
Overall Results
Grimes County True Blue Foundation 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off
State Championship
Anderson, TX
May 6 2023
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 First Class BBQ 189.86 197.14 193.84 196.44 777.28
2 3P Cooker's 194.28 192.98 199.28 188.68 775.22
3 Chickapcow 184.44 197.14 188.72 196.72 767.02
4 Hoo Kares Kookers 190.58 197.12 190.58 188.44 766.72
5 Pigs & Cows Gone Wild 190.84 192.72 190.84 190.82 765.22
6 East Texas Smokers 191.70 189.86 190.86 190.12 762.54
7 BIGG E BBQ 183.30 191.70 194.86 192.00 761.86
8 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 193.44 186.86 190.58 190.14 761.02
9 Hide-A-Way Ranch Cookers 193.84 193.42 190.12 182.86 760.24
10 Wholey Smoked Cookers 186.82 195.26 187.56 189.40 759.04
11 Love BBQ 184.28 196.70 194.98 182.54 758.50
12 Sure Shot BBQ 184.42 192.00 194.14 186.84 757.40
13 Big Horn Cookers 185.18 184.00 193.42 194.14 756.74
14 Bury da bone bbq 185.16 187.56 189.42 194.58 756.72
15 Bar T BBQ 195.28 185.14 187.72 188.00 756.14
16 On Call Cookers 180.68 189.70 195.56 189.68 755.62
17 Smoke Show BBQ 182.70 195.98 190.86 184.00 753.54
18 Dirty Bird Cookers 184.02 194.14 187.58 184.72 750.46
19 Bearfoot Cookers 184.28 184.70 189.86 187.30 746.14
20 Full Belly Smokers 184.00 190.58 184.68 186.56 745.82
21 Cooks of Hazzard 179.58 190.56 186.56 186.14 742.84
22 Meatshots BBQ 170.14 197.84 188.70 185.84 742.52
23 The Dirty Underwear Gang 188.70 188.42 179.28 181.68 738.08
24 Coastline Cookers 182.44 193.00 177.42 181.44 734.30
25 2 Hot 2 Handle Cookers 179.30 190.42 184.42 178.88 733.02
26 Bottoms Up Smokers 174.58 192.00 178.60 181.44 726.62
27 Get-U-Sum 181.70 176.02 182.56 184.70 724.98
28 Shiner Park Smokers 184.00 180.00 180.98 178.16 723.14
29 RoadKill Cookers BBQ 188.00 184.72 171.56 174.12 718.40
30 Thin Blue Line 179.84 185.02 178.42 171.62 714.90
31 C N J Cookers 181.58 182.56 183.68 165.48 713.30
32 Texas Legends BBQ 181.00 180.74 167.30 178.58 707.62
33 Bad Ash BBQ 172.58 183.58 179.30 171.14 706.60
34 Still In It 169.90 168.72 184.96 181.42 705.00
35 Four Doors Down TX 168.72 186.56 181.00 168.32 704.60
36 Southern Pride 177.84 175.56 174.84 173.40 701.64
37 Hillbilly Cookers 162.16 179.56 176.96 179.72 698.40
38 Dad Burned It 178.86 183.28 172.02 164.04 698.20
39 Dreamfly Barbcue 171.28 182.82 176.98 164.24 695.32
40 Flat Hill Meat Works 181.44 159.30 174.84 173.46 689.04
41 Whats In the Thumper 179.74 175.16 170.84 159.18 684.92
42 Mixed Wood Cookers 180.44 174.90 158.42 170.56 684.32
43 F4 172.74 185.72 165.86 159.90 684.22
44 The Notorious P.I.G's 165.88 174.62 173.68 168.42 682.60
45 5M 146.86 162.84 174.10 179.58 663.38

Chicken Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Grimes County True Blue Foundation 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off
Anderson, TX
May 6 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Bar T BBQ 39.28 39.28 36.72 40.00 40.00 32.72 195.28
