
Overall Results
Buffalo Springs Lake -King of the Grill
State Championship
Lubbock, TX
Jul 16 2022
Lee'Ayn Lesley
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 Buckshot BBQ 193.42 180.30 187.28 184.00 745.00
2 UPPERCUT Smokers 186.14 180.74 186.56 188.40 741.84
3 Smokin' Ashes 179.28 174.32 189.44 196.00 739.04
4 Scooter-N-Clarke 179.98 181.84 189.82 182.82 734.46
5 Texas Oil Dust 164.02 183.30 191.28 193.44 732.04
6 Texas Rebel Smokehouse 174.56 187.98 177.62 181.84 722.00
7 Smokin G Que 179.58 184.00 181.12 177.14 721.84
8 Heavy Hitters BBQ 165.42 177.84 184.12 193.86 721.24
9 Two Pig Mafia 176.86 185.82 169.10 186.28 718.06
10 Dirt City Smokers 196.40 181.70 171.86 167.86 717.82
11 New Mexico Smoke Show 189.14 186.58 174.16 166.30 716.18
12 Smoking OCD 160.68 186.58 178.42 187.02 712.70
13 3G BBQ 189.12 169.14 186.54 163.14 707.94
14 Red Iron Barbecue 177.44 163.28 178.26 185.42 704.40
15 Dream BBQ 187.26 180.40 165.42 166.86 699.94
16 BBQ Techs 182.82 175.56 162.56 173.86 694.80
17 Smokin Stache BBQ 175.28 173.44 176.02 167.72 692.46
18 Salted Anchor Barbecue 172.84 179.28 162.60 176.40 691.12
19 Meart UR Maker 179.24 165.02 164.00 180.86 689.12
20 Strange Q 165.86 165.88 189.54 165.44 686.72
21 Carne Shots BBQ 176.82 171.12 171.58 167.02 686.54
22 CNS BBQ 167.30 178.98 170.56 167.12 683.96
23 The Burnt Ends 157.12 178.86 175.26 172.30 683.54
24 Texas Strong 167.02 173.02 171.70 170.88 682.62
25 DILFS GONE WILD 182.84 169.46 157.44 171.86 681.60
26 Coorscookingteam 163.98 175.72 167.98 168.16 675.84
27 Jimbo's Smoking Meats 161.14 174.28 164.70 175.58 675.70
28 Popo's BBQ 172.70 176.70 158.96 165.44 673.80
29 Smoking Aces 183.56 175.30 158.16 153.30 670.32
30 Flatlanders BBQ 170.14 168.04 173.44 156.28 667.90
31 Get Lit BBQ 153.56 177.42 163.56 170.58 665.12
32 Sweet Lucy BBQ 182.70 177.42 155.26 148.28 663.66
33 Smokin B's 153.74 165.84 166.72 173.68 659.98
34 Rack Rubbers 160.72 158.56 175.98 163.72 658.98
35 Inspired By Haters 166.98 172.40 167.56 150.00 656.94
36 RAAR B QUE 173.44 150.18 167.96 165.00 656.58
37 Bearded Brothers BBQ 157.02 164.58 163.14 164.18 648.92
38 Equipment Share 156.28 147.84 155.28 185.56 644.96
39 Texas Dinner Bell 168.70 164.70 159.98 149.28 642.66
40 Legends BBQ 158.14 165.00 160.82 147.14 631.10
41 Pollo Club Cooking 161.48 136.72 147.72 144.56 590.48
42 Texas Smoke Whisper 164.72 183.82 185.84 0.00 534.38
43 Shake N Bake 1 0.00 179.26 164.14 168.74 512.14
44 Phat Meat Smokers 0.00 183.70 166.12 161.72 511.54
45 LoneStar BBQ 171.28 163.04 174.84 0.00 509.16
46 Performance Motorcoaches 0.00 128.74 149.42 159.58 437.74

Chicken Results
Lee'Ayn Lesley
Event Coordinator
Buffalo Springs Lake -King of the Grill
Lubbock, TX
