
Overall Results
We Got Your Back 2 Back double Header DAY 1
State Championship
Tomball, TX
May 27 2023
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 Smokin Donkeys/The BarBQue Store 187.98 195.28 190.56 190.84 764.66
2 Bourbon Cowboy Cookers 190.56 187.56 193.40 185.40 756.92
3 LC BBQ 188.70 185.72 190.56 190.58 755.56
4 Sure Shot BBQ 187.28 190.56 190.12 187.56 755.52
5 Bearfoot Cookers 180.72 191.56 190.12 192.00 754.40
6 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 183.30 175.88 198.58 191.00 748.76
7 The Dirty Underwear Gang 192.28 188.70 192.70 174.84 748.52
8 Hoo Kares Kookers 181.42 184.30 191.26 190.12 747.10
9 On Call Cookers 183.72 189.84 185.44 184.98 743.98
10 Outlaw Smokerz 192.70 175.56 185.70 189.84 743.80
11 Thin Line Barbecue 184.00 182.14 190.58 186.56 743.28
12 War Pig BBQ 178.56 196.72 182.58 184.54 742.40
13 Chicken Fried BBQ 177.44 188.00 184.72 190.56 740.72
14 Wholey Smoked Cookers 189.42 187.30 185.40 177.28 739.40
15 HELL YEAH BBQ 177.86 190.14 189.88 180.72 738.60
16 Sweetie's Bar-B-Q 186.10 186.14 187.72 178.42 738.38
17 Kanned Heat 182.54 189.12 178.44 188.00 738.10
18 Twisted Flames 180.30 184.46 196.40 176.74 737.90
19 Smoking Wizards II 186.14 179.14 186.56 185.14 736.98
20 Cooks of Hazzard 186.60 189.14 187.28 172.70 735.72
21 INHOGNITO 190.12 182.86 183.56 178.84 735.38
22 Meatshots BBQ 188.70 185.84 184.72 173.02 732.28
23 Mullet Shakers BBQ 190.14 168.30 184.72 188.70 731.86
24 Love BBQ 172.30 190.14 185.42 183.28 731.14
25 Fire in the Hole Cookers 181.86 181.44 186.84 179.30 729.44
26 BBQ Project 186.54 182.86 186.84 172.30 728.54
27 Lite Em Up Cookers 181.00 185.44 188.28 170.46 725.18
28 DD BBQ 181.72 175.42 187.54 178.54 723.22
29 Bottoms Up Smokers 185.42 179.58 176.18 179.56 720.74
30 TNT Swine-O-Mite 186.14 185.42 162.40 180.72 714.68
31 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 175.02 180.42 182.84 173.42 711.70
32 Limp Brisket* 171.30 169.70 173.86 180.28 695.14
33 Tomball VFW 185.86 178.42 164.02 149.70 678.00
34 Brisky Business 170.42 168.72 175.12 161.88 676.14