2 3P Cooker's 39.28 33.42 37.86 38.58 39.28 39.28 194.28
3 Hide-A-Way Ranch Cookers 39.28 37.86 40.00 32.72 39.28 37.42 193.84
4 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 38.58 40.00 36.72 40.00 38.14 35.30 193.44
5 East Texas Smokers 40.00 36.72 34.86 39.28 37.14 38.56 191.70
6 Pigs & Cows Gone Wild 40.00 35.28 39.28 37.86 36.28 37.42 190.84
7 Hoo Kares Kookers 35.30 40.00 40.00 37.86 37.42 34.14 190.58
8 First Class BBQ 40.00 37.86 38.14 36.00 37.86 35.28 189.86
9 The Dirty Underwear Gang 39.28 33.42 36.00 34.14 40.00 39.28 188.70
10 RoadKill Cookers BBQ 36.00 33.42 36.72 39.28 40.00 36.00 188.00
11 Wholey Smoked Cookers 39.28 33.42 40.00 37.42 35.98 34.14 186.82
12 Big Horn Cookers 35.30 34.14 35.30 38.58 40.00 36.00 185.18
13 Bury da bone bbq 36.00 37.86 36.72 36.00 38.58 35.28 185.16
14 Chickapcow 40.00 36.00 36.00 37.86 34.58 34.14 184.44
15 Sure Shot BBQ 31.58 39.28 33.86 40.00 35.28 36.00 184.42
16 Love BBQ 34.86 34.86 36.00 39.28 39.28 34.14 184.28
17 Bearfoot Cookers 40.00 40.00 32.28 34.14 36.00 34.14 184.28
18 Dirty Bird Cookers 38.58 34.86 38.58 34.14 37.86 33.42 184.02
19 Full Belly Smokers 36.00 36.00 36.72 33.44 39.28 36.00 184.00
20 Shiner Park Smokers 34.14 37.16 36.72 39.28 36.70 32.00 184.00
21 BIGG E BBQ 37.86 34.86 34.58 39.28 36.72 32.72 183.30
22 Smoke Show BBQ 38.14 34.84 34.86 36.72 38.14 32.72 182.70
23 Coastline Cookers 36.72 34.86 33.44 36.72 38.14 36.00 182.44
24 Get-U-Sum 39.28 32.72 37.42 37.42 33.44 34.14 181.70
25 C N J Cookers 35.30 39.28 34.58 32.28 38.56 33.86 181.58
26 Flat Hill Meat Works 33.44 30.86 40.00 36.00 40.00 32.00 181.44
27 Texas Legends BBQ 36.72 33.86 36.72 34.14 34.14 39.28 181.00
28 On Call Cookers 38.56 37.86 32.00 33.42 38.56 32.28 180.68
29 Mixed Wood Cookers 36.00 37.42 35.30 34.58 37.14 34.58 180.44
30 Thin Blue Line 40.00 33.42 33.42 36.00 36.28 34.14 179.84
31 Whats In the Thumper 34.14 34.58 38.58 36.72 35.72 33.86 179.74
32 Cooks of Hazzard 37.42 31.30 36.72 30.14 40.00 34.14 179.58
33 2 Hot 2 Handle Cookers 36.00 33.42 36.72 36.00 36.00 34.58 179.30
34 Dad Burned It 36.72 32.00 34.86 35.28 34.58 37.42 178.86
35 Southern Pride 35.28 32.00 36.00 38.58 35.98 32.00 177.84
36 Bottoms Up Smokers 33.42 32.00 37.86 36.00 34.58 32.72 174.58
37 F4 34.86 31.58 33.16 36.00 34.58 34.14 172.74
38 Bad Ash BBQ 29.44 29.44 34.14 36.72 37.42 34.86 172.58
39 Dreamfly Barbcue 35.28 30.58 35.28 32.72 35.28 32.72 171.28
40 Meatshots BBQ 28.72 40.00 28.72 34.14 32.00 35.28 170.14
41 Still In It 34.58 32.00 35.28 32.02 32.02 36.00 169.90
42 Four Doors Down TX 36.00 30.14 32.00 33.86 32.00 34.86 168.72
43 The Notorious P.I.G's 37.86 33.42 30.58 30.58 31.30 32.72 165.88
44 Hillbilly Cookers 36.00 31.30 30.14 32.00 28.00 32.72 162.16
45 5M 33.42 28.00 28.72 28.72 28.00 28.00 146.86

Rib Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Grimes County True Blue Foundation 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off