Jul 16 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Dirt City Smokers 40.00 39.28 36.00 39.28 40.00 37.84 196.40
2 Buckshot BBQ 40.00 35.30 38.14 39.28 40.00 36.00 193.42
3 New Mexico Smoke Show 36.72 29.44 39.28 37.86 39.28 36.00 189.14
4 3G BBQ 35.28 25.44 39.28 35.28 39.28 40.00 189.12
5 Dream BBQ 40.00 38.56 32.72 36.70 39.28 25.44 187.26
6 UPPERCUT Smokers 39.28 37.42 37.42 35.30 36.72 32.44 186.14
7 Smoking Aces 36.00 37.42 36.00 39.28 34.86 26.14 183.56
8 DILFS GONE WILD 39.28 38.14 31.28 29.00 40.00 34.14 182.84
9 BBQ Techs 35.56 30.58 36.70 32.00 40.00 38.56 182.82
10 Sweet Lucy BBQ 38.14 29.44 34.14 35.56 40.00 34.86 182.70
11 Scooter-N-Clarke 38.56 37.42 27.58 39.28 35.28 29.44 179.98
12 Smokin G Que 31.30 32.00 34.86 34.58 40.00 38.14 179.58
13 Smokin' Ashes 33.86 32.00 38.14 36.00 39.28 30.86 179.28
14 Meart UR Maker 35.28 36.70 30.58 38.56 34.14 34.56 179.24
15 Red Iron Barbecue 36.72 28.72 32.00 29.44 39.28 40.00 177.44
16 Two Pig Mafia 35.28 36.00 37.86 32.44 32.00 35.28 176.86
17 Carne Shots BBQ 38.56 29.86 32.00 37.84 38.56 24.00 176.82
18 Smokin Stache BBQ 31.58 24.72 33.86 37.14 34.14 38.56 175.28
19 Texas Rebel Smokehouse 33.86 35.28 32.00 35.28 36.00 34.14 174.56
20 RAAR B QUE 39.28 34.86 28.72 28.72 34.58 36.00 173.44
21 Salted Anchor Barbecue 32.00 31.28 36.00 35.00 35.28 34.56 172.84
22 Popo's BBQ 35.28 36.00 28.72 35.28 32.72 33.42 172.70
23 LoneStar BBQ 28.72 36.70 34.14 33.86 35.28 31.30 171.28
24 Flatlanders BBQ 34.14 32.72 29.44 37.84 36.00 26.88 170.14
25 Texas Dinner Bell 39.28 31.28 26.86 34.12 36.00 28.02 168.70
26 CNS BBQ 34.56 36.00 24.72 30.60 33.42 32.72 167.30
27 Texas Strong 35.28 36.00 28.72 32.44 31.30 32.00 167.02
28 Inspired By Haters 38.56 28.00 32.00 34.56 33.86 25.42 166.98
29 Strange Q 28.00 35.28 29.86 24.72 36.72 36.00 165.86
30 Heavy Hitters BBQ 32.00 33.42 36.00 32.72 31.28 26.16 165.42
31 Texas Smoke Whisper 31.28 32.00 29.44 35.28 32.72 33.44 164.72
32 Texas Oil Dust 31.30 36.72 26.86 26.86 32.00 37.14 164.02
33 Coorscookingteam 34.56 34.56 26.14 32.70 29.44 32.72 163.98
34 Pollo Club Cooking 31.30 40.00 25.44 25.44 33.44 31.30 161.48
35 Jimbo's Smoking Meats 36.00 28.00 28.72 35.72 32.70 26.16 161.14
36 Rack Rubbers 33.42 37.86 28.72 29.42 31.30 27.58 160.72
37 Smoking OCD 25.44 37.84 32.00 28.00 31.28 31.56 160.68
38 Legends BBQ 30.58 37.42 24.00 24.72 38.56 26.86 158.14
39 The Burnt Ends 28.72 24.00 31.28 24.72 37.84 34.56 157.12
40 Bearded Brothers BBQ 28.72 24.00 29.44 28.72 37.42 32.72 157.02
41 Equipment Share 28.28 35.28 28.72 31.28 32.72 25.44 156.28
42 Smokin B's 28.72 33.42 24.72 29.44 31.30 30.86 153.74
43 Get Lit BBQ 32.70 24.00 28.70 31.30 32.86 28.00 153.56
44 Performance Motorcoaches 0.00
45 Phat Meat Smokers 0.00
