Rank | Team Name | Chicken | Ribs | Pork | Brisket | Total |
1 | First Class BBQ | 195.98 | 198.56 | 188.74 | 197.84 | 781.12 |
2 | Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company | 195.72 | 196.70 | 194.58 | 191.98 | 778.98 |
3 | Bourbon Cowboy Cookers | 189.16 | 198.56 | 196.00 | 194.12 | 777.84 |
4 | Love BBQ | 198.58 | 190.84 | 189.70 | 190.14 | 769.26 |
5 | Double Barrel Cookers | 195.28 | 192.70 | 190.16 | 190.56 | 768.70 |
6 | On Call Cookers | 188.00 | 188.72 | 194.56 | 197.14 | 768.42 |
7 | Jc's Good Ol' Boys | 193.42 | 185.42 | 195.98 | 188.70 | 763.52 |
8 | The PitFather BBQ | 186.56 | 190.56 | 189.44 | 191.70 | 758.26 |
9 | BDB Bar-B-Que | 190.14 | 178.60 | 187.70 | 195.28 | 751.72 |
10 | The Brothers Boo Cooking Crew | 191.26 | 191.72 | 179.56 | 186.10 | 748.64 |
11 | Smokin Butts | 181.72 | 189.14 | 186.84 | 188.00 | 745.70 |
12 | Clifton Chevy Cookers/Texas Red Dirt 2 | 184.42 | 180.02 | 191.68 | 187.28 | 743.40 |
13 | Dirty Dozen 2 | 188.26 | 197.84 | 173.44 | 178.86 | 738.40 |
14 | Moonswiners Barbecue | 180.72 | 177.44 | 184.72 | 187.98 | 730.86 |
15 | Dirty Dozen 1 | 173.54 | 184.28 | 184.98 | 183.70 | 726.50 |
16 | Half Cocked Cookers | 188.28 | 184.72 | 180.72 | 169.46 | 723.18 |
17 | Chaparral Cookers (KK) | 186.54 | 171.56 | 176.00 | 179.28 | 713.38 |
18 | Freedom Cookers/American Fire Systems | 183.00 | 162.42 | 177.68 | 188.40 | 711.50 |
19 | Verity Technical Soutions | 174.16 | 180.44 | 174.84 | 177.42 | 706.86 |
20 | Woodslingers BBQ | 182.84 | 168.26 | 177.14 | 177.12 | 705.36 |
21 | Bullshark Cookers | 168.28 | 171.16 | 185.82 | 179.16 | 704.42 |
22 | What's in the Thumper | 169.88 | 173.44 | 183.70 | 174.00 | 701.02 |
23 | Borrachos In Law | 179.12 | 170.16 | 171.56 | 177.70 | 698.54 |
24 | EZ 2 Ignite Cookers | 163.82 | 175.32 | 169.70 | 176.18 | 685.02 |
25 | HELL YEAH BBQ | 0.00 | 193.40 | 190.14 | 193.14 | 576.68 |
26 | Knights of Columbus 8404 | 179.14 | 181.86 | 0.00 | 180.28 | 541.28 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Love BBQ | 40.00 | 38.58 | 38.58 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 198.58 |
2 | First Class BBQ | 40.00 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 38.56 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 195.98 |
3 | Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 35.28 | 39.28 | 36.44 | 195.72 |
4 | Double Barrel Cookers | 40.00 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 34.86 | 195.28 |
5 | Jc's Good Ol' Boys | 38.14 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 35.28 | 193.42 |
6 | The Brothers Boo Cooking Crew | 39.28 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 191.26 |
7 | BDB Bar-B-Que | 38.14 | 36.00 | 38.14 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 190.14 |
8 | Bourbon Cowboy Cookers | 36.00 | 38.58 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 37.16 | 37.42 | 189.16 |
9 | Half Cocked Cookers | 40.00 | 33.44 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 40.00 | 188.28 |
10 | Dirty Dozen 2 | 37.42 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 34.14 | 39.28 | 34.14 | 188.26 |
11 | On Call Cookers | 36.00 | 37.86 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 188.00 |
12 | The PitFather BBQ | 32.72 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 36.44 | 186.56 |
13 | Chaparral Cookers (KK) | 36.00 | 38.14 | 38.56 | 32.00 | 35.28 | 38.56 | 186.54 |
14 | Clifton Chevy Cookers/Texas Red Dirt 2 | 35.28 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 30.58 | 36.44 | 184.42 |
15 | Freedom Cookers/American Fire Systems | 36.00 | 40.00 | 33.86 | 30.58 | 35.28 | 37.86 | 183.00 |
16 | Woodslingers BBQ | 36.72 | 32.00 | 39.28 | 33.86 | 38.14 | 34.84 | 182.84 |
