 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.70 40.00 196.70
2 Big Horn Cookers 38.14 40.00 36.00 37.42 39.28 40.00 194.84
3 Burnt Meat #2 34.14 38.14 39.28 40.00 37.42 40.00 194.84
4 All Lit Up - TMPA 38.58 36.70 40.00 40.00 36.00 39.28 194.56
5 Just Smokin Around 40.00 39.28 40.00 38.14 36.00 31.58 193.42
6 Strictly Tx. 38.14 40.00 38.56 39.28 36.00 32.72 191.98
7 Smokin D's Cooking Team 37.16 33.42 39.28 40.00 36.00 37.86 190.30
8 NO BS About It 39.28 40.00 36.00 36.72 35.30 37.42 189.42
9 Spare Time Cookers 39.28 33.44 36.72 40.00 36.00 37.42 189.42
10 Bar T BBQ 35.30 39.28 36.00 36.00 37.42 40.00 188.70
11 The Slow Burn Cookers 36.72 38.56 32.72 37.86 36.00 39.28 188.42
12 Double D Cookers #1 33.42 38.58 39.28 36.70 34.14 39.28 187.98
13 Smokin Choppers 38.58 34.58 37.42 36.72 40.00 31.30 187.30
14 VFW Post 8576 36.00 37.42 37.42 37.42 38.14 36.72 187.12
15 Dirty B's BBQ #2 38.14 33.86 36.72 38.14 39.28 33.16 186.14
16 Full Belly Smokers 35.56 36.72 36.00 38.58 32.00 39.28 186.14
17 Grill Mates #2 36.00 38.58 36.00 36.00 39.28 35.30 185.86
18 Damifino 35.28 39.28 34.14 38.56 37.42 33.42 184.68
19 Burnt Meat #3 34.14 36.72 36.00 38.14 36.72 36.72 184.30
20 Throw'd Off Cookers #1 37.86 37.42 33.42 40.00 35.56 33.42 184.26
21 TX BBQ Hub 33.44 34.14 38.14 40.00 34.14 36.28 182.70
22 Double S Smokers 33.16 37.14 32.72 40.00 36.00 36.00 182.30
23 The Doghouse Gang 40.00 32.44 36.72 40.00 32.72 32.72 182.16
24 Burnt Meat #1 34.14 40.00 37.86 36.00 34.14 32.72 182.14
25 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.58 36.00 36.00 32.72 34.58 36.72 181.88
26 RPM Cookers #1 34.14 31.30 37.86 40.00 36.00 33.44 181.44
27 Faulkner BBQ 38.14 35.28 33.44 34.86 39.28 30.16 181.00
28 Grill Mates #1 39.28 36.72 36.00 34.58 34.14 34.14 180.72
29 Red Devils #2 35.28 37.42 37.42 33.42 34.58 36.00 180.70
30 Roberts Crew 36.70 35.28 33.42 36.00 32.72 39.28 180.68
31 The Left Overs TX 39.28 32.72 35.28 36.00 34.86 34.86 180.28
32 Red Devils #1 32.00 36.72 36.72 35.30 38.58 29.44 179.32
33 Stubborn Ass Smokers (SAS) 33.14 36.00 36.00 38.56 35.28 32.00 178.98
34 Bayou Pirate #2 33.42 39.28 36.00 32.00 36.72 28.72 177.42
35 Big & Rick 33.42 34.58 36.00 36.44 36.72 32.44 177.16
36 OC Originals #1 40.00 30.86 36.00 38.14 32.02 30.86 177.02
37 Running Chickens 33.44 35.28 35.28 38.14 32.72 34.86 177.00
38 Blind Hog 2 37.42 28.72 36.00 36.00 38.14 29.44 177.00
39 All American Rigging #1 38.14 31.56 32.00 38.58 36.72 28.72 177.00
40 Lone Wolves Cookers 37.86 28.72 36.72 36.72 34.86 30.58 176.74
41 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #3 33.86 28.00 32.00 39.28 31.28 39.28 175.70
42 The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 35.28 28.72 32.72 37.86 33.42 34.14 173.42
43 Guns and Hoses 37.42 32.00 30.84 37.14 33.42 32.72 172.70
44 Double D Cookers #2 37.86 35.28 32.00 33.44 32.00 32.72 171.30
45 Wild Land Cookers 37.42 28.00 36.00 30.86 37.86 28.72 170.86
46 RPM Cookers #2 30.86 36.00 32.72 36.00 32.72 29.44 168.30
47 Dirty B's BBQ #1 35.30 29.44 32.72 36.72 33.16 29.44 167.34
48 Throw'd Off Cookers #2 29.44 30.58 28.72 39.28 32.00 34.86 166.16
