Rank | Team Name | Chicken | Ribs | Pork | Brisket | Total |
1 | Bar T BBQ | 193.44 | 195.26 | 191.98 | 197.86 | 778.54 |
2 | Strictly Tx. | 186.56 | 197.86 | 195.70 | 194.56 | 774.68 |
3 | Big O's BBQ #2 | 191.98 | 199.28 | 189.14 | 188.98 | 769.38 |
4 | Loud & Heavy BBQ | 195.26 | 192.70 | 188.72 | 192.00 | 768.68 |
5 | Burnt Meat #4 | 191.56 | 188.98 | 191.70 | 194.58 | 766.82 |
6 | NO BS About It | 189.14 | 194.28 | 187.56 | 190.58 | 761.56 |
7 | All Lit Up Cookers/TMPA | 193.14 | 190.56 | 185.44 | 189.40 | 758.54 |
8 | Coastal Cowboy Cookers | 186.84 | 190.86 | 193.86 | 186.84 | 758.40 |
9 | High Pressure Cookers 2 | 183.00 | 186.12 | 195.56 | 190.58 | 755.26 |
10 | Brisket Cases | 185.16 | 188.02 | 191.14 | 190.16 | 754.48 |
11 | Last Stop BBQ | 186.56 | 189.40 | 191.14 | 185.14 | 752.24 |
12 | Throw'd Off Cookers #2 | 180.98 | 191.26 | 185.72 | 193.54 | 751.50 |
13 | Burnt Meat #3 | 178.84 | 187.28 | 185.12 | 195.56 | 746.80 |
14 | Sleepy Chickens | 183.72 | 184.98 | 191.26 | 186.16 | 746.12 |
15 | Throw'd Off Cookers #1 | 187.74 | 196.00 | 177.00 | 185.12 | 745.86 |
16 | Off In The Woods | 187.56 | 185.88 | 186.70 | 183.00 | 743.14 |
17 | Rusty Pit Smokers | 180.28 | 187.30 | 181.44 | 193.14 | 742.16 |
18 | Big Horn Cookers | 179.74 | 192.40 | 193.86 | 173.86 | 739.86 |
19 | Johnny B's Backyard BBQ | 182.84 | 185.14 | 191.72 | 179.26 | 738.96 |
20 | Little Belly Smokers | 188.44 | 184.00 | 185.16 | 180.72 | 738.32 |
21 | RPM Cookers #1 | 190.56 | 185.14 | 185.40 | 175.06 | 736.16 |
22 | Sons of Smoke 4 | 179.28 | 184.28 | 192.70 | 175.32 | 731.58 |
23 | The Left Overs 2 | 184.02 | 180.30 | 186.30 | 180.28 | 730.90 |
24 | Burnt Meat #1 | 181.16 | 188.00 | 177.30 | 181.86 | 728.32 |
25 | Full Belly Smokers | 178.58 | 192.02 | 185.00 | 167.84 | 723.44 |
26 | Guns and Hoses | 179.30 | 191.28 | 172.02 | 175.28 | 717.88 |
27 | Running Chickens | 173.44 | 188.26 | 172.46 | 181.46 | 715.62 |
28 | The Left Overs | 177.42 | 181.56 | 178.98 | 175.58 | 713.54 |
29 | The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 | 186.86 | 178.18 | 159.58 | 184.02 | 708.64 |
30 | Wild Land Cookers | 185.14 | 177.56 | 175.56 | 170.16 | 708.42 |
31 | Burnt Meat #2 | 188.28 | 179.42 | 178.40 | 160.02 | 706.12 |
32 | Grill Mates #1 | 179.72 | 165.46 | 167.58 | 192.28 | 705.04 |
33 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch | 177.42 | 168.28 | 188.42 | 166.18 | 700.30 |
34 | Enduro Sticky Cookers | 175.98 | 166.46 | 192.70 | 160.98 | 696.12 |
35 | Damifino | 167.54 | 193.84 | 171.98 | 154.16 | 687.52 |
36 | Sons of Smoke 2 | 191.98 | 177.72 | 162.60 | 152.88 | 685.18 |
37 | Roberts Crew | 170.86 | 174.88 | 179.98 | 151.32 | 677.04 |
38 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 168.02 | 172.26 | 166.86 | 169.12 | 676.26 |
39 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 162.16 | 159.74 | 159.72 | 151.32 | 632.94 |
40 | J and T Lawn Service | 0.00 | 190.58 | 188.28 | 196.00 | 574.86 |
41 | Bayou Pirate #2 | 186.12 | 182.14 | 0.00 | 181.84 | 550.10 |
42 | Red Devils 1 | 172.44 | 0.00 | 181.12 | 187.00 | 540.56 |
43 | Bayou Pirate #1 | 182.84 | 184.70 | 0.00 | 169.12 | 536.66 |
44 | M-Kookin Kuzzins | 183.98 | 187.98 | 0.00 | 164.00 | 535.96 |
45 | Red Devils #2 | 191.96 | 0.00 | 183.96 | 159.46 | 535.38 |
46 | Burnt Meat #5 | 176.44 | 192.00 | 0.00 | 162.56 | 531.00 |