17 | Smokin Butts | 30.14 | 34.14 | 38.14 | 34.14 | 40.00 | 35.30 | 181.72 |
18 | Moonswiners Barbecue | 40.00 | 38.56 | 32.72 | 30.16 | 34.58 | 34.86 | 180.72 |
19 | Knights of Columbus 8404 | 34.86 | 36.00 | 34.86 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 179.14 |
20 | Borrachos In Law | 38.58 | 33.86 | 36.70 | 34.14 | 34.14 | 35.56 | 179.12 |
21 | Verity Technical Soutions | 36.72 | 37.86 | 33.44 | 29.44 | 32.00 | 34.14 | 174.16 |
22 | Dirty Dozen 1 | 33.70 | 35.56 | 34.86 | 36.00 | 32.72 | 33.42 | 173.54 |
23 | What's in the Thumper | 31.30 | 33.86 | 32.72 | 33.86 | 34.86 | 34.58 | 169.88 |
24 | Bullshark Cookers | 32.00 | 36.72 | 34.14 | 32.00 | 32.00 | 33.42 | 168.28 |
25 | EZ 2 Ignite Cookers | 33.42 | 39.28 | 30.14 | 28.72 | 31.56 | 29.42 | 163.82 |
26 | HELL YEAH BBQ | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Bourbon Cowboy Cookers | 39.28 | 38.58 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 198.56 |
2 | First Class BBQ | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 198.56 |
3 | Dirty Dozen 2 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 197.84 |
4 | Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company | 40.00 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 196.70 |
5 | HELL YEAH BBQ | 38.14 | 38.56 | 39.28 | 34.14 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 193.40 |
6 | Double Barrel Cookers | 36.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 35.28 | 40.00 | 192.70 |
7 | The Brothers Boo Cooking Crew | 34.58 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 38.58 | 191.72 |
8 | Love BBQ | 37.42 | 38.14 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 35.56 | 190.84 |
9 | The PitFather BBQ | 39.28 | 36.00 | 38.14 | 37.86 | 39.28 | 32.72 | 190.56 |
10 | Smokin Butts | 37.42 | 39.28 | 37.86 | 37.86 | 32.00 | 36.72 | 189.14 |
11 | On Call Cookers | 37.86 | 38.14 | 39.28 | 36.72 | 36.72 | 36.70 | 188.72 |
12 | Jc's Good Ol' Boys | 36.00 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 37.42 | 37.42 | 185.42 |
13 | Half Cocked Cookers | 36.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 32.72 | 36.72 | 32.72 | 184.72 |
14 | Dirty Dozen 1 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 36.72 | 38.14 | 36.00 | 184.28 |
15 | Knights of Columbus 8404 | 30.86 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 33.86 | 32.72 | 40.00 | 181.86 |
16 | Verity Technical Soutions | 32.02 | 40.00 | 37.86 | 28.00 | 35.28 | 35.28 | 180.44 |
17 | Clifton Chevy Cookers/Texas Red Dirt 2 | 31.58 | 33.44 | 38.14 | 32.44 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 180.02 |
18 | BDB Bar-B-Que | 29.44 | 32.72 | 37.42 | 34.58 | 38.58 | 35.30 | 178.60 |
19 | Moonswiners Barbecue | 36.00 | 36.00 | 36.72 | 34.58 | 33.86 | 34.14 | 177.44 |
20 | EZ 2 Ignite Cookers | 32.72 | 32.72 | 36.00 | 33.88 | 31.30 | 40.00 | 175.32 |
21 | What's in the Thumper | 33.44 | 36.00 | 36.70 | 32.72 | 34.58 | 30.86 | 173.44 |
22 | Chaparral Cookers (KK) | 32.00 | 32.72 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 33.42 | 31.30 | 171.56 |
23 | Bullshark Cookers | 30.86 | 33.44 | 33.44 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 171.16 |
24 | Borrachos In Law | 30.14 | 36.72 | 36.72 | 32.00 | 32.72 | 32.00 | 170.16 |
25 | Woodslingers BBQ | 28.72 | 32.00 | 36.00 | 31.56 | 32.00 | 36.70 | 168.26 |
26 | Freedom Cookers/American Fire Systems | 31.28 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 30.14 | 28.72 | 30.86 | 162.42 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Bourbon Cowboy Cookers | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 196.00 |
2 | Jc's Good Ol' Boys | 36.72 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 195.98 |
