
Overall Results
The City of Somerset BBQ Throwdown
Somerset, TX
Nov 5 2022
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 LC BBQ 193.42 198.14 197.14 190.84 779.54
2 Uncle Vic's BBQ 200.00 185.14 190.12 197.42 772.68
3 First Class BBQ 198.56 188.72 193.00 189.42 769.70
4 Heavys BBQ 195.98 193.14 189.84 188.74 767.70
5 Bury da bone bbq 198.58 192.72 191.28 184.72 767.30
6 Smokin Pops BBQ 196.72 195.70 188.00 185.40 765.82
7 God's Country BBQ 191.98 188.00 196.72 184.02 760.72
8 Rollin Smoke BBQ 192.68 186.56 190.28 187.56 757.08
9 Cuatro D BBQ 187.30 187.98 188.40 191.96 755.64
10 All Metal Concepts 190.16 195.28 189.14 180.28 754.86
11 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 195.00 187.26 186.58 182.14 750.98
12 Pit Boss Smokers 188.72 192.68 199.28 170.16 750.84
13 FireWalker Cookers 184.58 189.14 187.28 189.44 750.44
14 Team Chupacabra 188.70 189.44 185.44 186.12 749.70
15 Pull It/ Burn It 184.84 190.84 186.56 185.60 747.84
16 Sparks on Fire 196.00 190.54 179.94 179.28 745.76
17 Regi-Q BBQ 183.02 184.02 189.44 187.28 743.76
18 Kuykendall Barbecue Co 178.86 191.26 181.90 188.38 740.40
19 On Call Cookers 191.72 179.28 173.44 194.58 739.02
20 Smoke Ring BBQ 197.42 180.56 175.68 185.12 738.78
21 Smoke Addicts BBQ 830 193.10 183.58 180.96 180.76 738.40
22 DD BBQ 191.98 192.42 177.70 175.00 737.10
23 Kyotee Kookers 188.98 175.28 187.56 182.84 734.66
24 J's BBQ 183.30 193.84 181.40 173.42 731.96
25 6-Gun BBQ 190.16 181.88 181.44 178.14 731.62
26 Redneck Mexican Cookers 196.28 178.12 171.58 181.72 727.70
27 Son Of A Buck BBQ 179.28 183.28 177.86 184.28 724.70
28 Smokin A's 188.42 174.44 187.00 165.44 715.30
29 Family Tradition 182.14 177.68 183.28 165.46 708.56
30 S&G BBQ Team 180.28 181.84 168.10 166.86 697.08
31 Fire & Ice Cooking Team 181.00 183.30 158.56 166.16 689.02
32 South TX Que & Brew 165.00 169.84 172.72 178.58 686.14
33 Burnt Tatter Salad 165.84 166.54 178.28 175.28 685.94
34 Triple C Smokers 184.70 165.56 166.10 162.14 678.50
35 Pimp Daddy Cookers 163.70 182.14 173.70 158.34 677.88
36 Xtreme Texas Cooker #2 176.98 171.28 161.58 163.30 673.14
37 Smokin 'n Pokin BBQ 172.98 164.74 162.44 168.02 668.18
38 Pork'n Pigs 184.70 162.16 0.00 176.26 523.12
39 Chillin & Grillin too 159.58 165.42 0.00 151.62 476.62
40 Chillin & Grillin 168.74 173.42 0.00 0.00 342.16
41 Original Cast Iron Cookers 0.00 173.84 0.00 0.00 173.84

Chicken Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
The City of Somerset BBQ Throwdown
Somerset, TX
Nov 5 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Uncle Vic's BBQ 33.42 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00
2 Bury da bone bbq 38.58 38.58 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 198.58
3 First Class BBQ 39.28 33.44 40.00 39.28 40.00 40.00 198.56
4 Smoke Ring BBQ 34.14 40.00 40.00 37.42 40.00 40.00 197.42
5 Smokin Pops BBQ 40.00 34.14 40.00 36.72 40.00 40.00 196.72
6 Redneck Mexican Cookers 40.00 38.14 40.00 40.00 34.14 38.14 196.28
7 Sparks on Fire 36.00 33.42 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 196.00