47 | Junior-Last Stop Cookers 2.0 | 178.12 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 189.14 | 367.26 |
48 | M-Chillin & Grillin | 0.00 | 189.44 | 0.00 | 156.72 | 346.16 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Loud & Heavy BBQ | 39.28 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 195.26 |
2 | Bar T BBQ | 36.72 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 35.28 | 193.44 |
3 | All Lit Up Cookers/TMPA | 40.00 | 35.30 | 38.58 | 38.56 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 193.14 |
4 | Big O's BBQ #2 | 40.00 | 35.30 | 36.00 | 38.14 | 38.56 | 39.28 | 191.98 |
5 | Sons of Smoke 2 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 32.72 | 37.42 | 38.56 | 191.98 |
6 | Red Devils #2 | 39.28 | 34.84 | 39.28 | 32.72 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 191.96 |
7 | Burnt Meat #4 | 38.14 | 34.14 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 191.56 |
8 | RPM Cookers #1 | 40.00 | 35.28 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 39.28 | 190.56 |
9 | NO BS About It | 36.00 | 39.28 | 34.58 | 40.00 | 33.42 | 39.28 | 189.14 |
10 | Little Belly Smokers | 38.58 | 36.72 | 36.72 | 37.14 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 188.44 |
11 | Burnt Meat #2 | 38.14 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 32.72 | 40.00 | 33.42 | 188.28 |
12 | Throw'd Off Cookers #1 | 38.58 | 37.86 | 36.72 | 33.42 | 38.58 | 36.00 | 187.74 |
13 | Off In The Woods | 37.42 | 32.72 | 40.00 | 38.14 | 32.72 | 39.28 | 187.56 |
14 | The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 | 40.00 | 33.44 | 38.14 | 36.72 | 36.72 | 35.28 | 186.86 |
15 | Coastal Cowboy Cookers | 38.14 | 39.28 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 36.70 | 34.14 | 186.84 |
16 | Strictly Tx. | 39.28 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 35.28 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 186.56 |
17 | Last Stop BBQ | 37.86 | 37.86 | 34.86 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 36.70 | 186.56 |
18 | Bayou Pirate #2 | 38.56 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 31.28 | 40.00 | 33.42 | 186.12 |
19 | Brisket Cases | 36.00 | 38.14 | 37.16 | 39.28 | 34.14 | 34.58 | 185.16 |
20 | Wild Land Cookers | 36.72 | 32.70 | 34.14 | 37.86 | 40.00 | 36.42 | 185.14 |
21 | The Left Overs 2 | 36.72 | 36.72 | 34.58 | 40.00 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 184.02 |
22 | M-Kookin Kuzzins | 36.00 | 36.70 | 36.00 | 28.72 | 40.00 | 35.28 | 183.98 |
23 | Sleepy Chickens | 40.00 | 36.42 | 36.72 | 37.86 | 32.00 | 32.72 | 183.72 |
24 | High Pressure Cookers 2 | 36.72 | 33.86 | 35.28 | 37.86 | 32.72 | 39.28 | 183.00 |
25 | Johnny B's Backyard BBQ | 34.14 | 38.56 | 36.72 | 34.14 | 36.70 | 36.72 | 182.84 |
26 | Bayou Pirate #1 | 37.42 | 35.28 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 182.84 |
27 | Burnt Meat #1 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 34.58 | 36.72 | 36.44 | 32.28 | 181.16 |
28 | Throw'd Off Cookers #2 | 36.70 | 35.28 | 34.58 | 34.86 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 180.98 |
29 | Rusty Pit Smokers | 38.14 | 33.86 | 36.72 | 37.42 | 32.72 | 34.14 | 180.28 |
30 | Big Horn Cookers | 36.72 | 36.00 | 32.72 | 34.58 | 34.58 | 37.86 | 179.74 |
31 | Grill Mates #1 | 35.28 | 32.72 | 36.44 | 32.72 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 179.72 |