49 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch 33.42 28.00 30.14 32.98 31.30 37.42 165.26
50 Bayou Pirate #1 32.00 28.72 29.86 28.72 36.70 32.00 159.28
51 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 32.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.72 35.28 152.00

Pork Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Faulkner BBQ 38.58 34.14 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 198.58
2 Strictly Tx. 39.28 38.58 40.00 39.28 40.00 38.58 197.14
3 The Doghouse Gang 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 36.00 196.72
4 Big Horn Cookers 40.00 35.28 36.00 40.00 40.00 39.28 195.28
5 Just Smokin Around 38.14 36.00 39.28 39.28 39.28 39.28 195.26
6 Full Belly Smokers 40.00 39.28 37.86 37.86 38.56 39.28 194.98
7 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.14 37.42 39.28 38.14 34.86 40.00 192.98
8 TX BBQ Hub 40.00 34.14 38.58 37.86 40.00 36.44 192.88
9 VFW Post 8576 40.00 37.14 36.00 36.00 39.28 38.56 190.98
10 The Slow Burn Cookers 36.00 36.70 38.56 40.00 34.58 39.28 190.54
11 Lone Wolves Cookers 39.28 32.28 33.00 39.28 39.28 39.28 190.12
12 OC Originals #1 37.42 38.58 37.86 36.00 34.14 40.00 189.86
13 Smokin D's Cooking Team 34.14 38.58 40.00 35.28 40.00 33.86 188.00
14 Double S Smokers 36.72 32.00 37.86 37.42 39.28 36.00 187.28
15 Spare Time Cookers 38.56 30.14 35.30 37.86 34.86 39.28 185.86
16 Burnt Meat #2 40.00 34.14 32.72 34.14 40.00 36.72 185.00
17 Loud & Heavy BBQ 37.86 36.00 38.14 36.00 35.30 36.72 184.72
18 Damifino 38.56 32.00 37.42 37.86 34.14 36.00 183.98
19 Dirty B's BBQ #2 34.14 35.28 39.28 36.00 38.56 32.72 183.26
20 Wild Land Cookers 31.30 34.84 36.00 34.86 39.28 37.42 182.40
21 The Left Overs TX 33.42 33.14 36.00 34.58 38.56 39.28 181.84
22 Double D Cookers #1 37.14 29.42 35.28 39.28 33.42 36.00 181.12
23 Burnt Meat #1 36.70 34.58 32.72 35.30 40.00 34.14 180.72
24 Red Devils #1 33.42 39.28 37.42 35.28 34.84 33.86 180.68
25 All Lit Up - TMPA 32.00 32.00 39.28 34.14 37.84 36.70 179.96
26 Bar T BBQ 36.72 34.14 36.00 36.00 36.72 33.44 179.58
27 Burnt Meat #3 36.00 34.14 37.86 32.00 36.72 34.86 179.58
28 Dirty B's BBQ #1 38.58 34.14 36.44 34.14 36.00 32.00 179.30
29 All American Rigging #1 35.28 36.70 33.42 31.56 35.28 38.56 179.24
30 Big & Rick 32.72 32.00 32.00 34.86 39.28 38.14 177.00
31 RPM Cookers #1 32.72 36.70 32.00 38.56 35.56 32.72 176.26
32 RPM Cookers #2 35.28 36.72 32.00 36.70 35.28 32.00 175.98
33 Stubborn Ass Smokers (SAS) 32.00 28.72 37.42 36.00 37.42 31.56 174.40
34 Flat Broke & Rollin Smoke 34.14 36.00 35.28 30.14 34.58 34.14 174.14
35 Grill Mates #2 30.58 32.00 31.28 36.70 36.70 36.70 173.38
36 Grill Mates #1 30.14 28.00 36.00 35.28 37.42 33.86 172.70
37 Guns and Hoses 32.00 32.00 36.70 32.72 33.42 37.14 171.98
38 Blind Hog 2 35.28 30.58 36.00 32.72 35.30 32.00 171.30
39 Throw'd Off Cookers #2 32.00 33.86 33.42 36.70 32.72 32.72 169.42
40 Double D Cookers #2 29.44 28.72 36.00 34.58 35.98 33.42 169.42
41 NO BS About It 30.58 28.72 36.00 36.00 34.58 30.58 167.74
42 The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 28.72 31.30 34.14 32.72 33.42 36.00 167.58