Chicken Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
We Got Your Back 2 Back double Header DAY 1
Tomball, TX
May 27 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Outlaw Smokerz 38.14 38.56 40.00 39.28 36.72 36.00 192.70
2 The Dirty Underwear Gang 40.00 35.28 38.14 36.00 40.00 38.14 192.28
3 Bourbon Cowboy Cookers 36.72 37.86 39.28 39.28 36.00 37.42 190.56
4 Mullet Shakers BBQ 36.72 35.28 38.14 40.00 40.00 34.14 190.14
5 INHOGNITO 37.42 35.28 32.72 40.00 40.00 37.42 190.12
6 Wholey Smoked Cookers 40.00 39.28 36.00 38.14 36.00 34.14 189.42
7 LC BBQ 32.72 34.14 38.14 37.86 39.28 39.28 188.70
8 Meatshots BBQ 35.28 38.14 38.14 32.72 38.58 38.56 188.70
9 Smokin Donkeys/The BarBQue Store 34.14 40.00 35.28 37.42 36.72 38.56 187.98
10 Sure Shot BBQ 36.00 36.72 39.28 33.44 36.72 38.56 187.28
11 Cooks of Hazzard 36.72 33.42 40.00 37.16 38.14 34.58 186.60
12 BBQ Project 33.42 35.28 39.28 36.00 39.28 36.70 186.54
13 TNT Swine-O-Mite 36.72 37.14 40.00 34.14 38.14 34.14 186.14
14 Smoking Wizards II 36.72 33.42 39.28 36.72 40.00 33.42 186.14
15 Sweetie's Bar-B-Q 38.56 32.72 36.70 37.42 39.28 34.14 186.10
16 Tomball VFW 36.72 36.72 39.28 35.28 37.86 33.86 185.86
17 Bottoms Up Smokers 34.86 33.42 40.00 39.28 34.14 37.14 185.42
18 Thin Line Barbecue 32.72 36.00 34.58 38.14 36.72 38.56 184.00
19 On Call Cookers 40.00 37.16 32.00 29.44 36.00 38.56 183.72
20 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 31.58 40.00 36.00 32.02 40.00 35.28 183.30
21 Kanned Heat 36.00 33.42 36.70 34.14 37.14 38.56 182.54
22 Fire in the Hole Cookers 31.30 35.28 36.00 39.28 38.58 32.72 181.86
23 DD BBQ 33.70 40.00 36.72 32.72 36.72 34.58 181.72
24 Hoo Kares Kookers 34.58 39.28 34.14 30.86 39.28 34.14 181.42
25 Lite Em Up Cookers 32.72 34.14 31.56 36.72 37.42 40.00 181.00
26 Bearfoot Cookers 39.28 32.72 36.00 31.30 34.86 37.86 180.72
27 Twisted Flames 36.72 34.14 36.72 36.72 36.00 34.14 180.30
28 War Pig BBQ 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.56 36.44 36.00 178.56
29 HELL YEAH BBQ 33.88 35.28 39.28 32.72 36.00 33.42 177.86
30 Chicken Fried BBQ 34.14 34.58 36.00 32.72 36.72 36.00 177.44
31 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 35.02 39.28 31.30 32.72 32.72 35.28 175.02
32 Love BBQ 32.72 34.58 30.58 33.00 33.86 38.14 172.30
33 Limp Brisket* 33.86 33.44 38.56 32.72 32.72 32.72 171.30
34 Brisky Business 33.42 30.14 30.86 32.00 40.00 34.14 170.42

Rib Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
We Got Your Back 2 Back double Header DAY 1
Tomball, TX
May 27 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 War Pig BBQ 40.00 40.00 40.00 30.86 36.72 40.00 196.72
2 Smokin Donkeys/The BarBQue Store 39.28 40.00 35.30 36.72 39.28 40.00 195.28
3 Bearfoot Cookers 36.28 40.00 36.72 30.86 39.28 39.28 191.56
4 Sure Shot BBQ 37.14 34.86 39.28 34.58 39.28 40.00 190.56
5 Love BBQ 38.14 40.00 38.14 36.00 37.86 36.00 190.14
6 HELL YEAH BBQ 38.14 36.00 40.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 190.14
7 On Call Cookers 34.58 38.56 34.14 39.28 39.28 38.14 189.84
8 Cooks of Hazzard 40.00 35.28 39.28 34.14 37.42 37.16 189.14
9 Kanned Heat 36.00 33.16 37.14 38.56 39.28 38.14 189.12
10 The Dirty Underwear Gang 36.00 35.56 36.00 39.28 39.28 38.14 188.70
11 Chicken Fried BBQ 39.28 40.00 37.86 31.30 36.72 34.14 188.00
12 Bourbon Cowboy Cookers 38.14 40.00 36.00 32.00 34.14 39.28 187.56
13 Wholey Smoked Cookers 36.00 38.58 36.00 36.72 40.00 36.00 187.30
14 Sweetie's Bar-B-Q 36.00 39.28 33.42 36.00 36.72 38.14 186.14
15 Meatshots BBQ 37.42 36.00 36.00 37.14 31.58 39.28 185.84
16 LC BBQ 39.28 40.00 32.72 34.86 33.44 38.14 185.72
17 Lite Em Up Cookers 40.00 39.28 35.30 32.72 30.86 38.14 185.44
18 TNT Swine-O-Mite 39.28 36.72 37.42 34.86 36.00 36.00 185.42
19 Twisted Flames 36.00 36.44 34.14 35.30 36.72 40.00 184.46
20 Hoo Kares Kookers 34.86 38.58 34.86 34.58 40.00 36.00 184.30
21 BBQ Project 36.72 40.00 35.56 34.58 35.28 35.30 182.86
22 INHOGNITO 36.72 34.42 32.00 34.58 37.86 39.28 182.86
23 Thin Line Barbecue 39.28 36.00 32.72 34.14 29.44 40.00 182.14
24 Fire in the Hole Cookers 40.00 36.00 34.86 30.14 34.58 36.00 181.44
25 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 35.28 36.00 38.56 32.00 32.00 38.58 180.42
26 Bottoms Up Smokers 33.44 32.72 39.28 36.00 30.58 38.14 179.58
27 Smoking Wizards II 34.14 30.86 36.28 36.72 34.58 37.42 179.14
28 Tomball VFW 34.14 37.42 29.44 33.44 34.14 39.28 178.42
29 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 36.72 34.14 32.72 34.86 33.44 36.72 175.88
30 Outlaw Smokerz 33.42 31.30 34.58 36.72 35.28 35.56 175.56
31 DD BBQ 34.14 28.72 36.00 36.28 32.72 36.28 175.42
32 Limp Brisket* 31.56 36.00 29.44 29.42 36.70 36.00 169.70
33 Brisky Business 32.00 36.00 32.72 30.16 32.00 36.00 168.72
34 Mullet Shakers BBQ 32.72 32.72 36.00 30.86 30.86 36.00 168.30