32 | Guns and Hoses | 32.72 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 38.14 | 39.28 | 33.16 | 179.30 |
33 | Sons of Smoke 4 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 32.72 | 32.44 | 34.56 | 40.00 | 179.28 |
34 | Burnt Meat #3 | 32.72 | 34.14 | 39.28 | 33.42 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 178.84 |
35 | Full Belly Smokers | 35.28 | 30.86 | 37.86 | 36.72 | 37.86 | 30.86 | 178.58 |
36 | Junior-Last Stop Cookers 2.0 | 32.72 | 37.86 | 37.42 | 32.72 | 35.28 | 34.84 | 178.12 |
37 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch | 34.14 | 32.72 | 35.56 | 28.72 | 38.58 | 36.42 | 177.42 |
38 | The Left Overs | 37.86 | 34.14 | 33.42 | 36.72 | 28.00 | 35.28 | 177.42 |
39 | Burnt Meat #5 | 34.58 | 35.28 | 38.58 | 30.14 | 31.28 | 36.72 | 176.44 |
40 | Enduro Sticky Cookers | 34.14 | 36.00 | 34.56 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 29.42 | 175.98 |
41 | Running Chickens | 32.72 | 32.72 | 35.28 | 38.14 | 31.28 | 34.58 | 173.44 |
42 | Red Devils 1 | 32.72 | 28.72 | 30.58 | 35.30 | 35.98 | 37.86 | 172.44 |
43 | Roberts Crew | 36.00 | 32.00 | 33.42 | 35.30 | 28.72 | 34.14 | 170.86 |
44 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 36.00 | 32.44 | 33.44 | 29.44 | 30.86 | 35.28 | 168.02 |
45 | Damifino | 35.28 | 36.00 | 30.58 | 31.56 | 33.14 | 31.56 | 167.54 |
46 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 33.42 | 30.58 | 32.72 | 35.30 | 28.00 | 30.14 | 162.16 |
47 | J and T Lawn Service | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
48 | M-Chillin & Grillin | 0.00 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Big O's BBQ #2 | 34.86 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 199.28 |
2 | Strictly Tx. | 38.58 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 197.86 |
3 | Throw'd Off Cookers #1 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 32.00 | 40.00 | 196.00 |
4 | Bar T BBQ | 39.28 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 35.28 | 39.28 | 195.26 |
5 | NO BS About It | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 34.58 | 37.14 | 37.14 | 194.28 |
6 | Damifino | 36.72 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 34.86 | 37.84 | 193.84 |
7 | Loud & Heavy BBQ | 39.28 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 34.58 | 40.00 | 192.70 |
8 | Big Horn Cookers | 39.28 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 35.28 | 34.58 | 39.28 | 192.40 |
9 | Full Belly Smokers | 40.00 | 40.00 | 38.14 | 34.86 | 37.16 | 36.72 | 192.02 |
10 | Burnt Meat #5 | 35.30 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 192.00 |
11 | Guns and Hoses | 39.28 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 33.44 | 36.00 | 191.28 |
12 | Throw'd Off Cookers #2 | 39.28 | 30.16 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 35.28 | 191.26 |
13 | Coastal Cowboy Cookers | 35.30 | 38.14 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 33.44 | 40.00 | 190.86 |
14 | J and T Lawn Service | 36.72 | 40.00 | 34.58 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 190.58 |
15 | All Lit Up Cookers/TMPA | 39.28 | 38.14 | 37.86 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 190.56 |
16 | M-Chillin & Grillin | 38.14 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 32.72 | 35.30 | 36.72 | 189.44 |