43 Throw'd Off Cookers #1 30.14 34.14 32.00 28.00 28.72 35.28 160.28
44 Roberts Crew 31.28 28.00 33.86 31.28 33.42 29.42 159.26
45 Red Devils #2 29.42 33.42 33.86 28.00 32.72 29.42 158.84
46 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch 30.14 28.72 28.72 34.56 32.98 32.00 158.40
47 Smokin Choppers 30.58 32.00 30.86 30.86 33.42 30.86 158.00
48 Running Chickens 30.86 29.86 34.58 28.00 29.44 29.86 154.60

Brisket Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Strictly Tx. 38.58 39.28 38.56 40.00 40.00 40.00 197.86
2 Big Horn Cookers 40.00 36.28 39.28 39.28 39.28 40.00 197.84
3 The Doghouse Gang 36.00 40.00 38.14 39.28 40.00 38.56 195.98
4 Loud & Heavy BBQ 38.14 35.28 40.00 40.00 38.14 38.58 194.86
5 Just Smokin Around 40.00 38.58 39.28 36.00 36.00 40.00 193.86
6 Dirty B's BBQ #1 40.00 37.42 38.14 39.28 38.14 32.72 192.98
7 Spare Time Cookers 36.00 36.72 35.30 40.00 40.00 40.00 192.72
8 NO BS About It 38.56 38.14 35.56 37.86 38.56 39.28 192.40
9 Faulkner BBQ 32.72 38.14 39.28 38.14 37.86 36.72 190.14
10 Dirty B's BBQ #2 38.56 37.14 40.00 35.28 37.42 36.70 189.82
11 Grill Mates #2 38.14 34.14 40.00 36.00 36.00 39.28 189.42
12 The Slow Burn Cookers 37.14 36.00 36.72 39.28 40.00 36.00 189.14
13 Bar T BBQ 37.42 36.00 36.44 36.00 36.72 40.00 186.58
14 Roberts Crew 36.72 38.56 32.72 34.56 36.72 40.00 186.56
15 Full Belly Smokers 38.58 34.86 35.56 37.86 34.14 39.28 186.14
16 RPM Cookers #1 35.30 39.28 36.72 32.00 38.56 36.00 185.86
17 Throw'd Off Cookers #2 39.28 33.86 40.00 35.28 35.28 35.28 185.12
18 Grill Mates #1 29.42 34.14 39.28 39.28 35.28 35.28 183.26
19 Brother's Keeper BBQ 32.00 36.70 34.58 37.86 35.28 38.14 182.56
20 Big & Rick 33.42 36.00 34.14 38.14 39.28 32.72 180.98
21 Bayou Pirate #2 36.70 37.42 33.42 32.00 34.14 39.28 180.96
22 Blind Hog 2 36.00 35.30 36.00 39.28 34.14 32.00 180.72
23 The Left Overs TX 30.14 38.58 35.28 37.42 39.28 28.72 180.70
24 Lone Wolves Cookers 32.72 37.14 37.42 35.28 37.86 31.28 180.42
25 OC Originals #1 34.14 40.00 34.14 36.00 32.72 36.00 180.28
26 TX BBQ Hub 34.58 37.42 32.72 37.42 36.72 34.14 180.28
27 Double S Smokers 34.14 34.42 36.00 34.14 36.72 38.58 179.86
28 All Lit Up - TMPA 32.28 38.14 36.28 33.14 36.00 36.00 179.56
29 Flat Broke & Rollin Smoke 35.28 35.56 36.00 37.42 35.28 32.72 179.54
30 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 39.28 36.70 34.58 35.28 32.00 33.42 179.26
31 Burnt Meat #3 29.44 36.28 36.00 37.42 36.00 32.72 178.42
32 All American Rigging #1 30.58 34.14 36.00 36.00 32.72 39.28 178.14
33 The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 37.86 36.00 32.72 37.86 33.42 30.58 177.86
34 Smokin D's Cooking Team 30.58 36.00 36.00 32.00 36.00 37.42 177.42
35 Burnt Meat #2 35.28 36.00 28.00 33.42 37.86 33.14 175.70
36 Double D Cookers #2 33.42 34.14 32.28 37.42 36.00 33.42 174.40
37 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #3 33.86 35.28 37.42 30.14 34.58 32.00 173.14
38 Running Chickens 30.58 34.14 34.14 35.28 32.72 36.72 173.00
39 Throw'd Off Cookers #1 28.00 33.42 34.14 30.14 36.00 39.28 172.98
40 Damifino 32.72 37.14 35.28 33.86 33.42 30.58 172.42