Anderson, TX
May 6 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Meatshots BBQ 38.56 40.00 40.00 39.28 39.28 39.28 197.84
2 Chickapcow 37.42 39.28 38.58 40.00 39.28 40.00 197.14
3 First Class BBQ 36.70 39.28 40.00 40.00 38.58 39.28 197.14
4 Hoo Kares Kookers 39.28 39.28 39.28 39.28 40.00 36.72 197.12
5 Love BBQ 39.28 40.00 40.00 40.00 35.28 37.42 196.70
6 Smoke Show BBQ 37.42 34.58 39.28 40.00 40.00 39.28 195.98
7 Wholey Smoked Cookers 39.28 37.42 39.28 36.72 39.28 40.00 195.26
8 Dirty Bird Cookers 38.14 40.00 39.28 38.14 37.42 38.58 194.14
9 Hide-A-Way Ranch Cookers 40.00 40.00 34.86 38.14 39.28 36.00 193.42
10 Coastline Cookers 36.72 34.86 38.14 38.14 40.00 40.00 193.00
11 3P Cooker's 39.28 33.44 34.42 40.00 40.00 39.28 192.98
12 Pigs & Cows Gone Wild 40.00 36.72 34.58 39.28 40.00 36.72 192.72
13 Bottoms Up Smokers 37.86 39.28 40.00 36.72 36.72 38.14 192.00
14 Sure Shot BBQ 38.14 32.72 40.00 39.28 37.86 36.72 192.00
15 BIGG E BBQ 36.72 38.56 34.14 39.28 39.28 37.86 191.70
16 Full Belly Smokers 36.72 32.72 40.00 38.58 38.56 36.72 190.58
17 Cooks of Hazzard 36.72 39.28 32.72 35.28 39.28 40.00 190.56
18 2 Hot 2 Handle Cookers 38.14 38.14 34.86 33.44 39.28 40.00 190.42
19 East Texas Smokers 36.72 39.28 32.72 36.00 40.00 37.86 189.86
20 On Call Cookers 36.00 37.42 38.14 40.00 38.14 34.58 189.70
21 The Dirty Underwear Gang 37.86 32.28 39.28 38.56 38.14 34.58 188.42
22 Bury da bone bbq 34.86 39.28 32.72 37.42 40.00 36.00 187.56
23 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 38.14 36.00 35.30 40.00 36.72 36.00 186.86
24 Four Doors Down TX 35.28 36.00 36.00 32.72 39.28 40.00 186.56
25 F4 36.72 35.30 37.42 38.14 36.72 36.72 185.72
26 Bar T BBQ 32.72 37.86 36.00 40.00 35.28 36.00 185.14
27 Thin Blue Line 36.72 40.00 36.72 36.72 32.72 34.86 185.02
28 RoadKill Cookers BBQ 33.44 37.86 36.00 37.42 40.00 32.72 184.72
29 Bearfoot Cookers 36.00 39.28 37.42 36.00 36.00 36.00 184.70
30 Big Horn Cookers 36.72 39.28 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 184.00
31 Bad Ash BBQ 36.00 36.72 36.00 38.14 36.72 36.00 183.58
32 Dad Burned It 35.28 38.14 36.00 32.72 37.86 36.00 183.28
33 Dreamfly Barbcue 34.14 34.14 36.70 37.42 35.28 39.28 182.82
34 C N J Cookers 36.00 37.42 36.00 34.14 35.28 37.86 182.56
35 Texas Legends BBQ 32.28 39.28 36.72 33.44 36.72 34.58 180.74
36 Shiner Park Smokers 36.00 40.00 31.58 36.00 35.28 32.72 180.00
37 Hillbilly Cookers 32.72 36.00 36.00 36.00 37.42 34.14 179.56
38 Get-U-Sum 32.72 35.30 29.44 35.28 36.72 36.00 176.02
39 Southern Pride 32.00 36.72 34.14 32.00 35.28 37.42 175.56
40 Whats In the Thumper 33.44 38.14 34.86 32.72 36.00 32.00 175.16
41 Mixed Wood Cookers 34.86 35.30 33.44 36.72 33.42 34.58 174.90
42 The Notorious P.I.G's 34.14 38.58 35.74 33.44 32.72 31.30 174.62
43 Still In It 33.42 28.72 33.86 32.72 32.72 36.00 168.72
44 5M 33.42 32.72 30.58 31.28 32.00 33.42 162.84
45 Flat Hill Meat Works 32.70 28.00 32.00 32.02 30.58 32.00 159.30