17 | Last Stop BBQ | 37.42 | 37.42 | 37.42 | 31.58 | 37.86 | 39.28 | 189.40 |
18 | Burnt Meat #4 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 38.14 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 188.98 |
19 | Running Chickens | 37.42 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 33.44 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 188.26 |
20 | Brisket Cases | 40.00 | 38.58 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 36.72 | 188.02 |
21 | Burnt Meat #1 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 38.14 | 31.30 | 34.58 | 39.28 | 188.00 |
22 | M-Kookin Kuzzins | 32.72 | 37.42 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 187.98 |
23 | Rusty Pit Smokers | 35.30 | 32.72 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 187.30 |
24 | Burnt Meat #3 | 37.42 | 34.14 | 37.86 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 38.58 | 187.28 |
25 | High Pressure Cookers 2 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 38.14 | 34.14 | 38.56 | 186.12 |
26 | Off In The Woods | 32.72 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 32.72 | 37.16 | 185.88 |
27 | Johnny B's Backyard BBQ | 39.28 | 36.00 | 33.86 | 33.44 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 185.14 |
28 | RPM Cookers #1 | 39.28 | 29.42 | 36.72 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 35.28 | 185.14 |
29 | Sleepy Chickens | 37.42 | 37.42 | 38.14 | 33.42 | 36.72 | 35.28 | 184.98 |
30 | Bayou Pirate #1 | 36.72 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 36.00 | 38.56 | 184.70 |
31 | Sons of Smoke 4 | 34.14 | 34.14 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 184.28 |
32 | Little Belly Smokers | 33.44 | 38.56 | 39.28 | 35.30 | 31.56 | 37.42 | 184.00 |
33 | Bayou Pirate #2 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 34.14 | 33.42 | 34.14 | 182.14 |
34 | The Left Overs | 36.00 | 34.58 | 35.28 | 32.72 | 36.42 | 39.28 | 181.56 |
35 | The Left Overs 2 | 34.14 | 34.14 | 36.72 | 33.44 | 36.72 | 38.58 | 180.30 |
36 | Burnt Meat #2 | 38.14 | 34.14 | 30.86 | 35.56 | 34.86 | 36.72 | 179.42 |
37 | The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 | 32.72 | 32.72 | 38.58 | 38.14 | 35.30 | 33.44 | 178.18 |
38 | Sons of Smoke 2 | 33.44 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 32.72 | 34.14 | 33.44 | 177.72 |
39 | Wild Land Cookers | 37.14 | 37.86 | 34.58 | 28.72 | 32.70 | 35.28 | 177.56 |
40 | Roberts Crew | 33.44 | 37.42 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 32.70 | 35.30 | 174.88 |
41 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 30.86 | 28.72 | 33.42 | 36.70 | 36.00 | 35.28 | 172.26 |
42 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch | 36.00 | 32.00 | 32.00 | 36.28 | 30.14 | 32.00 | 168.28 |
43 | Enduro Sticky Cookers | 34.58 | 34.14 | 33.44 | 29.44 | 28.72 | 34.86 | 166.46 |
44 | Grill Mates #1 | 33.44 | 36.00 | 33.86 | 29.44 | 28.00 | 32.72 | 165.46 |
45 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 33.86 | 32.72 | 32.00 | 28.72 | 30.58 | 30.58 | 159.74 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Strictly Tx. | 39.28 | 37.86 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 37.84 | 39.28 | 195.70 |
2 | High Pressure Cookers 2 | 35.30 | 38.14 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 195.56 |