46 Shake N Bake 1 0.00

Rib Results
Lee'Ayn Lesley
Event Coordinator
Buffalo Springs Lake -King of the Grill
Lubbock, TX
Jul 16 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Texas Rebel Smokehouse 36.00 36.00 40.00 39.28 36.70 36.00 187.98
2 New Mexico Smoke Show 32.72 40.00 33.86 40.00 40.00 28.00 186.58
3 Smoking OCD 34.58 40.00 25.44 38.58 35.28 38.14 186.58
4 Two Pig Mafia 37.42 37.14 35.28 39.28 36.70 34.56 185.82
5 Smokin G Que 32.00 40.00 30.14 37.14 38.14 36.72 184.00
6 Texas Smoke Whisper 35.56 38.56 39.28 30.58 33.00 37.42 183.82
7 Phat Meat Smokers 35.28 38.58 39.28 30.86 34.14 36.42 183.70
8 Texas Oil Dust 36.72 34.58 33.86 37.86 34.86 39.28 183.30
9 Scooter-N-Clarke 38.56 33.42 28.72 29.86 40.00 40.00 181.84
10 Dirt City Smokers 34.58 38.14 30.86 35.56 36.00 37.42 181.70
11 UPPERCUT Smokers 38.58 32.00 32.72 39.28 33.44 36.72 180.74
12 Dream BBQ 36.00 37.42 34.56 32.28 33.86 38.56 180.40
13 Buckshot BBQ 33.44 36.72 32.72 39.28 38.14 30.58 180.30
14 Salted Anchor Barbecue 35.28 36.70 36.00 36.72 34.58 32.02 179.28
15 Shake N Bake 1 34.58 35.28 39.28 33.42 28.00 36.70 179.26
16 CNS BBQ 37.84 33.86 30.58 39.28 33.42 34.58 178.98
17 The Burnt Ends 32.72 35.56 35.28 40.00 35.30 30.58 178.86
18 Heavy Hitters BBQ 36.00 32.00 38.56 32.00 38.56 32.72 177.84
19 Sweet Lucy BBQ 34.56 36.00 35.56 36.00 33.42 35.30 177.42
20 Get Lit BBQ 33.44 38.56 29.42 28.72 39.28 36.72 177.42
21 Popo's BBQ 37.42 33.42 35.28 31.30 30.16 39.28 176.70
22 Coorscookingteam 37.86 39.28 32.72 28.72 32.72 33.14 175.72
23 BBQ Techs 31.58 40.00 29.42 39.28 35.28 28.74 175.56
24 Smoking Aces 32.72 37.86 36.72 32.00 32.72 35.28 175.30
25 Smokin' Ashes 28.72 39.28 30.14 38.56 30.60 35.74 174.32
26 Jimbo's Smoking Meats 30.14 39.00 36.00 28.72 32.72 36.42 174.28
27 Smokin Stache BBQ 35.28 36.72 30.60 36.72 32.72 32.00 173.44
28 Texas Strong 35.28 36.00 33.44 34.86 32.72 33.44 173.02
29 Inspired By Haters 33.86 36.70 36.42 28.72 32.72 32.70 172.40
30 Carne Shots BBQ 36.00 35.28 31.14 28.72 34.14 34.56 171.12
31 DILFS GONE WILD 32.72 34.58 32.72 30.14 33.44 36.00 169.46
32 3G BBQ 30.16 40.00 31.28 35.28 32.00 30.58 169.14
33 Flatlanders BBQ 35.30 36.00 24.72 31.30 35.28 30.16 168.04
34 Strange Q 35.28 34.58 31.30 32.72 25.44 32.00 165.88
35 Smokin B's 31.28 33.86 29.42 35.28 36.00 28.72 165.84
36 Meart UR Maker 27.30 34.14 32.72 28.72 29.44 40.00 165.02
37 Legends BBQ 32.00 34.14 28.72 39.28 28.02 30.86 165.00
38 Texas Dinner Bell 33.14 34.14 25.44 32.70 32.72 32.00 164.70
39 Bearded Brothers BBQ 32.72 36.28 29.42 35.28 30.86 29.44 164.58
40 Red Iron Barbecue 32.00 36.00 31.28 32.72 24.72 31.28 163.28
41 LoneStar BBQ 35.28 25.44 30.58 34.58 28.72 33.88 163.04