Pork Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
We Got Your Back 2 Back double Header DAY 1
Tomball, TX
May 27 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 38.58 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 38.14 198.58
2 Twisted Flames 39.28 39.28 39.28 39.28 33.42 39.28 196.40
3 Bourbon Cowboy Cookers 37.42 39.28 36.72 39.28 40.00 37.42 193.40
4 The Dirty Underwear Gang 38.56 39.28 38.58 38.14 38.14 37.86 192.70
5 Hoo Kares Kookers 32.72 38.14 39.28 36.70 37.86 39.28 191.26
6 Thin Line Barbecue 39.28 34.14 38.58 34.58 38.14 40.00 190.58
7 LC BBQ 39.28 40.00 32.72 40.00 35.28 36.00 190.56
8 Smokin Donkeys/The BarBQue Store 36.00 36.00 40.00 32.72 39.28 39.28 190.56
9 Bearfoot Cookers 37.42 36.00 39.28 40.00 37.42 36.00 190.12
10 Sure Shot BBQ 39.28 34.14 36.70 36.00 38.14 40.00 190.12
11 HELL YEAH BBQ 37.16 32.72 38.14 36.72 37.86 40.00 189.88
12 Lite Em Up Cookers 30.16 40.00 37.42 33.44 38.14 39.28 188.28
13 Sweetie's Bar-B-Q 37.86 39.28 36.00 37.86 34.14 36.72 187.72
14 DD BBQ 38.56 34.14 37.42 34.86 39.28 37.42 187.54
15 Cooks of Hazzard 36.00 40.00 35.28 36.72 35.28 39.28 187.28
16 BBQ Project 36.00 36.00 40.00 36.00 36.70 38.14 186.84
17 Fire in the Hole Cookers 36.70 39.28 36.72 36.72 34.84 37.42 186.84
18 Smoking Wizards II 36.00 33.86 39.28 39.28 35.28 36.72 186.56
19 Outlaw Smokerz 34.86 40.00 32.72 37.42 33.42 40.00 185.70
20 On Call Cookers 32.02 37.42 38.58 30.86 39.28 38.14 185.44
21 Love BBQ 35.28 34.86 39.28 36.00 31.58 40.00 185.42
22 Wholey Smoked Cookers 37.42 37.42 35.28 39.28 34.14 36.00 185.40
23 Mullet Shakers BBQ 40.00 35.56 36.00 36.72 36.00 36.00 184.72
24 Chicken Fried BBQ 34.14 33.44 40.00 30.86 37.86 39.28 184.72
25 Meatshots BBQ 36.00 36.00 30.58 40.00 36.72 36.00 184.72
26 INHOGNITO 30.86 36.00 39.28 34.14 37.42 36.72 183.56
27 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 32.00 34.58 38.14 40.00 33.42 36.70 182.84
28 War Pig BBQ 36.00 39.28 35.30 32.72 32.72 39.28 182.58
29 Kanned Heat 33.42 34.58 37.42 34.86 34.86 36.72 178.44
30 Bottoms Up Smokers 34.58 34.58 34.58 34.58 36.00 36.44 176.18
31 Brisky Business 32.72 38.14 35.56 30.58 33.86 34.84 175.12
32 Limp Brisket* 35.28 33.86 32.00 36.00 31.56 36.72 173.86
33 Tomball VFW 29.44 29.44 32.00 29.44 39.28 33.86 164.02
34 TNT Swine-O-Mite 33.42 28.72 32.00 29.42 34.14 33.42 162.40