3 | Big Horn Cookers | 39.28 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 36.72 | 193.86 |
4 | Coastal Cowboy Cookers | 36.00 | 34.14 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 38.58 | 193.86 |
5 | Sons of Smoke 4 | 36.72 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 36.72 | 192.70 |
6 | Enduro Sticky Cookers | 37.86 | 37.42 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 33.42 | 192.70 |
7 | Bar T BBQ | 39.28 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 191.98 |
8 | Johnny B's Backyard BBQ | 37.86 | 28.72 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 40.00 | 191.72 |
9 | Burnt Meat #4 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 38.56 | 36.00 | 31.56 | 37.86 | 191.70 |
10 | Sleepy Chickens | 39.28 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 38.56 | 37.42 | 35.28 | 191.26 |
11 | Brisket Cases | 33.44 | 40.00 | 38.14 | 38.14 | 38.14 | 36.72 | 191.14 |
12 | Last Stop BBQ | 38.14 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 36.28 | 40.00 | 33.42 | 191.14 |
13 | Big O's BBQ #2 | 37.42 | 29.44 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 37.86 | 189.14 |
14 | Loud & Heavy BBQ | 32.72 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 34.14 | 37.86 | 188.72 |
15 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch | 28.00 | 38.58 | 39.28 | 38.56 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 188.42 |
16 | J and T Lawn Service | 36.28 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 37.42 | 188.28 |
17 | NO BS About It | 37.42 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 187.56 |
18 | Off In The Woods | 36.42 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 37.14 | 36.72 | 37.14 | 186.70 |
19 | The Left Overs 2 | 35.72 | 40.00 | 35.30 | 37.42 | 37.86 | 32.02 | 186.30 |
20 | Throw'd Off Cookers #2 | 38.14 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 34.86 | 40.00 | 32.00 | 185.72 |
21 | All Lit Up Cookers/TMPA | 37.16 | 33.44 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 34.14 | 185.44 |
22 | RPM Cookers #1 | 36.70 | 38.58 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 36.70 | 185.40 |
23 | Little Belly Smokers | 40.00 | 33.44 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 36.72 | 33.86 | 185.16 |
24 | Burnt Meat #3 | 35.98 | 32.72 | 37.86 | 39.28 | 33.42 | 38.58 | 185.12 |
25 | Full Belly Smokers | 40.00 | 34.86 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 36.28 | 34.14 | 185.00 |
26 | Red Devils #2 | 39.28 | 30.86 | 35.28 | 37.42 | 32.70 | 39.28 | 183.96 |
27 | Rusty Pit Smokers | 30.86 | 36.72 | 34.58 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 181.44 |
28 | Red Devils 1 | 38.58 | 36.72 | 37.84 | 28.72 | 36.70 | 31.28 | 181.12 |
29 | Roberts Crew | 31.56 | 35.28 | 34.14 | 37.86 | 33.42 | 39.28 | 179.98 |
30 | The Left Overs | 38.56 | 33.14 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 32.00 | 178.98 |
31 | Burnt Meat #2 | 38.14 | 33.44 | 34.14 | 34.14 | 36.70 | 35.28 | 178.40 |
32 | Burnt Meat #1 | 34.86 | 33.44 | 34.14 | 36.72 | 33.44 | 38.14 | 177.30 |
33 | Throw'd Off Cookers #1 | 36.00 | 33.42 | 34.14 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 177.00 |
34 | Wild Land Cookers | 33.42 | 37.42 | 34.58 | 35.56 | 34.58 | 32.00 | 175.56 |
35 | Running Chickens | 33.16 | 34.86 | 34.58 | 35.28 | 34.58 | 31.30 | 172.46 |