41 Bayou Pirate #1 30.58 34.14 35.28 39.28 30.84 29.42 170.12
42 Red Devils #2 33.86 32.72 32.00 37.42 32.72 32.00 168.72
43 Stubborn Ass Smokers (SAS) 33.42 36.72 32.72 28.72 30.58 32.72 166.16
44 RPM Cookers #2 32.00 31.28 34.14 32.00 32.00 36.00 166.14
45 Smokin Choppers 28.72 29.44 37.42 31.30 32.00 34.84 165.00
46 Wild Land Cookers 30.14 35.28 28.72 32.70 32.72 32.72 163.56
47 Burnt Meat #1 32.72 32.72 32.72 28.72 28.72 34.58 161.46
48 VFW Post 8576 32.28 33.44 30.86 30.86 32.02 32.72 161.32
49 Red Devils #1 32.72 29.86 33.16 32.70 32.72 28.00 161.16
50 Double D Cookers #1 28.72 32.72 28.72 34.14 32.72 32.72 161.02
51 Guns and Hoses 29.44 30.86 28.00 34.14 32.00 28.72 155.16
52 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch 28.72 30.58 28.72 35.28 30.58 28.72 153.88

Beans Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Smokin D's Cooking Team 40.00 36.00 32.72 39.28 40.00 37.42 192.70
2 Guns and Hoses 39.28 36.00 36.00 37.42 39.28 39.28 191.26
3 Dirty B's BBQ #1 36.72 35.28 36.72 37.42 40.00 37.42 188.28
4 Double D Cookers #2 35.28 38.56 37.42 37.42 35.28 37.42 186.10
5 Double D Cookers #1 38.58 30.86 39.28 34.86 33.44 39.28 185.44
6 Blind Hog 2 37.14 37.14 32.00 35.28 34.84 39.28 183.68
7 OC Originals #1 40.00 33.42 36.00 32.72 34.86 39.28 183.56
8 Bayou Pirate #1 30.84 35.28 38.56 33.42 38.56 33.42 179.24
9 Dirty B's BBQ #2 36.00 37.42 33.44 34.14 38.14 32.28 179.14
10 NO BS About It 35.56 34.58 28.72 36.72 34.58 35.02 176.46
11 Damifino 35.28 33.14 38.56 33.14 36.00 33.42 176.40
12 O C Originals #2 30.58 36.00 33.42 36.70 32.28 37.86 176.26
13 Red Devils #1 32.28 30.86 35.56 38.14 33.42 36.28 175.68
14 Running Chickens 36.00 32.28 31.30 36.00 34.14 34.58 173.00
15 Burnt Meat #2 31.28 32.70 35.28 35.28 33.42 35.28 171.96
16 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch 32.72 29.42 35.28 28.72 35.56 38.14 171.12
17 Grill Mates #1 28.72 31.28 36.70 32.00 32.70 33.42 166.10
18 Red Devils #2 32.00 30.86 33.42 35.28 30.14 34.14 165.70
19 The Left Overs TX 37.14 30.14 33.14 34.12 30.14 30.14 164.68
20 Spare Time Cookers 31.58 29.44 29.44 37.42 34.14 31.58 164.16
21 Roberts Crew 35.28 32.72 29.42 28.00 33.86 32.72 164.00
22 Big & Rick 32.72 32.28 30.14 31.30 30.14 36.00 162.44
23 Throw'd Off Cookers #2 36.72 30.14 29.44 31.56 32.28 29.44 160.14
24 VFW Post 8576 36.00 30.14 29.44 30.16 32.72 28.72 158.46
25 Loud & Heavy BBQ 29.44 32.44 30.58 30.58 33.86 30.58 158.04
26 Throw'd Off Cookers #1 30.84 31.28 28.00 29.42 32.70 29.42 153.66
27 Lone Wolves Cookers 28.00 28.00 30.84 29.86 30.58 34.14 153.42
28 Wild Land Cookers 28.72 28.72 30.14 30.14 31.28 29.44 149.72

Fajitas Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Dirty B's BBQ #2 37.86 37.42 39.28 40.00 35.30 40.00 194.56
2 All American Rigging #1 36.00 40.00 37.42 37.86 36.00 35.56 187.28
3 Smokin D's Cooking Team 40.00 36.00 34.58 36.00 33.86 38.56 185.14
4 Faulkner BBQ 32.00 36.72 36.72 32.72 36.70 39.28 182.14
5 Spare Time Cookers 36.72 33.42 37.42 34.14 39.28 34.14 181.70
6 Strictly Tx. 39.28 37.86 33.16 36.70 34.14 28.00 181.14