Brisket Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
We Got Your Back 2 Back double Header DAY 1
Tomball, TX
May 27 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Bearfoot Cookers 40.00 32.72 40.00 35.28 36.72 40.00 192.00
2 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 40.00 37.86 36.72 37.14 39.28 36.00 191.00
3 Smokin Donkeys/The BarBQue Store 40.00 37.42 38.14 30.16 36.00 39.28 190.84
4 LC BBQ 40.00 33.42 34.14 37.16 39.28 40.00 190.58
5 Chicken Fried BBQ 39.28 35.28 40.00 36.00 34.86 40.00 190.56
6 Hoo Kares Kookers 40.00 34.14 37.42 37.42 37.42 37.86 190.12
7 Outlaw Smokerz 39.28 36.00 39.28 35.28 39.28 36.00 189.84
8 Mullet Shakers BBQ 38.14 36.70 34.14 40.00 37.86 36.00 188.70
9 Kanned Heat 40.00 33.42 36.00 40.00 37.42 34.58 188.00
10 Sure Shot BBQ 40.00 32.72 37.42 32.72 39.28 38.14 187.56
11 Thin Line Barbecue 37.42 30.58 39.28 32.00 37.86 40.00 186.56
12 Bourbon Cowboy Cookers 39.28 36.70 37.42 35.28 36.72 35.28 185.40
13 Smoking Wizards II 37.42 32.00 34.58 37.14 36.72 39.28 185.14
14 On Call Cookers 37.42 32.00 36.00 34.86 39.28 37.42 184.98
15 War Pig BBQ 34.14 34.84 37.42 30.14 40.00 38.14 184.54
16 Love BBQ 36.00 30.86 36.00 36.00 36.00 39.28 183.28
17 TNT Swine-O-Mite 37.86 32.72 36.00 34.14 36.00 36.72 180.72
18 HELL YEAH BBQ 40.00 32.72 37.86 34.14 30.86 36.00 180.72
19 Limp Brisket* 36.00 28.72 36.00 34.14 38.14 36.00 180.28
20 Bottoms Up Smokers 34.86 32.72 34.14 33.86 37.42 39.28 179.56
21 Fire in the Hole Cookers 34.86 29.44 36.00 33.86 34.58 40.00 179.30
22 INHOGNITO 36.00 31.56 34.14 35.28 38.14 35.28 178.84
23 DD BBQ 39.28 32.00 33.42 28.00 35.28 38.56 178.54
24 Sweetie's Bar-B-Q 38.14 36.00 34.14 32.00 34.14 36.00 178.42
25 Wholey Smoked Cookers 36.72 34.14 38.14 33.42 34.86 32.72 177.28
26 Twisted Flames 36.72 36.00 30.16 34.58 32.72 36.72 176.74
27 The Dirty Underwear Gang 32.72 34.14 38.56 35.28 34.14 32.72 174.84
28 Texas Red Dirt Cookers 40.00 32.00 34.14 28.72 32.00 35.28 173.42
29 Meatshots BBQ 36.72 31.58 33.44 34.14 32.72 36.00 173.02
30 Cooks of Hazzard 39.28 33.42 28.72 32.00 36.00 32.00 172.70
31 BBQ Project 34.58 30.14 36.00 34.14 34.14 33.44 172.30
32 Lite Em Up Cookers 33.44 29.44 34.86 29.44 36.00 36.72 170.46
33 Brisky Business 37.42 33.14 29.44 28.00 28.72 33.16 161.88
34 Tomball VFW 34.14 29.42 28.72 28.00 29.42 28.00 149.70

Kid's Que Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
We Got Your Back 2 Back double Header DAY 1
Tomball, TX
May 27 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Senior - On Call Cookers 2 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00
2 Senior - Family Traditions Kookers/Logan 40.00 38.14 40.00 40.00 36.28 40.00 198.14
3 Running Boar BBQ 40.00 40.00 38.58 40.00 33.44 37.86 196.44
4 Senior - Outlaw Smokers 2.0 39.28 40.00 40.00 38.14 36.44 37.42 194.84
5 Sure Shot BBQ Brantley Hale 39.28 40.00 36.00 39.28 40.00 36.00 194.56
6 Junior - Playin with Fire 40.00 40.00 38.14 38.14 38.14 36.00 194.42
7 Senior- CBP Cookers 37.42 38.14 38.14 39.28 34.86 39.28 192.26
8 Smokin Donkeys 2.0 40.00 38.58 40.00 36.72 36.00 36.72 192.02
9 Junior-TNT Swine-O-Mite 39.28 38.14 37.86 38.58 35.30 37.86 191.72
10 Senior-Skidmarks 39.28 38.14 39.28 37.42 37.42 37.42 191.54
11 Sure Shot BBQ Lainey Hale 39.28 38.14 38.14 36.72 38.14 36.72 190.42

Mystery Basket Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
We Got Your Back 2 Back double Header DAY 1
Tomball, TX
May 27 2023

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total