
Overall Results
Burnout Caner
Weatherford, TX
Oct 22 2022
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 Scooter-N-Clarke 190.56 193.40 195.72 198.56 778.24
2 Bury da bone bbq 195.74 198.14 196.44 177.40 767.72
3 Texas Oil Dust 190.16 195.26 197.12 182.44 764.98
4 UPPERCUT Smokers 190.84 190.58 188.28 189.42 759.12
5 DRUNKEN SQUIRREL BBQ 194.56 176.70 197.86 187.24 756.36
6 HOLY SMOKERS 184.86 190.58 191.98 185.42 752.84
7 Chief’s Bar-B-Que 186.42 183.02 194.84 187.98 752.26
8 BMF Cookers 183.58 189.00 194.14 184.30 751.02
9 Fueled by Alcohol BBQ 190.58 182.14 179.28 192.70 744.70
10 Pressed Ham BBQ 175.54 182.84 191.72 189.70 739.80
11 The Smokin Cajun 189.86 185.86 176.00 187.98 739.70
12 Burning Hogs 186.88 184.72 173.00 179.32 723.92
13 Locked and Loaded BBQ 178.84 182.84 175.28 185.88 722.84
14 Kitchens Kookers 178.14 181.86 183.26 178.58 721.84
15 Southern Heat BBQ 184.42 186.86 173.86 176.02 721.16
16 Firebox BBQ 185.02 179.58 177.86 174.86 717.32
17 Buttons BBQ 174.84 174.58 170.84 174.56 694.82
18 All American Rigging 0.00 184.98 180.70 185.72 551.40

Chicken Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Burnout Caner
Weatherford, TX
Oct 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Bury da bone bbq 38.56 38.58 38.58 40.00 38.58 40.00 195.74
2 DRUNKEN SQUIRREL BBQ 40.00 39.28 36.00 39.28 40.00 32.72 194.56
3 UPPERCUT Smokers 39.28 39.28 40.00 36.00 34.14 36.28 190.84
4 Fueled by Alcohol BBQ 36.00 33.44 38.58 40.00 36.72 39.28 190.58
5 Scooter-N-Clarke 36.00 39.28 36.00 39.28 40.00 32.72 190.56
6 Texas Oil Dust 36.72 35.30 36.72 36.72 40.00 40.00 190.16
7 The Smokin Cajun 37.86 32.00 33.44 40.00 39.28 39.28 189.86
8 Burning Hogs 40.00 35.30 36.72 36.72 33.44 38.14 186.88
9 Chief’s Bar-B-Que 36.72 39.28 36.28 36.00 34.14 38.14 186.42
10 Firebox BBQ 33.86 34.86 36.72 36.72 38.58 38.14 185.02
11 HOLY SMOKERS 36.00 37.86 39.28 35.28 34.14 36.44 184.86
12 Southern Heat BBQ 37.86 35.28 39.28 36.72 35.28 33.44 184.42
13 BMF Cookers 34.86 36.72 40.00 37.86 32.72 34.14 183.58
14 Locked and Loaded BBQ 34.14 34.14 33.44 36.00 35.28 39.28 178.84
15 Kitchens Kookers 36.00 32.72 34.58 39.28 34.14 34.14 178.14
16 Pressed Ham BBQ 34.14 35.28 36.70 32.00 36.70 32.72 175.54
17 Buttons BBQ 34.14 31.30 34.14 35.28 37.14 34.14 174.84
18 All American Rigging 0.00

Rib Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Burnout Caner
Weatherford, TX
Oct 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Bury da bone bbq 40.00 40.00 38.14 34.14 40.00 40.00 198.14
2 Texas Oil Dust 39.28 38.14 34.14 38.56 39.28 40.00 195.26
3 Scooter-N-Clarke 35.28 39.28 39.28 40.00 37.42 37.42 193.40
4 UPPERCUT Smokers 39.28 38.58 34.14 40.00 38.58 34.14 190.58
5 HOLY SMOKERS 32.00 38.14 36.72 39.28 40.00 36.44 190.58
6 BMF Cookers 40.00 39.28 34.86 34.14 36.72 38.14 189.00
7 Southern Heat BBQ 36.72 38.14 36.00 37.86 38.14 32.72 186.86
8 The Smokin Cajun 39.28 36.00 38.58 35.28 36.72 34.14 185.86
9 All American Rigging 34.86 36.00 36.70 33.42 37.42 40.00 184.98
10 Burning Hogs 39.28 36.72 36.00 35.28 36.72 36.00 184.72
11 Chief’s Bar-B-Que 36.00 36.00 34.14 40.00 36.44 34.58 183.02
12 Pressed Ham BBQ 36.00 39.28 36.28 36.00 33.44 35.28 182.84
13 Locked and Loaded BBQ 35.30 37.42 34.14 39.28 33.42 36.70 182.84
14 Fueled by Alcohol BBQ 37.42 37.42 32.72 37.42 36.44 33.44 182.14
15 Kitchens Kookers 35.28 37.42 33.86 32.72 37.16 38.14 181.86
16 Firebox BBQ 32.72 38.14 36.72 36.00 36.00 32.72 179.58
17 DRUNKEN SQUIRREL BBQ 30.58 38.14 33.42 33.86 36.00 35.28 176.70
18 Buttons BBQ 37.86 36.00 32.72 33.86 32.72 34.14 174.58