36 | Guns and Hoses | 30.58 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 32.28 | 38.58 | 30.58 | 172.02 |
37 | Damifino | 28.72 | 32.00 | 37.42 | 32.70 | 39.28 | 30.58 | 171.98 |
38 | Grill Mates #1 | 30.14 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 30.14 | 32.72 | 167.58 |
39 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 39.28 | 28.72 | 32.72 | 32.00 | 30.14 | 32.72 | 166.86 |
40 | Sons of Smoke 2 | 32.00 | 36.00 | 29.86 | 29.44 | 35.30 | 29.44 | 162.60 |
41 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 28.00 | 33.86 | 34.58 | 31.28 | 28.00 | 32.00 | 159.72 |
42 | The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 | 29.44 | 28.72 | 32.00 | 28.72 | 34.14 | 35.28 | 159.58 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Bar T BBQ | 40.00 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 37.86 | 40.00 | 197.86 |
2 | J and T Lawn Service | 36.72 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 196.00 |
3 | Burnt Meat #3 | 37.42 | 38.14 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 32.00 | 40.00 | 195.56 |
4 | Burnt Meat #4 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 194.58 |
5 | Strictly Tx. | 37.14 | 38.14 | 40.00 | 33.44 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 194.56 |
6 | Throw'd Off Cookers #2 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 38.56 | 37.14 | 38.56 | 193.54 |
7 | Rusty Pit Smokers | 36.72 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 37.14 | 39.28 | 193.14 |
8 | Grill Mates #1 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 32.72 | 34.86 | 192.28 |
9 | Loud & Heavy BBQ | 40.00 | 38.14 | 39.28 | 35.28 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 192.00 |
10 | High Pressure Cookers 2 | 38.58 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 34.86 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 190.58 |
11 | NO BS About It | 40.00 | 32.72 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 32.00 | 37.86 | 190.58 |
12 | Brisket Cases | 38.58 | 38.14 | 38.14 | 38.58 | 36.72 | 34.14 | 190.16 |
13 | All Lit Up Cookers/TMPA | 40.00 | 35.28 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 35.56 | 34.86 | 189.40 |
14 | Junior-Last Stop Cookers 2.0 | 35.28 | 38.56 | 35.30 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 32.72 | 189.14 |
15 | Big O's BBQ #2 | 34.14 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 38.14 | 39.28 | 34.14 | 188.98 |
16 | Red Devils 1 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 187.00 |
17 | Coastal Cowboy Cookers | 34.14 | 38.14 | 35.28 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 186.84 |
18 | Sleepy Chickens | 35.30 | 36.00 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 34.14 | 38.14 | 186.16 |
19 | Last Stop BBQ | 37.86 | 34.58 | 36.72 | 33.42 | 38.56 | 37.42 | 185.14 |
20 | Throw'd Off Cookers #1 | 38.56 | 30.86 | 34.58 | 40.00 | 36.70 | 35.28 | 185.12 |
21 | The Grinch & the Wild Bunch #2 | 38.58 | 38.14 | 33.44 | 34.58 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 184.02 |
22 | Off In The Woods | 36.72 | 33.86 | 28.00 | 37.14 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 183.00 |
23 | Burnt Meat #1 | 34.58 | 38.14 | 35.28 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 33.86 | 181.86 |
24 | Bayou Pirate #2 | 32.28 | 35.28 | 35.56 | 39.28 | 37.86 | 33.86 | 181.84 |