Pork Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Grimes County True Blue Foundation 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off
Anderson, TX
May 6 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 3P Cooker's 40.00 40.00 39.28 40.00 36.72 40.00 199.28
2 On Call Cookers 36.28 40.00 34.86 40.00 39.28 40.00 195.56
3 Love BBQ 37.86 38.56 39.28 40.00 35.28 39.28 194.98
4 BIGG E BBQ 37.42 40.00 38.58 40.00 38.14 38.14 194.86
5 Sure Shot BBQ 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 36.00 37.42 194.14
6 First Class BBQ 39.28 37.42 38.58 40.00 38.56 36.72 193.84
7 Big Horn Cookers 40.00 36.00 40.00 38.14 35.56 39.28 193.42
8 Smoke Show BBQ 38.58 36.72 37.42 40.00 36.70 38.14 190.86
9 East Texas Smokers 36.72 40.00 40.00 32.72 37.42 36.72 190.86
10 Pigs & Cows Gone Wild 38.14 36.00 39.28 39.28 36.72 37.42 190.84
11 Hoo Kares Kookers 36.72 36.72 40.00 38.58 36.72 38.56 190.58
12 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 38.58 40.00 36.00 40.00 34.58 36.00 190.58
13 Hide-A-Way Ranch Cookers 35.30 36.28 40.00 39.28 38.56 36.00 190.12
14 Bearfoot Cookers 34.14 38.14 39.28 36.00 37.86 38.58 189.86
15 Bury da bone bbq 37.42 36.72 39.28 34.14 40.00 36.00 189.42
16 Chickapcow 36.00 34.58 36.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 188.72
17 Meatshots BBQ 37.42 40.00 39.28 34.86 35.28 36.72 188.70
18 Bar T BBQ 37.86 34.14 36.00 36.72 39.28 37.86 187.72
19 Dirty Bird Cookers 40.00 36.00 36.00 38.14 36.72 36.72 187.58
20 Wholey Smoked Cookers 35.56 36.00 36.00 40.00 30.14 40.00 187.56
21 Cooks of Hazzard 36.00 37.42 36.00 36.00 38.56 38.58 186.56
22 Still In It 38.14 40.00 33.42 39.28 32.00 34.12 184.96
23 Full Belly Smokers 36.00 34.14 37.42 32.72 38.56 38.56 184.68
24 2 Hot 2 Handle Cookers 37.86 37.14 37.42 39.28 32.72 32.72 184.42
25 C N J Cookers 35.28 36.70 36.00 37.84 32.00 37.86 183.68
26 Get-U-Sum 36.44 32.00 35.28 38.14 38.56 34.14 182.56
27 Four Doors Down TX 33.44 36.00 36.00 40.00 35.56 30.14 181.00
28 Shiner Park Smokers 36.00 37.42 37.42 34.86 35.28 32.72 180.98
29 Bad Ash BBQ 40.00 31.28 36.72 32.00 32.72 37.86 179.30
30 The Dirty Underwear Gang 36.00 33.42 34.58 34.14 35.28 39.28 179.28
31 Bottoms Up Smokers 35.30 34.14 35.30 37.86 36.00 34.14 178.60
32 Thin Blue Line 38.14 32.72 36.72 38.14 28.00 32.70 178.42
33 Coastline Cookers 32.72 35.28 32.72 39.28 34.14 36.00 177.42
34 Dreamfly Barbcue 34.14 36.28 32.72 32.70 35.28 38.56 176.98
35 Hillbilly Cookers 36.70 36.70 34.14 37.42 32.00 30.14 176.96
36 Flat Hill Meat Works 39.28 32.00 32.00 34.86 33.42 35.28 174.84
37 Southern Pride 30.86 39.28 30.14 34.56 38.14 32.00 174.84
38 5M 32.00 28.00 33.42 37.86 34.12 36.70 174.10
39 The Notorious P.I.G's 33.42 32.00 34.14 37.42 36.70 30.14 173.68
40 Dad Burned It 32.72 32.72 35.28 36.72 32.00 34.58 172.02
41 RoadKill Cookers BBQ 32.00 33.42 32.00 40.00 33.42 32.72 171.56