8 Heavys BBQ 39.28 34.86 39.28 39.28 38.14 40.00 195.98
9 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 37.14 37.86 40.00 34.14 40.00 40.00 195.00
10 LC BBQ 39.28 35.30 36.72 37.42 40.00 40.00 193.42
11 Smoke Addicts BBQ 830 40.00 38.56 38.56 37.84 36.72 38.14 193.10
12 Rollin Smoke BBQ 38.56 40.00 37.42 38.56 38.14 28.72 192.68
13 God's Country BBQ 34.86 37.86 39.28 37.42 39.28 38.14 191.98
14 DD BBQ 37.86 40.00 34.14 36.70 40.00 37.42 191.98
15 On Call Cookers 36.72 40.00 39.28 39.28 36.44 34.58 191.72
16 All Metal Concepts 37.16 36.72 40.00 38.14 38.14 36.00 190.16
17 6-Gun BBQ 36.72 35.56 36.72 40.00 40.00 36.72 190.16
18 Kyotee Kookers 36.00 36.00 39.28 36.28 40.00 37.42 188.98
19 Pit Boss Smokers 36.72 33.44 35.28 40.00 40.00 36.72 188.72
20 Team Chupacabra 39.28 36.00 36.00 39.28 38.14 36.00 188.70
21 Smokin A's 39.28 37.86 36.72 38.56 32.00 36.00 188.42
22 Cuatro D BBQ 35.30 35.30 36.72 37.42 37.86 40.00 187.30
23 Pull It/ Burn It 35.28 38.56 37.86 30.58 35.72 37.42 184.84
24 Pork'n Pigs 34.14 36.00 38.56 33.86 36.00 40.00 184.70
25 Triple C Smokers 36.00 32.44 36.00 36.00 37.42 39.28 184.70
26 FireWalker Cookers 30.86 34.86 38.14 34.86 36.72 40.00 184.58
27 J's BBQ 30.58 40.00 36.00 38.58 37.42 31.30 183.30
28 Regi-Q BBQ 33.86 33.42 38.58 36.00 34.58 40.00 183.02
29 Family Tradition 37.86 30.86 40.00 34.14 30.14 39.28 182.14
30 Fire & Ice Cooking Team 31.30 34.86 32.28 39.28 40.00 34.58 181.00
31 S&G BBQ Team 32.72 38.14 36.00 34.14 30.14 39.28 180.28
32 Son Of A Buck BBQ 39.28 31.56 36.00 36.00 36.00 32.00 179.28
33 Kuykendall Barbecue Co 28.72 36.00 30.86 37.14 38.14 36.72 178.86
34 Xtreme Texas Cooker #2 32.72 34.14 39.28 33.42 36.00 34.14 176.98
35 Smokin 'n Pokin BBQ 33.42 30.86 36.00 35.28 30.14 37.42 172.98
36 Chillin & Grillin 34.14 36.44 32.00 33.44 32.72 32.00 168.74
37 Burnt Tatter Salad 36.00 32.70 33.14 32.00 32.00 30.14 165.84
38 South TX Que & Brew 28.72 34.14 36.72 28.72 36.70 28.00 165.00
39 Pimp Daddy Cookers 33.86 33.42 28.00 29.86 33.42 33.14 163.70
40 Chillin & Grillin too 32.02 32.00 32.00 33.42 30.14 29.44 159.58
41 Original Cast Iron Cookers 0.00

Rib Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
The City of Somerset BBQ Throwdown
Somerset, TX
Nov 5 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 LC BBQ 40.00 40.00 37.42 38.14 40.00 40.00 198.14
2 Smokin Pops BBQ 40.00 38.56 39.28 39.28 38.58 35.28 195.70
3 All Metal Concepts 40.00 38.58 34.84 39.28 38.14 39.28 195.28
4 J's BBQ 38.56 39.28 37.42 38.58 38.14 39.28 193.84
5 Heavys BBQ 39.28 34.58 39.28 37.86 40.00 36.72 193.14
6 Bury da bone bbq 35.28 40.00 40.00 35.30 38.14 39.28 192.72
7 Pit Boss Smokers 38.56 40.00 39.28 36.00 38.14 36.70 192.68
8 DD BBQ 40.00 37.86 36.70 38.14 39.28 37.14 192.42
9 Kuykendall Barbecue Co 38.56 40.00 37.86 35.56 39.28 35.28 191.26
10 Pull It/ Burn It 38.14 36.72 29.42 38.56 40.00 37.42 190.84
11 Sparks on Fire 40.00 39.28 29.42 38.56 39.28 33.42 190.54
12 Team Chupacabra 40.00 37.86 36.72 34.86 34.86 40.00 189.44
13 FireWalker Cookers 35.28 40.00 37.86 36.72 36.00 38.56 189.14