25 | Running Chickens | 36.00 | 35.30 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 33.44 | 30.16 | 181.46 |
26 | Little Belly Smokers | 33.44 | 39.28 | 33.42 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 180.72 |
27 | The Left Overs 2 | 33.44 | 39.28 | 35.28 | 34.14 | 30.16 | 38.14 | 180.28 |
28 | Johnny B's Backyard BBQ | 35.28 | 35.28 | 37.86 | 31.30 | 34.14 | 36.70 | 179.26 |
29 | The Left Overs | 34.14 | 32.72 | 34.86 | 37.86 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 175.58 |
30 | Sons of Smoke 4 | 32.00 | 34.58 | 35.30 | 35.30 | 34.86 | 35.28 | 175.32 |
31 | Guns and Hoses | 35.28 | 33.42 | 33.42 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 36.00 | 175.28 |
32 | RPM Cookers #1 | 33.88 | 33.16 | 30.16 | 38.58 | 32.72 | 36.72 | 175.06 |
33 | Big Horn Cookers | 29.44 | 34.58 | 30.58 | 34.84 | 34.58 | 39.28 | 173.86 |
34 | Wild Land Cookers | 36.00 | 36.00 | 32.72 | 32.72 | 30.58 | 32.72 | 170.16 |
35 | Bayou Pirate #1 | 36.70 | 29.42 | 33.86 | 36.00 | 33.14 | 29.42 | 169.12 |
36 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 32.00 | 28.00 | 33.86 | 38.56 | 33.42 | 31.28 | 169.12 |
37 | Full Belly Smokers | 29.44 | 34.14 | 32.28 | 32.00 | 32.00 | 37.42 | 167.84 |
38 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch | 33.86 | 32.72 | 31.58 | 35.30 | 32.72 | 29.44 | 166.18 |
39 | M-Kookin Kuzzins | 34.14 | 31.28 | 34.58 | 32.00 | 31.28 | 32.00 | 164.00 |
40 | Burnt Meat #5 | 34.58 | 29.42 | 29.42 | 31.28 | 31.28 | 36.00 | 162.56 |
41 | Enduro Sticky Cookers | 33.42 | 30.86 | 33.86 | 33.42 | 29.42 | 28.72 | 160.98 |
42 | Burnt Meat #2 | 30.58 | 32.00 | 30.86 | 30.14 | 30.58 | 36.00 | 160.02 |
43 | Red Devils #2 | 30.58 | 30.58 | 35.72 | 28.72 | 29.86 | 32.72 | 159.46 |
44 | M-Chillin & Grillin | 33.86 | 28.72 | 32.72 | 28.00 | 29.42 | 32.00 | 156.72 |
45 | Damifino | 34.58 | 28.72 | 28.72 | 28.00 | 30.14 | 32.00 | 154.16 |
46 | Sons of Smoke 2 | 29.86 | 29.86 | 30.58 | 29.86 | 30.58 | 32.00 | 152.88 |
47 | Roberts Crew | 32.44 | 30.86 | 28.00 | 30.58 | 29.44 | 28.00 | 151.32 |
48 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch #4 | 30.16 | 28.00 | 28.72 | 30.58 | 32.00 | 29.86 | 151.32 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Brisket Cases | 32.00 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 38.58 | 194.58 |
2 | Guns and Hoses | 40.00 | 40.00 | 33.00 | 38.14 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 194.14 |
3 | The Left Overs | 40.00 | 37.42 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 35.28 | 34.86 | 190.12 |
4 | Wild Land Cookers | 39.28 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 36.70 | 33.42 | 35.56 | 190.10 |
5 | The Left Overs 2 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 38.14 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 34.86 | 188.98 |
6 | High Pressure Cookers 2 | 38.14 | 32.72 | 33.42 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 188.28 |
7 | Bar T BBQ | 30.86 | 40.00 | 31.58 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 37.84 | 184.70 |
8 | Johnny B's Backyard BBQ | 38.56 | 36.70 | 32.00 | 37.86 | 33.86 | 36.72 | 183.70 |
9 | Full Belly Smokers | 34.56 | 33.70 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 35.28 | 38.14 | 183.26 |
10 | Grill Mates #1 | 38.14 | 38.56 | 34.14 | 34.58 | 37.42 | 34.14 | 182.84 |
