
Overall Results
2nd Chance Cooking for Scholarships Day 2
State Championship
Lake Jackson, TX
Nov 20 2022
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 LC BBQ 199.28 195.56 200.00 196.72 791.56
2 Love BBQ 195.28 200.00 197.42 195.26 787.96
3 AMP Cookers 191.56 197.86 197.14 199.28 785.84
4 Heavys BBQ 192.26 199.28 196.42 194.86 782.82
5 Big Horn Cookers 194.12 192.70 198.14 197.14 782.10
6 Chicken Fried BBQ 192.68 200.00 193.44 194.56 780.68
7 Big O's BBQ 200.00 192.00 193.88 192.72 778.60
8 Fire in the Hole Cookers 188.02 199.28 194.58 196.70 778.58
9 First Class BBQ 198.14 193.86 193.70 192.72 778.42
10 Coachin' BBQ 194.58 188.26 199.28 195.56 777.68
11 KNR Pipeline 196.70 191.56 192.72 193.42 774.40
12 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 194.58 197.86 193.42 188.28 774.14
13 Brother's Keeper BBQ 198.56 190.16 188.70 194.12 771.54
14 Pooty's Que #1 193.42 186.14 196.00 195.28 770.84
15 God's Country BBQ 187.58 186.86 196.00 200.00 770.44
16 Texas Oil Dust 186.16 193.70 194.14 196.00 770.00
17 On Call Cookers 186.58 191.84 194.54 195.56 768.52
18 Hoo Kares Kookers 188.28 190.12 194.14 194.42 766.96
19 Rio Valley Meats 199.28 192.70 194.14 180.46 766.58
20 Loud & Heavy BBQ 189.70 186.56 193.42 193.70 763.38
21 Brass Monkey BBQ 186.14 197.42 186.56 188.98 759.10
22 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 189.42 184.28 185.86 196.72 756.28
23 Strictly Tx. #2 184.26 190.84 184.70 192.72 752.52
24 Smoke like a Girl 178.42 200.00 187.30 184.70 750.42
25 Backyard'n Son 187.68 180.72 187.68 189.72 745.80
26 Bar T BBQ 180.46 179.84 193.84 190.14 744.28
27 Rusty Pit Smokers 191.58 184.00 186.84 173.02 735.44

Chicken Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
2nd Chance Cooking for Scholarships Day 2
Lake Jackson, TX
Nov 20 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Big O's BBQ 36.72 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00
2 Rio Valley Meats 36.72 39.28 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 199.28
3 LC BBQ 39.28 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 33.88 199.28
4 Brother's Keeper BBQ 39.28 40.00 40.00 40.00 39.28 39.28 198.56
5 First Class BBQ 34.14 40.00 40.00 38.14 40.00 40.00 198.14
6 KNR Pipeline 40.00 39.28 38.14 40.00 39.28 36.00 196.70
7 Love BBQ 39.28 40.00 40.00 36.72 39.28 36.00 195.28
8 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 37.86 36.72 40.00 36.72 40.00 40.00 194.58
9 Coachin' BBQ 36.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.72 37.86 194.58
10 Big Horn Cookers 39.28 38.14 37.42 40.00 33.44 39.28 194.12
11 Pooty's Que #1 36.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 37.42 28.72 193.42
12 Chicken Fried BBQ 39.28 37.42 39.28 39.28 37.42 34.58 192.68
13 Heavys BBQ 34.14 40.00 38.14 37.42 40.00 36.70 192.26
14 Rusty Pit Smokers 40.00 38.14 40.00 36.72 36.72 32.72 191.58
15 AMP Cookers 36.00 38.14 38.14 39.28 40.00 29.44 191.56
16 Loud & Heavy BBQ 34.86 37.42 39.28 40.00 38.14 34.58 189.70
17 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 37.42 37.42 40.00 36.72 37.86 35.56 189.42
18 Hoo Kares Kookers 34.14 36.72 39.28 37.42 34.86 40.00 188.28
19 Fire in the Hole Cookers 36.00 40.00 35.30 36.72 40.00 33.44 188.02
20 Backyard'n Son 37.86 38.56 38.56 37.42 28.72 35.28 187.68
21 God's Country BBQ 36.72 37.42 40.00 36.72 36.72 36.00 187.58
22 On Call Cookers 36.72 39.28 39.28 36.00 35.30 32.00 186.58
23 Texas Oil Dust 32.72 40.00 36.00 40.00 33.44 36.72 186.16
24 Brass Monkey BBQ 35.28 38.14 38.58 36.72 30.16 37.42 186.14
25 Strictly Tx. #2 33.42 38.14 37.42 39.28 32.72 36.00 184.26
26 Bar T BBQ 32.00 33.44 38.58 38.58 37.86 28.00 180.46
27 Smoke like a Girl 36.00 36.00 34.14 38.14 30.86 34.14 178.42