42 Rack Rubbers 30.56 29.86 31.28 33.42 28.72 33.44 158.56
43 RAAR B QUE 29.44 25.44 28.72 32.72 28.72 30.58 150.18
44 Equipment Share 32.70 33.42 24.72 26.14 29.44 26.14 147.84
45 Pollo Club Cooking 25.42 26.58 26.58 32.00 24.72 26.14 136.72
46 Performance Motorcoaches 26.58 25.44 27.28 24.00 24.72 24.72 128.74

Pork Results
Lee'Ayn Lesley
Event Coordinator
Buffalo Springs Lake -King of the Grill
Lubbock, TX
Jul 16 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Texas Oil Dust 36.00 37.86 37.42 36.00 40.00 40.00 191.28
2 Scooter-N-Clarke 37.42 38.56 36.00 37.42 37.86 38.56 189.82
3 Strange Q 29.42 38.56 38.56 37.86 35.28 39.28 189.54
4 Smokin' Ashes 38.14 33.44 32.00 40.00 37.86 40.00 189.44
5 Buckshot BBQ 40.00 29.44 32.00 39.28 36.00 40.00 187.28
6 UPPERCUT Smokers 32.00 33.86 39.28 37.42 36.00 40.00 186.56
7 3G BBQ 38.56 37.86 37.14 34.84 28.72 38.14 186.54
8 Texas Smoke Whisper 32.72 37.86 37.42 36.70 35.30 38.56 185.84
9 Heavy Hitters BBQ 36.42 35.28 36.00 34.56 37.14 39.28 184.12
10 Smokin G Que 35.98 32.72 32.00 37.14 39.28 36.00 181.12
11 Smoking OCD 34.12 36.72 36.00 38.14 25.44 33.44 178.42
12 Red Iron Barbecue 35.98 36.42 32.72 33.14 32.00 40.00 178.26
13 Texas Rebel Smokehouse 33.42 37.16 38.58 31.74 28.00 36.72 177.62
14 Smokin Stache BBQ 28.02 39.28 32.00 40.00 26.16 36.72 176.02
15 Rack Rubbers 29.42 35.28 30.14 38.56 36.00 36.00 175.98
16 The Burnt Ends 30.14 38.56 32.00 33.42 31.28 40.00 175.26
17 LoneStar BBQ 28.72 35.28 36.72 37.42 36.00 29.42 174.84
18 New Mexico Smoke Show 32.02 30.14 33.42 35.28 33.44 40.00 174.16
19 Flatlanders BBQ 29.88 32.72 32.72 35.30 34.56 38.14 173.44
20 Dirt City Smokers 32.72 33.44 32.72 33.70 28.72 39.28 171.86
21 Texas Strong 31.28 35.28 35.28 33.86 24.72 36.00 171.70
22 Carne Shots BBQ 28.02 36.00 32.72 32.00 30.86 40.00 171.58
23 CNS BBQ 32.00 29.42 30.14 36.42 36.00 36.00 170.56
24 Two Pig Mafia 32.00 35.98 32.42 35.28 32.00 33.42 169.10
25 Coorscookingteam 28.72 30.58 37.42 35.98 32.72 31.28 167.98
26 RAAR B QUE 29.42 29.86 39.28 30.14 35.98 32.70 167.96
27 Inspired By Haters 24.72 32.72 30.14 34.14 31.28 39.28 167.56
28 Smokin B's 33.86 33.86 26.58 34.30 31.28 33.42 166.72
29 Phat Meat Smokers 28.72 39.28 32.00 30.84 27.30 35.28 166.12
30 Dream BBQ 32.00 40.00 28.72 30.14 32.70 30.58 165.42
31 Jimbo's Smoking Meats 24.72 28.00 36.00 38.56 32.00 30.14 164.70
32 Shake N Bake 1 32.72 29.00 27.56 33.00 33.42 36.00 164.14
33 Meart UR Maker 28.02 29.42 32.00 28.72 33.86 40.00 164.00
34 Get Lit BBQ 25.42 30.14 32.72 34.14 28.00 38.56 163.56
35 Bearded Brothers BBQ 30.14 31.28 39.28 28.98 29.44 33.00 163.14
36 Salted Anchor Barbecue 32.72 36.72 26.58 35.28 28.44 29.44 162.60
37 BBQ Techs 25.86 34.56 32.00 33.86 28.00 34.14 162.56