11 | Wayne T and the Wild Bunch | 35.56 | 30.14 | 34.14 | 38.58 | 37.42 | 35.28 | 180.98 |
12 | Throw'd Off Cookers #2 | 37.42 | 37.42 | 34.14 | 34.58 | 36.00 | 33.42 | 179.56 |
13 | Sons of Smoke 2 | 31.56 | 33.42 | 39.28 | 38.56 | 30.86 | 33.86 | 176.68 |
14 | Enduro Sticky Cookers | 36.00 | 40.00 | 32.72 | 33.44 | 29.44 | 34.14 | 176.30 |
15 | Throw'd Off Cookers #1 | 32.98 | 34.84 | 35.28 | 30.14 | 33.44 | 38.56 | 175.10 |
16 | J and T Lawn Service | 36.00 | 34.86 | 32.00 | 32.72 | 30.16 | 39.28 | 174.86 |
17 | Off In The Woods | 39.28 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 30.86 | 30.14 | 174.42 |
18 | Roberts Crew | 34.56 | 32.70 | 35.28 | 35.72 | 33.86 | 33.42 | 172.84 |
19 | Running Chickens | 32.00 | 34.56 | 32.72 | 34.58 | 31.30 | 36.72 | 170.58 |
20 | M-Chillin & Grillin | 38.14 | 30.14 | 33.42 | 33.86 | 28.00 | 33.42 | 168.98 |
21 | NO BS About It | 32.44 | 32.00 | 31.30 | 33.16 | 29.44 | 34.56 | 163.46 |
22 | Bayou Pirate #1 | 32.72 | 29.42 | 28.72 | 29.44 | 33.42 | 34.14 | 159.14 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Senior - Lil O's BBQ | 40.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 198.56 |
2 | MINI - Roberts' Crew | 37.86 | 39.28 | 37.86 | 37.86 | 35.28 | 39.28 | 192.14 |
3 | KIDS-Gracie's Barbie Burgers | 33.44 | 36.72 | 38.58 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 191.30 |
4 | Senior - Haley's Double D Cookers #1 | 37.14 | 37.16 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 33.44 | 40.00 | 191.02 |
5 | Junior - Wild Bunch | 39.28 | 36.70 | 29.44 | 38.56 | 35.28 | 39.28 | 189.10 |
6 | Senior - Funky Monkey BBQ 13 | 38.58 | 37.86 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 33.88 | 39.28 | 188.44 |
7 | Sister's Keeper BBQ | 37.86 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 36.72 | 37.84 | 187.70 |
8 | KIDS-Lyndsie's Barbie Burgers | 38.14 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 32.72 | 186.86 |
9 | KIDS-Maverick No BS About It | 37.86 | 37.86 | 34.58 | 32.72 | 38.56 | 36.70 | 185.56 |
10 | kid - harper riojas | 37.14 | 34.58 | 34.14 | 38.14 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 185.14 |
11 | KIDS-Boston No BS About IT | 37.14 | 35.28 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 32.72 | 35.30 | 181.58 |
12 | KIDS-Cameron Jones | 37.42 | 31.56 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 180.00 |
13 | KIDS-Bro Hope | 36.00 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 28.72 | 35.28 | 179.28 |
14 | junior - Team Daniel 2 | 36.00 | 36.72 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 36.72 | 178.16 |
15 | KIDS-Collin Wright | 36.00 | 34.14 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 33.44 | 33.42 | 177.44 |
16 | Junior - Team Daniel 1 | 30.14 | 37.86 | 35.30 | 36.00 | 32.00 | 34.86 | 176.02 |
17 | KIDS-Riley's Homefront Cookers | 34.58 | 35.28 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 176.00 |
18 | Junior - Mac-N-The Kools | 36.00 | 35.28 | 32.00 | 30.86 | 32.72 | 39.28 | 175.28 |
19 | KIDS-Adie Sliva | 35.28 | 35.28 | 30.86 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 173.42 |
20 | KIDS-Chillin & Grillin | 37.42 | 30.14 | 34.14 | 32.72 | 32.72 | 32.72 | 169.72 |
21 | KIDS-Rockin' R's | 33.42 | 28.00 | 33.86 | 34.14 | 29.44 | 33.86 | 164.72 |
22 | MINI - Team Harper | 32.00 | 31.56 | 32.00 | 35.28 | 32.72 | 28.72 | 163.56 |