14 First Class BBQ 36.00 39.28 40.00 36.72 34.14 36.72 188.72
15 God's Country BBQ 37.86 36.00 36.72 38.14 39.28 33.44 188.00
16 Cuatro D BBQ 36.00 33.86 37.42 39.28 40.00 35.28 187.98
17 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 39.28 34.86 37.42 38.56 32.00 37.14 187.26
18 Rollin Smoke BBQ 36.00 36.00 39.28 36.00 34.86 39.28 186.56
19 Uncle Vic's BBQ 38.56 29.44 36.00 38.58 36.72 35.28 185.14
20 Regi-Q BBQ 36.00 36.00 38.58 40.00 33.44 33.42 184.02
21 Smoke Addicts BBQ 830 36.72 32.72 40.00 36.00 34.86 36.00 183.58
22 Fire & Ice Cooking Team 36.00 36.72 36.72 34.14 34.58 39.28 183.30
23 Son Of A Buck BBQ 37.14 32.72 38.56 38.58 34.86 34.14 183.28
24 Pimp Daddy Cookers 36.00 36.00 31.30 36.72 37.42 36.00 182.14
25 6-Gun BBQ 35.28 36.00 36.00 35.30 38.58 36.00 181.88
26 S&G BBQ Team 35.28 36.00 30.86 37.86 37.42 35.28 181.84
27 Smoke Ring BBQ 40.00 36.28 37.42 34.14 32.72 32.72 180.56
28 On Call Cookers 32.72 36.00 35.72 36.00 36.70 34.86 179.28
29 Redneck Mexican Cookers 33.42 35.28 37.42 36.00 31.30 36.00 178.12
30 Family Tradition 32.00 36.00 30.86 37.42 37.42 34.84 177.68
31 Kyotee Kookers 40.00 32.00 30.86 37.14 32.00 34.14 175.28
32 Smokin A's 34.86 34.58 36.00 31.58 35.56 33.44 174.44
33 Original Cast Iron Cookers 36.00 36.00 31.28 30.58 32.00 38.56 173.84
34 Chillin & Grillin 32.00 37.42 32.72 30.14 38.56 32.72 173.42
35 Xtreme Texas Cooker #2 32.00 32.72 37.14 33.42 36.00 30.58 171.28
36 South TX Que & Brew 38.56 29.42 32.00 33.42 32.00 33.86 169.84
37 Burnt Tatter Salad 29.42 33.86 37.42 29.42 32.70 33.14 166.54
38 Triple C Smokers 32.28 32.72 30.14 36.28 32.00 32.28 165.56
39 Chillin & Grillin too 28.72 36.00 33.42 32.00 35.28 28.00 165.42
40 Smokin 'n Pokin BBQ 35.28 32.72 36.00 29.44 31.30 29.44 164.74
41 Pork'n Pigs 35.30 28.00 30.14 32.00 28.00 36.72 162.16

Pork Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
The City of Somerset BBQ Throwdown
Somerset, TX
Nov 5 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Pit Boss Smokers 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 39.28 36.72 199.28
2 LC BBQ 40.00 39.28 37.86 40.00 36.72 40.00 197.14
3 God's Country BBQ 40.00 40.00 38.58 40.00 38.14 36.00 196.72
4 First Class BBQ 36.72 40.00 40.00 38.14 38.14 33.44 193.00
5 Bury da bone bbq 37.42 39.28 35.30 36.00 38.58 40.00 191.28
6 Rollin Smoke BBQ 36.72 39.28 37.86 38.56 36.00 37.86 190.28
7 Uncle Vic's BBQ 39.28 40.00 33.86 37.42 37.42 36.00 190.12
8 Heavys BBQ 36.72 39.28 36.00 39.28 35.28 38.56 189.84
9 Regi-Q BBQ 36.72 40.00 36.72 39.28 34.14 36.72 189.44
10 All Metal Concepts 40.00 39.28 31.28 36.72 36.00 37.14 189.14
11 Cuatro D BBQ 36.00 36.70 38.56 39.28 36.00 37.86 188.40
12 Smokin Pops BBQ 40.00 39.28 34.14 36.00 36.00 36.72 188.00
13 Kyotee Kookers 37.42 30.86 34.86 40.00 39.28 36.00 187.56
14 FireWalker Cookers 40.00 36.00 37.86 36.00 37.42 33.44 187.28
15 Smokin A's 34.58 35.28 31.28 40.00 39.28 37.86 187.00
16 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 32.00 40.00 38.58 37.42 32.72 37.86 186.58
17 Pull It/ Burn It 40.00 39.28 35.28 35.30 36.70 30.14 186.56