38 Legends BBQ 30.14 30.86 30.42 32.98 32.70 33.86 160.82
39 Texas Dinner Bell 32.72 31.28 31.28 29.42 25.42 35.28 159.98
40 Popo's BBQ 26.86 26.14 35.56 31.56 32.72 32.26 158.96
41 Smoking Aces 29.86 33.44 32.00 28.72 30.14 32.72 158.16
42 DILFS GONE WILD 25.44 28.72 36.00 30.58 32.00 30.14 157.44
43 Equipment Share 33.40 28.72 32.00 32.44 24.72 28.72 155.28
44 Sweet Lucy BBQ 24.72 28.72 32.00 30.84 25.86 37.84 155.26
45 Performance Motorcoaches 24.00 33.14 36.70 25.42 25.44 28.72 149.42
46 Pollo Club Cooking 31.28 28.00 24.72 33.14 28.72 26.58 147.72

Brisket Results
Lee'Ayn Lesley
Event Coordinator
Buffalo Springs Lake -King of the Grill
Lubbock, TX
Jul 16 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Smokin' Ashes 36.72 40.00 31.58 40.00 40.00 39.28 196.00
2 Heavy Hitters BBQ 31.58 38.58 37.14 38.14 40.00 40.00 193.86
3 Texas Oil Dust 36.72 40.00 29.00 36.72 40.00 40.00 193.44
4 UPPERCUT Smokers 38.56 35.28 35.28 40.00 33.00 39.28 188.40
5 Smoking OCD 32.72 40.00 33.14 40.00 40.00 33.88 187.02
6 Two Pig Mafia 36.44 35.28 35.28 40.00 39.28 32.72 186.28
7 Equipment Share 32.72 37.14 32.00 39.28 36.42 40.00 185.56
8 Red Iron Barbecue 37.42 37.86 34.14 39.28 36.72 30.84 185.42
9 Buckshot BBQ 39.28 39.28 32.28 34.14 32.72 38.58 184.00
10 Scooter-N-Clarke 36.00 35.28 36.70 40.00 34.84 34.14 182.82
11 Texas Rebel Smokehouse 38.56 32.00 36.00 38.58 36.70 30.86 181.84
12 Meart UR Maker 38.56 35.72 34.14 38.58 32.00 33.86 180.86
13 Smokin G Que 36.00 36.00 33.42 33.86 36.00 35.28 177.14
14 Salted Anchor Barbecue 30.58 31.28 36.42 40.00 34.56 34.14 176.40
15 Jimbo's Smoking Meats 27.58 37.86 30.14 34.86 34.14 38.58 175.58
16 BBQ Techs 32.72 34.56 27.58 37.42 31.30 37.86 173.86
17 Smokin B's 29.44 32.70 32.00 36.00 33.70 39.28 173.68
18 The Burnt Ends 39.28 29.16 33.44 33.44 36.00 30.14 172.30
19 DILFS GONE WILD 32.72 37.42 32.00 33.44 32.00 36.28 171.86
20 Texas Strong 33.16 32.00 34.86 40.00 30.86 29.44 170.88
21 Get Lit BBQ 33.88 34.14 31.28 37.42 33.86 28.00 170.58
22 Shake N Bake 1 31.30 32.72 30.14 40.00 30.86 33.86 168.74
23 Coorscookingteam 34.86 30.58 32.00 34.86 34.86 31.58 168.16
24 Dirt City Smokers 28.72 30.86 28.00 32.00 40.00 36.28 167.86
25 Smokin Stache BBQ 30.14 35.28 29.86 25.44 35.72 36.72 167.72
26 CNS BBQ 32.00 32.00 34.14 36.28 32.70 30.14 167.12
27 Carne Shots BBQ 32.00 39.28 33.14 25.44 30.58 32.02 167.02
28 Dream BBQ 29.00 36.00 38.56 30.16 30.14 32.00 166.86
29 New Mexico Smoke Show 30.58 28.72 33.86 35.28 32.72 33.86 166.30
30 Popo's BBQ 32.72 32.00 29.16 33.44 32.72 34.56 165.44
31 Strange Q 29.44 35.28 32.00 40.00 28.72 28.00 165.44
32 RAAR B QUE 30.16 32.00 32.72 34.86 34.58 30.84 165.00
33 Bearded Brothers BBQ 29.16 25.44 33.14 34.58 34.58 32.72 164.18