3 | Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company | 40.00 | 34.14 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 37.86 | 40.00 | 194.58 |
4 | On Call Cookers | 39.28 | 32.72 | 39.28 | 36.72 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 194.56 |
5 | Clifton Chevy Cookers/Texas Red Dirt 2 | 35.28 | 36.72 | 38.56 | 38.56 | 38.56 | 39.28 | 191.68 |
6 | Double Barrel Cookers | 36.72 | 35.30 | 40.00 | 38.14 | 33.44 | 40.00 | 190.16 |
7 | HELL YEAH BBQ | 38.14 | 40.00 | 33.00 | 34.58 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 190.14 |
8 | Love BBQ | 38.14 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 35.56 | 189.70 |
9 | The PitFather BBQ | 40.00 | 32.72 | 38.14 | 33.44 | 38.58 | 39.28 | 189.44 |
10 | First Class BBQ | 38.58 | 34.58 | 36.72 | 38.14 | 35.30 | 40.00 | 188.74 |
11 | BDB Bar-B-Que | 37.42 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 37.14 | 37.86 | 187.70 |
12 | Smokin Butts | 40.00 | 34.86 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 38.14 | 35.28 | 186.84 |
13 | Bullshark Cookers | 34.58 | 39.28 | 35.28 | 37.14 | 39.28 | 34.84 | 185.82 |
14 | Dirty Dozen 1 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 34.14 | 36.00 | 30.86 | 37.42 | 184.98 |
15 | Moonswiners Barbecue | 40.00 | 39.28 | 34.58 | 34.14 | 33.42 | 36.72 | 184.72 |
16 | What's in the Thumper | 39.28 | 32.72 | 37.86 | 33.42 | 37.14 | 36.00 | 183.70 |
17 | Half Cocked Cookers | 33.44 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 33.42 | 39.28 | 180.72 |
18 | The Brothers Boo Cooking Crew | 36.00 | 37.42 | 32.72 | 35.28 | 32.72 | 38.14 | 179.56 |
19 | Freedom Cookers/American Fire Systems | 36.70 | 34.14 | 32.00 | 38.14 | 29.86 | 36.70 | 177.68 |
20 | Woodslingers BBQ | 35.28 | 37.42 | 31.30 | 34.58 | 36.00 | 33.86 | 177.14 |
21 | Chaparral Cookers (KK) | 34.58 | 35.28 | 34.14 | 32.72 | 28.72 | 39.28 | 176.00 |
22 | Verity Technical Soutions | 32.72 | 32.72 | 36.70 | 33.42 | 31.28 | 39.28 | 174.84 |
23 | Dirty Dozen 2 | 36.00 | 37.42 | 28.72 | 32.72 | 34.58 | 32.72 | 173.44 |
24 | Borrachos In Law | 34.14 | 38.56 | 31.30 | 33.42 | 30.14 | 34.14 | 171.56 |
25 | EZ 2 Ignite Cookers | 34.14 | 32.00 | 36.00 | 31.58 | 35.56 | 32.00 | 169.70 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | First Class BBQ | 39.28 | 38.58 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 197.84 |
2 | On Call Cookers | 38.56 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 38.58 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 197.14 |
3 | BDB Bar-B-Que | 36.70 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 38.14 | 37.86 | 40.00 | 195.28 |
4 | Bourbon Cowboy Cookers | 39.28 | 39.28 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 38.14 | 194.12 |
5 | HELL YEAH BBQ | 33.44 | 37.14 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 193.14 |
6 | Bullhorn BBQ / Laredo Roofing Company | 39.28 | 32.28 | 40.00 | 37.42 | 40.00 | 35.28 | 191.98 |
7 | The PitFather BBQ | 39.28 | 31.30 | 39.28 | 35.28 | 38.58 | 39.28 | 191.70 |
8 | Double Barrel Cookers | 36.70 | 35.30 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 190.56 |
9 | Love BBQ | 40.00 | 39.28 | 36.72 | 40.00 | 34.14 | 33.44 | 190.14 |
10 | Jc's Good Ol' Boys | 39.28 | 33.42 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 38.58 | 37.42 | 188.70 |
11 | Freedom Cookers/American Fire Systems | 37.86 | 37.86 | 36.70 | 36.70 | 33.86 | 39.28 | 188.40 |
12 | Smokin Butts | 36.72 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 37.84 | 36.72 | 34.14 | 188.00 |
13 | Moonswiners Barbecue | 35.98 | 39.28 | 37.86 | 38.14 | 35.28 | 36.72 | 187.98 |