18 Team Chupacabra 34.86 40.00 38.58 36.00 36.00 33.44 185.44
19 Family Tradition 37.42 28.72 34.58 39.28 35.28 36.72 183.28
20 Kuykendall Barbecue Co 35.30 36.44 36.72 36.72 36.72 32.72 181.90
21 6-Gun BBQ 33.44 40.00 40.00 33.86 33.16 34.14 181.44
22 J's BBQ 36.00 36.70 36.00 37.42 35.28 33.42 181.40
23 Smoke Addicts BBQ 830 36.70 39.28 32.00 37.42 32.72 34.84 180.96
24 Sparks on Fire 37.84 31.56 38.56 39.28 32.70 29.42 179.94
25 Burnt Tatter Salad 32.00 37.14 33.14 36.72 34.14 37.14 178.28
26 Son Of A Buck BBQ 34.58 39.28 32.00 32.72 32.72 38.56 177.86
27 DD BBQ 39.28 34.14 34.84 39.28 30.16 29.44 177.70
28 Smoke Ring BBQ 34.12 35.28 33.14 39.28 33.86 29.42 175.68
29 Pimp Daddy Cookers 31.56 36.00 34.14 38.56 30.86 33.44 173.70
30 On Call Cookers 33.44 31.30 35.30 36.70 32.00 36.00 173.44
31 South TX Que & Brew 30.14 36.00 32.72 32.72 32.72 38.56 172.72
32 Redneck Mexican Cookers 32.72 33.42 31.28 36.72 32.72 36.00 171.58
33 S&G BBQ Team 32.28 34.84 37.42 32.00 31.56 30.58 168.10
34 Triple C Smokers 30.14 31.28 36.00 31.28 33.42 34.12 166.10
35 Smokin 'n Pokin BBQ 30.86 29.44 35.28 36.72 29.44 30.14 162.44
36 Xtreme Texas Cooker #2 31.28 30.58 31.30 28.72 31.28 37.14 161.58
37 Fire & Ice Cooking Team 29.42 32.70 34.14 29.86 31.28 30.58 158.56

Brisket Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
The City of Somerset BBQ Throwdown
Somerset, TX
Nov 5 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Uncle Vic's BBQ 40.00 40.00 39.28 40.00 37.42 38.14 197.42
2 On Call Cookers 40.00 38.58 39.28 36.00 40.00 36.72 194.58
3 Cuatro D BBQ 40.00 37.42 37.42 39.28 37.84 37.42 191.96
4 LC BBQ 35.30 40.00 36.70 38.14 37.42 38.58 190.84
5 FireWalker Cookers 36.72 36.72 28.72 40.00 40.00 36.00 189.44
6 First Class BBQ 36.00 36.00 39.28 40.00 36.72 37.42 189.42
7 Heavys BBQ 36.72 40.00 35.30 34.58 36.72 40.00 188.74
8 Kuykendall Barbecue Co 39.28 36.00 37.84 32.72 38.56 36.70 188.38
9 Rollin Smoke BBQ 36.72 36.00 38.14 39.28 34.14 37.42 187.56
10 Regi-Q BBQ 36.72 39.28 35.30 36.00 39.28 36.00 187.28
11 Team Chupacabra 40.00 36.00 35.28 37.42 35.28 37.42 186.12
12 Pull It/ Burn It 33.44 37.16 34.58 39.28 38.58 36.00 185.60
13 Smokin Pops BBQ 39.28 35.28 39.28 37.42 34.14 32.72 185.40
14 Smoke Ring BBQ 34.58 39.28 33.42 32.70 38.56 39.28 185.12
15 Bury da bone bbq 34.86 35.30 30.58 39.28 39.28 36.00 184.72
16 Son Of A Buck BBQ 35.30 34.14 35.56 36.00 40.00 37.42 184.28
17 God's Country BBQ 32.72 40.00 38.58 36.72 36.00 32.44 184.02
18 Kyotee Kookers 34.58 35.28 39.28 34.86 36.00 37.42 182.84
19 Jc's Good Ol' Boys 34.14 36.00 39.28 36.72 32.00 36.00 182.14
20 Redneck Mexican Cookers 38.14 40.00 32.72 28.00 36.00 34.86 181.72
21 Smoke Addicts BBQ 830 35.30 33.44 33.44 36.72 35.30 40.00 180.76
22 All Metal Concepts 36.00 34.14 31.56 34.86 39.28 36.00 180.28
23 Sparks on Fire 36.72 33.42 34.58 39.28 34.56 34.14 179.28
24 South TX Que & Brew 34.14 36.72 34.58 32.00 35.28 37.86 178.58
25 6-Gun BBQ 36.00 35.28 35.30 35.56 32.00 36.00 178.14
26 Pork'n Pigs 37.42 36.00 32.70 32.72 32.00 37.42 176.26