34 Rack Rubbers 30.58 28.72 32.00 39.28 26.86 33.14 163.72
35 3G BBQ 26.58 35.28 31.28 33.44 30.86 32.28 163.14
36 Phat Meat Smokers 26.16 32.72 32.00 26.86 36.44 33.70 161.72
37 Performance Motorcoaches 32.72 33.14 24.00 36.70 25.44 31.58 159.58
38 Flatlanders BBQ 26.86 33.44 39.28 25.44 30.56 26.14 156.28
39 Smoking Aces 28.72 33.42 28.00 33.86 28.30 29.00 153.30
40 Inspired By Haters 27.56 32.00 26.86 31.58 27.28 31.58 150.00
41 Texas Dinner Bell 27.30 24.72 24.72 33.42 32.56 31.28 149.28
42 Sweet Lucy BBQ 28.72 28.72 27.56 26.16 36.42 26.86 148.28
43 Legends BBQ 27.58 28.72 29.42 30.84 26.14 30.58 147.14
44 Pollo Club Cooking 25.44 28.72 28.00 33.70 26.14 28.00 144.56

Beans Results
Lee'Ayn Lesley
Event Coordinator
Buffalo Springs Lake -King of the Grill
Lubbock, TX
Jul 16 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Smokin B's 40.00 36.00 37.42 36.00 32.72 39.28 188.70
2 The Burnt Ends 34.42 37.14 33.42 39.28 28.00 40.00 184.26
3 Scooter-N-Clarke 29.00 35.72 36.00 37.16 39.28 34.14 182.30
4 Dirt City Smokers 39.28 32.72 32.02 38.56 35.28 36.00 181.84
5 3G BBQ 38.56 33.14 31.28 38.56 27.28 39.28 180.82
6 Red Iron Barbecue 32.26 36.00 33.86 40.00 28.72 38.14 180.26
7 Two Pig Mafia 33.86 35.98 27.58 40.00 31.56 38.56 179.96
8 Strange Q 34.84 32.00 33.42 39.28 33.14 36.00 176.68
9 DILFS GONE WILD 35.28 36.00 32.72 32.00 30.14 39.28 175.28
10 Texas Oil Dust 35.00 28.72 38.56 37.84 30.14 31.56 173.10
11 Shake N Bake 1 29.14 36.42 36.70 28.72 35.28 34.56 172.10
12 Rack Rubbers 36.70 28.72 32.00 37.84 32.00 32.00 170.54
13 CNS BBQ 34.14 31.28 36.00 31.30 32.70 34.86 169.00
14 Legends BBQ 34.84 28.00 31.28 38.14 31.28 33.42 168.96
15 Sweet Lucy BBQ 33.40 27.28 33.86 28.70 34.56 37.84 168.36
16 Smoking OCD 36.28 31.28 29.86 32.72 32.70 34.56 167.54
17 Salted Anchor Barbecue 24.00 37.84 28.00 37.86 28.00 35.28 166.98
18 RAAR B QUE 28.98 30.14 35.28 33.42 33.86 34.14 166.84
19 Dream BBQ 31.72 35.28 34.56 33.14 32.00 31.30 166.70
20 Coorscookingteam 29.86 34.14 34.56 33.86 33.44 30.58 166.58
21 Meart UR Maker 32.98 29.42 31.28 38.56 30.56 32.72 166.10
22 BBQ Techs 34.42 28.72 33.42 40.00 28.00 29.44 166.00
23 Performance Motorcoaches 36.42 30.58 24.72 30.14 32.70 35.98 165.82
24 Carne Shots BBQ 30.14 29.44 30.16 35.28 30.86 37.14 163.58
25 Phat Meat Smokers 33.86 28.00 39.28 32.72 29.42 24.72 163.28
26 Texas Strong 29.86 33.86 26.86 32.00 35.98 29.44 161.14
27 Inspired By Haters 29.42 33.42 36.00 30.14 26.86 32.00 160.98
28 Jimbo's Smoking Meats 30.58 32.72 29.42 26.88 34.58 32.00 159.30
29 Popo's BBQ 30.14 28.72 30.86 32.72 28.72 31.56 154.00
30 Heavy Hitters BBQ 30.14 32.00 26.86 30.14 26.14 31.30 150.44
31 Texas Dinner Bell 24.72 29.44 30.42 28.00 24.00 32.26 144.84