14 | Clifton Chevy Cookers/Texas Red Dirt 2 | 36.00 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 33.00 | 38.56 | 187.28 |
15 | The Brothers Boo Cooking Crew | 35.28 | 30.58 | 36.70 | 38.56 | 38.14 | 37.42 | 186.10 |
16 | Dirty Dozen 1 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 37.14 | 183.70 |
17 | Knights of Columbus 8404 | 36.72 | 37.42 | 34.14 | 35.28 | 36.72 | 32.00 | 180.28 |
18 | Chaparral Cookers (KK) | 34.58 | 35.28 | 37.42 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 33.14 | 179.28 |
19 | Bullshark Cookers | 36.72 | 38.14 | 32.72 | 34.86 | 29.44 | 36.72 | 179.16 |
20 | Dirty Dozen 2 | 34.86 | 37.42 | 34.58 | 37.42 | 34.14 | 34.58 | 178.86 |
21 | Borrachos In Law | 37.42 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 32.98 | 34.86 | 35.28 | 177.70 |
22 | Verity Technical Soutions | 36.72 | 35.28 | 35.28 | 36.00 | 34.14 | 33.86 | 177.42 |
23 | Woodslingers BBQ | 38.56 | 35.28 | 32.70 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 31.72 | 177.12 |
24 | EZ 2 Ignite Cookers | 36.00 | 31.30 | 34.58 | 35.30 | 34.58 | 35.72 | 176.18 |
25 | What's in the Thumper | 34.14 | 37.42 | 34.14 | 34.86 | 33.44 | 32.72 | 174.00 |
26 | Half Cocked Cookers | 32.00 | 32.72 | 32.72 | 34.58 | 32.72 | 36.72 | 169.46 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | EZ 2 Ignite Cookers | 34.86 | 38.58 | 36.00 | 31.58 | 37.42 | 39.28 | 186.14 |
2 | Clifton Chevy Cookers/Texas Red Dirt 2 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 33.44 | 29.44 | 34.86 | 39.28 | 181.44 |
3 | Freedom Cookers/American Fire Systems | 34.14 | 36.00 | 37.86 | 32.72 | 33.00 | 39.28 | 180.28 |
4 | Double Barrel Cookers | 33.42 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 30.14 | 36.70 | 37.42 | 178.82 |
5 | First Class BBQ | 31.28 | 36.00 | 33.42 | 37.84 | 35.98 | 35.28 | 178.52 |
6 | What's in the Thumper | 34.86 | 34.86 | 36.00 | 34.58 | 31.58 | 35.56 | 175.86 |
7 | Half Cocked Cookers | 28.72 | 34.58 | 35.28 | 35.00 | 35.28 | 35.28 | 175.42 |
8 | Bourbon Cowboy Cookers | 33.42 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 30.84 | 32.00 | 37.42 | 174.12 |
9 | Dirty Dozen 2 | 29.42 | 37.14 | 36.42 | 34.56 | 33.86 | 32.00 | 173.98 |
10 | The Brothers Boo Cooking Crew | 34.14 | 36.00 | 30.86 | 37.14 | 35.28 | 30.86 | 173.42 |
11 | Verity Technical Soutions | 28.00 | 32.00 | 31.28 | 32.70 | 34.56 | 30.14 | 160.68 |
12 | Bullshark Cookers | 28.72 | 35.28 | 29.42 | 30.84 | 28.00 | 28.72 | 152.98 |
Rank | Team Name | Judge 1 | Judge 2 | Judge 3 | Judge 4 | Judge 5 | Judge 6 | Total |
1 | Love BBQ | 40.00 | 40.00 | 38.58 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 34.86 | 197.86 |
2 | Bourbon Cowboy Cookers | 39.28 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 39.28 | 40.00 | 196.42 |
3 | Clifton Chevy Cookers/Texas Red Dirt 2 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 39.28 | 37.86 | 36.00 | 39.28 | 194.98 |
4 | What's in the Thumper | 39.28 | 38.58 | 34.86 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 36.72 | 194.58 |
5 | Half Cocked Cookers | 38.58 | 40.00 | 35.56 | 36.72 | 36.00 | 36.72 | 188.02 |
6 | First Class BBQ | 36.72 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 33.44 | 40.00 | 37.16 | 185.88 |
7 | Double Barrel Cookers | 36.70 | 32.72 | 35.28 | 37.86 | 38.14 | 37.42 | 185.40 |
8 | Verity Technical Soutions | 35.28 | 39.28 | 32.00 | 32.72 | 32.72 | 34.14 | 174.14 |
9 | Chaparral Cookers (KK) | 32.00 | 35.28 | 28.00 | 33.86 | 34.56 | 33.42 | 169.12 |
10 | Dirty Dozen 2 | 36.00 | 32.72 | 32.00 | 32.72 | 32.72 | 34.58 | 168.74 |
11 | Bullshark Cookers | 30.58 | 37.14 | 32.00 | 34.14 | 32.00 | 32.72 | 168.00 |
12 | Freedom Cookers/American Fire Systems | 30.14 | 33.42 | 35.28 | 32.00 | 33.86 | 32.00 | 166.56 |