Rib Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
2nd Chance Cooking for Scholarships Day 2
Lake Jackson, TX
Nov 20 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Chicken Fried BBQ 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00
2 Love BBQ 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 38.14 40.00 200.00
3 Smoke like a Girl 40.00 40.00 38.14 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00
4 Heavys BBQ 39.28 40.00 36.72 40.00 40.00 40.00 199.28
5 Fire in the Hole Cookers 39.28 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 199.28
6 AMP Cookers 40.00 38.58 38.58 40.00 39.28 40.00 197.86
7 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 33.44 40.00 40.00 40.00 37.86 40.00 197.86
8 Brass Monkey BBQ 38.14 40.00 39.28 40.00 36.00 40.00 197.42
9 LC BBQ 38.14 37.86 39.28 40.00 38.14 40.00 195.56
10 First Class BBQ 34.86 40.00 40.00 39.28 38.58 36.00 193.86
11 Texas Oil Dust 40.00 34.14 36.28 40.00 38.14 39.28 193.70
12 Rio Valley Meats 36.00 39.28 39.28 38.14 40.00 35.28 192.70
13 Big Horn Cookers 40.00 40.00 37.42 40.00 35.28 34.14 192.70
14 Big O's BBQ 40.00 36.00 40.00 40.00 36.00 36.00 192.00
15 On Call Cookers 38.14 40.00 38.14 36.72 37.42 38.14 191.84
16 KNR Pipeline 35.56 40.00 40.00 40.00 32.72 36.00 191.56
17 Strictly Tx. #2 40.00 36.72 34.84 40.00 32.02 39.28 190.84
18 Brother's Keeper BBQ 40.00 36.72 36.72 38.58 32.72 38.14 190.16
19 Hoo Kares Kookers 38.14 39.28 39.28 38.14 35.28 33.42 190.12
20 Coachin' BBQ 38.14 39.28 35.56 39.28 36.00 34.14 188.26
21 God's Country BBQ 36.72 40.00 39.28 36.72 34.14 34.14 186.86
22 Loud & Heavy BBQ 36.00 39.28 37.42 34.58 36.00 37.86 186.56
23 Pooty's Que #1 39.28 36.72 37.42 36.00 33.86 36.72 186.14
24 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 39.28 38.14 30.16 38.14 34.58 34.14 184.28
25 Rusty Pit Smokers 39.28 39.28 34.14 34.58 36.72 34.14 184.00
26 Backyard'n Son 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.72 30.16 180.72
27 Bar T BBQ 39.28 33.44 32.98 38.14 30.58 36.00 179.84