42 Whats In the Thumper 32.00 34.14 36.70 34.14 30.14 33.86 170.84
43 Texas Legends BBQ 28.72 29.44 34.58 33.86 32.00 37.42 167.30
44 F4 34.58 31.28 30.58 36.00 30.14 33.42 165.86
45 Mixed Wood Cookers 30.84 30.14 34.58 32.72 29.42 30.14 158.42

Brisket Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Grimes County True Blue Foundation 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off
Anderson, TX
May 6 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Chickapcow 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 36.70 196.72
2 First Class BBQ 39.28 38.58 40.00 33.44 38.58 40.00 196.44
3 Bury da bone bbq 40.00 40.00 35.30 39.28 40.00 35.28 194.58
4 Big Horn Cookers 40.00 40.00 39.28 38.14 36.00 36.72 194.14
5 BIGG E BBQ 33.44 40.00 40.00 37.86 37.86 36.28 192.00
6 Pigs & Cows Gone Wild 39.28 39.28 37.42 32.00 39.28 35.56 190.82
7 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 30.14 35.56 39.28 40.00 38.58 36.72 190.14
8 East Texas Smokers 40.00 37.42 37.42 39.28 35.30 36.00 190.12
9 On Call Cookers 30.14 40.00 37.42 37.42 38.14 36.70 189.68
10 Wholey Smoked Cookers 36.00 33.00 39.28 37.42 37.42 39.28 189.40
11 3P Cooker's 36.70 39.28 37.42 37.42 37.86 33.86 188.68
12 Hoo Kares Kookers 34.86 37.86 36.72 36.70 38.58 38.58 188.44
13 Bar T BBQ 35.28 37.86 38.14 36.72 36.00 39.28 188.00
14 Bearfoot Cookers 33.86 40.00 38.58 32.72 40.00 34.86 187.30
15 Sure Shot BBQ 40.00 35.56 37.42 36.00 36.00 37.42 186.84
16 Full Belly Smokers 32.00 38.58 36.70 36.00 36.00 39.28 186.56
17 Cooks of Hazzard 40.00 31.30 38.14 36.00 36.00 36.00 186.14
18 Meatshots BBQ 35.98 40.00 33.86 37.86 34.58 37.42 185.84
19 Dirty Bird Cookers 37.42 37.42 34.14 36.72 34.58 38.58 184.72
20 Get-U-Sum 35.28 36.00 34.14 36.00 37.42 40.00 184.70
21 Smoke Show BBQ 36.72 39.28 36.00 34.14 34.14 37.86 184.00
22 Hide-A-Way Ranch Cookers 36.72 36.00 32.72 36.00 39.28 34.86 182.86
23 Love BBQ 32.00 32.72 36.70 39.28 37.14 36.70 182.54
24 The Dirty Underwear Gang 36.70 40.00 33.42 36.72 32.72 34.84 181.68
25 Bottoms Up Smokers 32.00 39.28 34.14 35.30 36.00 36.72 181.44
26 Coastline Cookers 30.86 38.58 35.30 34.14 36.00 37.42 181.44
27 Still In It 39.28 36.00 30.86 39.28 32.28 34.58 181.42
28 Hillbilly Cookers 33.86 32.00 32.00 35.28 38.58 40.00 179.72
29 5M 33.44 33.86 34.86 36.72 40.00 34.14 179.58
30 2 Hot 2 Handle Cookers 36.72 36.70 31.30 33.44 36.72 35.30 178.88
31 Texas Legends BBQ 34.14 35.28 35.28 32.00 36.72 37.16 178.58
32 Shiner Park Smokers 36.00 34.14 31.30 40.00 31.30 36.72 178.16
33 RoadKill Cookers BBQ 36.00 33.42 33.86 32.72 36.70 34.14 174.12
34 Flat Hill Meat Works 34.86 34.58 32.00 30.58 38.58 33.44 173.46
35 Southern Pride 39.28 33.42 30.14 33.42 33.86 33.42 173.40
36 Thin Blue Line 33.44 29.44 33.44 36.72 33.16 34.86 171.62
37 Bad Ash BBQ 34.14 32.72 33.42 38.14 32.72 32.72 171.14
38 Mixed Wood Cookers 32.00 37.14 33.42 33.86 32.72 33.42 170.56
39 The Notorious P.I.G's 29.86 33.86 35.28 32.00 35.28 32.00 168.42