Pork Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Burnout Caner
Weatherford, TX
Oct 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 DRUNKEN SQUIRREL BBQ 32.28 40.00 39.28 38.58 40.00 40.00 197.86
2 Texas Oil Dust 38.14 39.28 39.28 39.28 40.00 39.28 197.12
3 Bury da bone bbq 40.00 40.00 40.00 39.28 37.16 32.72 196.44
4 Scooter-N-Clarke 40.00 37.42 40.00 37.86 38.58 39.28 195.72
5 Chief’s Bar-B-Que 40.00 38.14 38.14 39.28 38.14 39.28 194.84
6 BMF Cookers 33.00 37.42 40.00 38.58 40.00 38.14 194.14
7 HOLY SMOKERS 40.00 37.42 39.28 36.00 39.28 36.00 191.98
8 Pressed Ham BBQ 37.16 40.00 39.28 34.86 36.00 39.28 191.72
9 UPPERCUT Smokers 36.28 38.56 38.58 36.72 38.14 36.00 188.28
10 Kitchens Kookers 37.42 39.28 36.00 33.86 33.86 36.70 183.26
11 All American Rigging 30.86 36.00 37.42 34.58 37.42 35.28 180.70
12 Fueled by Alcohol BBQ 37.42 36.00 33.86 39.28 32.72 32.00 179.28
13 Firebox BBQ 31.58 32.72 35.28 38.58 39.28 32.00 177.86
14 The Smokin Cajun 40.00 34.14 35.28 34.58 32.00 32.00 176.00
15 Locked and Loaded BBQ 34.58 35.28 35.28 32.00 36.00 34.14 175.28
16 Southern Heat BBQ 32.72 34.14 35.28 36.44 35.28 32.00 173.86
17 Burning Hogs 34.14 34.86 32.72 36.00 35.28 32.72 173.00
18 Buttons BBQ 36.70 36.00 33.42 32.72 32.00 32.00 170.84

Brisket Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Burnout Caner
Weatherford, TX
Oct 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Scooter-N-Clarke 35.28 40.00 40.00 39.28 40.00 39.28 198.56
2 Fueled by Alcohol BBQ 39.28 36.00 39.28 40.00 38.14 36.00 192.70
3 Pressed Ham BBQ 39.28 36.72 40.00 35.28 35.56 38.14 189.70
4 UPPERCUT Smokers 35.28 36.00 38.58 40.00 37.42 37.42 189.42
5 The Smokin Cajun 35.28 39.28 36.00 37.42 40.00 34.14 187.98
6 Chief’s Bar-B-Que 39.28 36.00 40.00 33.42 36.70 36.00 187.98
7 DRUNKEN SQUIRREL BBQ 36.70 37.42 35.28 34.14 38.56 39.28 187.24
8 Locked and Loaded BBQ 34.58 39.28 36.72 38.58 36.44 34.86 185.88
9 All American Rigging 34.14 40.00 40.00 36.00 34.86 34.86 185.72
10 HOLY SMOKERS 36.00 34.58 37.86 37.42 39.28 34.86 185.42
11 BMF Cookers 32.72 38.14 38.58 39.28 34.86 33.44 184.30
12 Texas Oil Dust 30.58 39.28 36.72 34.86 36.72 34.86 182.44
13 Burning Hogs 32.72 32.72 38.58 35.30 39.28 33.44 179.32
14 Kitchens Kookers 32.00 33.44 37.86 32.72 38.56 36.00 178.58
15 Bury da bone bbq 32.00 36.00 36.70 34.84 37.86 32.00 177.40
16 Southern Heat BBQ 32.00 36.72 34.58 32.00 35.30 37.42 176.02
17 Firebox BBQ 32.72 32.72 36.00 32.00 36.00 37.42 174.86
18 Buttons BBQ 37.14 37.42 35.28 31.28 33.44 29.42 174.56

Beans Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Burnout Caner
Weatherford, TX
Oct 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Kitchens Kookers 34.58 36.70 39.28 38.56 38.56 38.56 191.66
2 BMF Cookers 36.72 38.14 36.72 36.00 40.00 40.00 191.58
3 Chief’s Bar-B-Que 34.86 39.28 36.00 39.28 39.28 34.14 188.70
4 Press Ham Three 30.16 39.28 32.02 39.28 36.00 37.86 184.44
5 Locked and Loaded BBQ 34.86 38.56 36.00 37.14 34.14 36.00 182.56
6 Buttons BBQ 37.42 36.70 30.84 37.86 33.42 34.14 179.54
7 Fueled by Alcohol BBQ 36.00 38.56 32.72 36.00 32.00 36.00 179.28
8 Southern Heat BBQ 34.14 36.00 30.14 34.14 32.72 36.00 173.00
9 Press Ham Too 30.86 36.44 33.86 35.28 32.00 34.14 171.72
10 All American Rigging 28.00 33.42 31.28 31.56 28.72 35.28 160.26
11 Pressed Ham BBQ 32.00 31.28 28.00 31.28 30.58 34.14 159.28

Dessert Results
Laura Caldwell
Event Coordinator
Burnout Caner
Weatherford, TX
Oct 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 BMF Cookers 38.58 40.00 40.00 38.58 37.86 33.44 195.02
2 Kitchens Kookers 37.86 37.42 32.72 37.42 33.42 37.86 183.98