7 Burnt Meat #1 37.86 36.00 34.58 28.72 34.14 37.86 180.44
8 RPM Cookers #1 37.42 32.44 33.16 31.28 36.00 38.14 177.16
9 OC Originals #1 36.00 37.86 35.28 34.84 32.72 30.58 176.70
10 Guns and Hoses 30.86 32.02 38.14 34.58 37.42 34.14 176.30
11 Flat Broke & Rollin Smoke 34.14 33.42 34.58 29.42 36.00 37.86 176.00
12 Blind Hog 2 28.00 33.14 37.86 34.56 34.56 35.28 175.40
13 Wayne T and the Wild Bunch 37.14 35.28 33.86 34.56 33.42 34.14 174.98
14 Throw'd Off Cookers #2 33.42 35.28 35.72 28.00 33.14 34.58 172.14
15 O C Originals #2 37.42 34.58 31.58 32.28 34.14 33.42 171.84
16 Bayou Pirate #1 31.28 32.00 33.86 30.84 37.42 36.00 170.56
17 Burnt Meat #2 35.28 32.72 34.58 31.28 33.86 33.42 169.86
18 The Leftovers TX No2 34.14 34.14 33.42 28.00 29.42 38.14 169.26
19 Red Devils #2 32.00 33.42 34.56 28.00 34.56 34.56 169.10
20 Brother's Keeper BBQ 31.28 37.14 30.86 35.28 34.14 30.14 168.70
21 The Slow Burn Cookers 28.72 32.00 34.58 32.70 36.70 30.86 166.84
22 Grill Mates #1 30.14 33.14 28.72 36.00 35.28 30.14 164.70
23 Damifino 28.72 35.28 36.00 28.00 33.86 30.14 164.00
24 Double D Cookers #2 28.72 32.70 32.00 35.28 30.14 32.00 162.12
25 Dirty B's BBQ #1 30.86 32.02 34.86 34.58 29.44 29.44 161.76
26 Wild Land Cookers 34.14 29.44 28.72 31.28 32.72 28.72 156.30
27 Red Devils #1 32.70 28.00 28.00 31.28 35.72 28.00 155.70
28 Double D Cookers #1 28.72 28.72 36.00 28.00 30.86 31.30 155.60
29 RPM Cookers #2 28.72 29.44 29.44 32.72 29.44 32.00 153.04
30 Throw'd Off Cookers #1 28.72 28.72 28.72 30.58 30.14 33.42 151.58
31 The Left Overs TX 31.56 28.72 28.72 28.72 30.14 31.30 150.44

Kid's Que Results
Tina Ledbetter
Event Coordinator
Guns and Hoses
Angleton, TX
Apr 5 2024

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Senior - Lil O's BBQ 40.00 40.00 38.58 38.58 40.00 38.58 197.16
2 Junior - Tiny Belly Smokers 39.28 38.58 40.00 40.00 37.86 39.28 197.14
3 Senior - Pork Choppers 39.28 37.42 39.28 36.72 36.00 39.28 191.98
4 MINI - Double D Cookers #1 36.72 40.00 39.28 37.16 34.14 37.42 190.58
5 Senior - Haley's Double D Cookers #1 40.00 36.72 39.28 37.16 34.14 36.72 189.88
6 Junior- BarbieCutie BBQ 7 37.86 34.14 34.58 38.56 39.28 39.28 189.56
7 Junior - Team Chael 37.86 36.72 32.72 36.00 37.86 37.86 186.30
8 Junior - Team Adie 37.86 36.44 30.14 33.42 40.00 37.86 185.58
9 Junior- Double D Cookers #2 36.72 39.28 32.72 36.00 38.14 34.86 185.00
10 Junior - Wild Bunch 39.28 34.14 36.00 36.72 38.58 33.44 184.72
11 MINI - The Lil Left Overs 38.56 36.00 36.00 35.28 34.14 37.86 183.70
12 Senior - Team Carlos 37.86 32.98 34.14 36.00 37.42 37.14 182.56
13 Junior - Team Daniel 1 34.58 39.28 32.72 35.56 36.00 36.72 182.14
14 Senior - Space City - 11 35.28 38.56 39.28 32.00 35.28 32.00 180.40
15 Junior - Team Castiel 39.28 32.00 32.00 34.14 37.86 36.00 179.28
16 Junior - Team Roblox 36.00 38.14 34.14 34.14 34.14 36.72 179.14
17 Senior - Stitchaholic 11 34.14 32.00 32.00 37.86 36.00 38.56 178.56
18 MINI - Roberts' Crew 34.14 33.44 32.00 37.42 36.00 36.00 177.00
19 MINI - Team Harper 35.28 39.28 34.14 32.72 32.72 35.28 176.70
20 junior - Team Daniel 2 36.00 33.42 35.30 34.12 32.72 36.00 174.84