27 Burnt Tatter Salad 32.02 40.00 32.00 34.56 31.28 36.70 175.28
28 DD BBQ 33.86 32.72 37.14 35.28 34.58 34.14 175.00
29 J's BBQ 37.42 33.42 32.72 32.72 32.00 37.14 173.42
30 Pit Boss Smokers 38.56 33.44 34.58 30.14 33.44 29.44 170.16
31 Smokin 'n Pokin BBQ 36.00 32.72 30.16 36.00 32.00 31.30 168.02
32 S&G BBQ Team 33.42 32.00 33.42 32.72 31.30 35.30 166.86
33 Fire & Ice Cooking Team 36.72 32.00 28.72 32.72 30.58 34.14 166.16
34 Family Tradition 32.72 36.00 30.58 29.44 33.44 32.72 165.46
35 Smokin A's 40.00 32.00 29.86 32.00 31.30 30.14 165.44
36 Xtreme Texas Cooker #2 32.72 28.00 28.00 34.58 36.00 32.00 163.30
37 Triple C Smokers 28.72 32.72 30.58 30.14 34.58 34.12 162.14
38 Pimp Daddy Cookers 32.44 33.86 29.44 30.58 28.72 32.02 158.34
39 Chillin & Grillin too 32.72 28.72 28.00 29.44 31.30 29.44 151.62

Beans Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
The City of Somerset BBQ Throwdown
Somerset, TX
Nov 5 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Smokin Pops BBQ 39.28 39.28 40.00 38.58 39.28 37.42 196.42
2 Fire & Ice Cooking Team 39.28 39.28 35.28 39.28 39.28 39.28 196.40
3 Redneck Mexican Cookers 32.00 36.70 37.86 36.00 39.28 40.00 189.84
4 6-Gun BBQ 34.58 37.42 36.00 36.72 40.00 37.16 187.30
5 South TX Que & Brew 39.28 32.72 39.28 37.86 34.14 35.28 185.84
6 Kuykendall Barbecue Co 38.56 38.14 32.72 36.00 39.28 33.42 185.40
7 First Class BBQ 34.86 36.00 36.70 39.28 36.72 35.28 183.98
8 God's Country BBQ 36.70 33.86 35.28 39.28 36.72 34.14 182.12
9 Smokin A's 36.00 35.28 35.28 30.14 39.28 36.00 181.84
10 Pimp Daddy Cookers 38.58 34.14 33.44 39.28 34.86 34.86 181.72
11 J's BBQ 38.56 37.42 35.28 32.00 34.14 36.00 181.40
12 DD BBQ 36.00 33.44 34.58 36.00 34.86 36.72 178.16
13 Kyotee Kookers 36.72 30.86 32.00 33.42 39.28 36.70 178.12
14 FireWalker Cookers 37.86 30.14 38.56 35.28 33.86 29.42 175.70
15 6-Gun BBQ Team Dos 32.00 36.00 35.28 32.00 35.28 34.14 172.70
16 Sparks on Fire 34.58 30.14 38.56 32.00 32.00 35.28 172.42
17 Pull It/ Burn It 33.42 32.00 36.00 32.00 34.14 36.70 172.26
18 Cuatro D BBQ 32.72 30.86 37.42 34.58 33.86 33.42 172.00
19 Smokin 'n Pokin BBQ 32.72 30.86 39.28 32.00 35.28 31.30 170.58
20 Triple C Smokers 32.00 32.00 33.86 29.42 32.00 31.56 161.42

Margarita Results
Jeff Rankin
Event Coordinator
The City of Somerset BBQ Throwdown
Somerset, TX
Nov 5 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Kyotee Kookers 36.28 40.00 40.00 37.86 37.86 37.42 193.14
2 Pull It/ Burn It 33.44 39.28 39.28 36.00 39.28 39.28 193.12
3 God's Country BBQ 37.42 32.72 38.56 40.00 31.28 38.56 187.26
4 6-Gun BBQ 36.28 37.86 37.42 32.72 36.00 38.14 185.70
5 South TX Que & Brew 33.44 39.28 36.72 32.72 34.58 40.00 184.02
6 Smokin A's 38.14 38.14 33.44 34.58 34.86 38.14 183.86
7 Smoke Addicts BBQ 830 39.28 36.72 36.28 28.72 31.56 38.14 181.98
8 Smokin 'n Pokin BBQ 38.14 37.14 36.28 34.14 30.86 34.84 180.54
9 First Class BBQ 33.70 38.56 36.00 32.72 30.58 37.42 178.40
10 LC BBQ 36.00 39.28 35.56 28.72 32.00 35.28 178.12
11 Bury da bone bbq 29.44 35.28 28.00 28.00 28.00 36.70 157.42