Pork Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
2nd Chance Cooking for Scholarships Day 2
Lake Jackson, TX
Nov 20 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 LC BBQ 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00
2 Coachin' BBQ 38.14 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 39.28 199.28
3 Big Horn Cookers 38.14 36.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 198.14
4 Love BBQ 33.44 37.42 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 197.42
5 AMP Cookers 38.56 39.28 38.58 40.00 40.00 39.28 197.14
6 Heavys BBQ 37.86 40.00 39.28 39.28 40.00 33.44 196.42
7 Pooty's Que #1 39.28 36.72 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.00 196.00
8 God's Country BBQ 40.00 38.58 37.42 36.00 40.00 40.00 196.00
9 Fire in the Hole Cookers 38.58 40.00 36.72 36.00 40.00 39.28 194.58
10 On Call Cookers 39.28 36.70 39.28 40.00 36.00 39.28 194.54
11 Texas Oil Dust 38.14 38.58 38.14 36.72 40.00 39.28 194.14
12 Rio Valley Meats 38.14 34.86 40.00 40.00 39.28 36.72 194.14
13 Hoo Kares Kookers 40.00 35.56 40.00 38.58 40.00 34.56 194.14
14 Big O's BBQ 36.00 36.72 40.00 38.58 40.00 38.58 193.88
15 Bar T BBQ 37.42 36.00 40.00 37.86 39.28 39.28 193.84
16 First Class BBQ 35.30 37.42 40.00 38.14 38.14 40.00 193.70
17 Chicken Fried BBQ 38.14 38.58 36.72 36.00 40.00 40.00 193.44
18 Loud & Heavy BBQ 39.28 37.42 36.00 38.58 38.14 40.00 193.42
19 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 32.72 33.42 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 193.42
20 KNR Pipeline 36.72 40.00 36.72 36.72 40.00 39.28 192.72
21 Brother's Keeper BBQ 38.14 35.28 37.86 37.42 40.00 32.00 188.70
22 Backyard'n Son 36.70 37.14 35.28 34.84 39.28 39.28 187.68
23 Smoke like a Girl 36.72 36.00 34.58 36.72 39.28 38.58 187.30
24 Rusty Pit Smokers 32.72 34.14 39.28 39.28 39.28 34.86 186.84
25 Brass Monkey BBQ 38.58 36.70 36.00 39.28 36.00 32.72 186.56
26 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 36.72 39.28 36.00 37.86 36.00 32.00 185.86
27 Strictly Tx. #2 37.42 33.42 36.00 36.00 36.00 39.28 184.70

Brisket Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
2nd Chance Cooking for Scholarships Day 2
Lake Jackson, TX
Nov 20 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 God's Country BBQ 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 37.42 40.00 200.00
2 AMP Cookers 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 39.28 40.00 199.28
3 Big Horn Cookers 36.00 39.28 40.00 37.86 40.00 40.00 197.14
4 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 40.00 40.00 38.58 38.14 40.00 38.14 196.72
5 LC BBQ 36.72 40.00 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 196.72
6 Fire in the Hole Cookers 39.28 40.00 35.30 38.14 39.28 40.00 196.70
7 Texas Oil Dust 38.58 40.00 38.14 40.00 34.58 39.28 196.00
8 Coachin' BBQ 40.00 40.00 36.72 38.14 40.00 37.42 195.56
9 On Call Cookers 40.00 40.00 37.42 40.00 32.00 38.14 195.56
10 Pooty's Que #1 40.00 39.28 36.72 40.00 39.28 32.72 195.28
11 Love BBQ 37.42 40.00 39.28 39.28 36.00 39.28 195.26
12 Heavys BBQ 38.14 40.00 34.86 40.00 38.14 38.58 194.86
13 Chicken Fried BBQ 39.28 40.00 39.28 40.00 32.00 36.00 194.56
14 Hoo Kares Kookers 40.00 40.00 38.14 40.00 36.00 36.28 194.42
15 Brother's Keeper BBQ 35.28 39.28 38.14 40.00 38.56 38.14 194.12
16 Loud & Heavy BBQ 38.14 40.00 36.72 40.00 37.42 38.14 193.70
17 KNR Pipeline 35.28 40.00 38.14 39.28 39.28 36.72 193.42
18 First Class BBQ 40.00 40.00 36.72 36.72 39.28 35.30 192.72
19 Strictly Tx. #2 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 36.00 35.28 192.72
20 Big O's BBQ 40.00 40.00 36.72 40.00 36.00 34.86 192.72
21 Bar T BBQ 37.42 40.00 38.14 40.00 34.58 32.72 190.14
22 Backyard'n Son 33.86 40.00 38.14 36.72 36.72 38.14 189.72
23 Brass Monkey BBQ 40.00 38.14 37.42 37.42 32.72 36.00 188.98
24 Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company 39.28 38.14 36.00 34.86 40.00 34.86 188.28
25 Smoke like a Girl 32.28 36.00 38.14 36.00 36.70 37.86 184.70
26 Rio Valley Meats 34.14 36.44 36.72 36.72 32.72 36.44 180.46
27 Rusty Pit Smokers 36.72 38.14 29.44 32.72 29.44 36.00 173.02

Cook's Choice Results
Dianne Arocha
Event Coordinator
2nd Chance Cooking for Scholarships Day 2
Lake Jackson, TX
Nov 20 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total