40 Four Doors Down TX 34.14 30.16 30.14 33.86 30.16 40.00 168.32
41 C N J Cookers 30.58 32.72 32.02 32.02 32.72 36.00 165.48
42 Dreamfly Barbcue 31.28 29.42 36.70 29.42 31.28 35.56 164.24
43 Dad Burned It 33.86 29.44 34.86 36.44 29.44 29.44 164.04
44 F4 33.44 30.86 30.14 33.44 28.72 32.02 159.90
45 Whats In the Thumper 30.86 33.44 29.44 32.72 32.72 29.44 159.18

Beans Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Grimes County True Blue Foundation 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off
Anderson, TX
May 6 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Shiner Park Smokers 30.14 39.28 38.56 37.14 39.28 37.14 191.40
2 Smoke Show BBQ 40.00 39.28 34.58 37.86 39.28 33.86 191.00
3 Hillbilly Cookers 39.28 33.42 37.86 37.14 38.58 36.70 189.56
4 2 Hot 2 Handle Cookers 37.86 39.28 36.00 35.28 39.28 36.00 188.42
5 Still In It 40.00 39.28 38.56 32.00 32.00 38.56 188.40
6 Hide-A-Way Ranch Cookers 28.72 36.00 39.28 38.14 36.28 37.84 187.54
7 5M 40.00 36.00 37.86 36.00 37.42 36.00 187.28
8 Chickapcow 39.28 39.28 36.00 32.00 37.42 35.28 187.26
9 East Texas Smokers 37.86 37.42 39.28 34.14 30.86 38.14 186.84
10 Get-U-Sum 30.86 39.28 36.00 33.86 39.28 36.70 185.12
11 Four Doors Down TX 34.86 38.14 35.28 37.86 36.28 37.42 184.98
12 Texas Legends BBQ 39.28 36.00 37.42 34.86 36.28 35.30 184.28
13 Coastline Cookers 34.14 34.14 38.14 33.42 33.42 40.00 179.84
14 Dad Burned It 36.00 32.00 36.00 32.72 37.42 36.00 178.14
15 C N J Cookers 33.00 34.58 39.28 34.58 35.56 29.44 177.00
16 Flat Hill Meat Works 30.86 36.72 34.14 33.42 38.14 34.14 176.56
17 Thin Blue Line 35.28 32.00 36.70 32.70 35.28 34.56 174.52
18 Dreamfly Barbcue 33.86 32.72 34.14 37.86 34.42 34.14 174.42
19 Whats In the Thumper 36.00 34.14 36.70 32.72 34.14 32.00 173.70
20 Full Belly Smokers 34.58 34.58 33.86 35.30 29.44 30.58 168.90
21 The Notorious P.I.G's 32.00 33.14 34.86 28.72 29.86 37.42 167.28
22 F4 33.42 30.14 32.72 34.58 29.86 29.42 160.72

Margarita Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Grimes County True Blue Foundation 2nd Annual BBQ Cook Off
Anderson, TX
May 6 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 East Texas Smokers 40.00 35.28 37.42 39.28 36.00 35.56 188.26
2 Get-U-Sum 38.58 36.00 36.00 37.16 33.44 40.00 187.74
3 Texas Legends BBQ 40.00 34.14 37.42 40.00 34.86 35.28 187.56
4 Whats In the Thumper 29.44 35.28 36.00 39.28 34.14 39.28 183.98
5 C N J Cookers 32.72 30.86 37.42 38.14 38.58 36.72 183.58
6 Dreamfly Barbcue 39.28 34.56 36.42 37.14 35.98 34.56 183.38
7 Dad Burned It 32.00 29.44 36.00 40.00 37.42 36.00 181.42
8 F4 36.72 34.86 35.30 34.86 36.28 36.72 179.88
9 RoadKill Cookers BBQ 29.44 32.00 34.14 39.28 36.00 36.00 177.42
10 Bearfoot Cookers 33.42 35.28 33.42 36.72 35.56 28.00 174.40
11 2 Hot 2 Handle Cookers 32.00 32.00 33.42 37.14 39.28 30.14 173.84
12 Still In It 32.00 33.42 35.28 39.28 32.28 30.14 172.26
13 Hillbilly Cookers 32.72 33.88 34.14 36.72 29.44 34.58 172.04