
Overall Results
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator

Rank Team Name Chicken Ribs Pork Brisket Total
1 On Point BBQ 175.56 189.12 187.56 182.14 734.38
2 All Metal Concepts 188.12 186.54 181.42 178.14 734.22
3 Double S Smokers 177.88 192.12 182.14 177.42 729.56
4 KNR Pipeline 178.60 179.26 191.28 175.70 724.84
5 Pure Luck 167.28 190.28 188.68 177.16 723.40
6 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 170.44 177.16 185.84 172.42 705.86
7 360 BBQ 180.72 179.58 179.54 160.72 700.56
8 Coachin' BBQ 174.70 181.68 172.74 170.86 699.98
9 Barbacoa Bandits 173.44 166.62 182.14 171.28 693.48
10 Fire in the Hole Cookers 167.52 169.30 176.98 178.56 692.36
11 Smokin Los BBQ 175.56 172.00 177.44 165.12 690.12
12 Texas Smoke 170.28 166.60 182.10 169.86 688.84
13 Big Horn Cookers 154.90 184.40 182.56 166.86 688.72
14 County Line Cookers 178.12 165.42 160.26 165.00 668.80
15 Pivo Pitmasters 156.30 152.72 160.26 177.14 646.42
16 DCO Cookers 159.28 154.42 160.70 165.12 639.52
17 TX BBQ Kooker's 151.28 166.16 160.44 155.62 633.50
18 Texas Craft Que 157.84 151.18 171.70 150.16 630.88
19 Notorious Meat Rythm and Ribs 0.00 156.56 146.84 157.46 460.86
20 3rd degree burners 160.70 144.02 0.00 0.00 304.72

Chicken Results
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 All Metal Concepts 37.86 36.00 37.14 38.56 38.56 34.58 188.12
2 360 BBQ 36.70 36.00 34.58 30.86 40.00 33.44 180.72
3 KNR Pipeline 36.72 33.44 31.30 35.74 39.28 33.42 178.60
4 County Line Cookers 37.86 39.28 32.00 33.70 35.28 31.30 178.12
5 Double S Smokers 30.86 36.00 36.00 36.00 38.58 31.30 177.88
6 Smokin Los BBQ 33.42 36.00 33.42 34.58 38.14 28.72 175.56
7 On Point BBQ 32.70 36.00 32.72 38.14 36.00 28.72 175.56
8 Coachin' BBQ 34.42 34.14 34.58 37.42 33.42 34.14 174.70
9 Barbacoa Bandits 36.72 32.72 32.72 34.14 28.72 37.14 173.44
10 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 30.14 34.14 36.00 30.86 32.72 36.72 170.44
11 Texas Smoke 36.42 33.14 34.58 33.42 30.86 32.72 170.28
12 Fire in the Hole Cookers 28.28 29.42 35.28 32.26 36.70 33.86 167.52
13 Pure Luck 32.70 28.72 32.72 32.00 33.86 36.00 167.28
14 3rd degree burners 32.72 30.14 31.28 28.00 31.28 35.28 160.70
15 DCO Cookers 32.00 32.00 29.86 30.86 33.14 31.28 159.28
16 Texas Craft Que 32.00 34.56 28.72 29.86 31.28 30.14 157.84
17 Pivo Pitmasters 29.44 28.72 28.72 33.42 36.00 24.72 156.30
18 Big Horn Cookers 29.44 32.02 29.86 29.44 34.14 28.00 154.90
19 TX BBQ Kooker's 26.58 29.44 28.00 34.56 32.70 25.42 151.28
20 Notorious Meat Rythm and Ribs 0.00

Rib Results
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 Double S Smokers 39.28 37.86 39.28 33.42 37.14 38.56 192.12
2 Pure Luck 39.28 40.00 34.58 29.44 37.86 38.56 190.28
3 On Point BBQ 38.56 36.00 40.00 30.14 37.14 37.42 189.12
4 All Metal Concepts 38.56 36.00 40.00 26.58 35.28 36.70 186.54
5 Big Horn Cookers 36.00 37.86 38.56 33.14 36.00 35.98 184.40
6 Coachin' BBQ 36.00 29.42 36.70 35.28 34.42 39.28 181.68
7 360 BBQ 40.00 32.72 33.44 30.14 36.00 37.42 179.58
8 KNR Pipeline 36.00 33.42 36.00 35.28 32.72 38.56 179.26
9 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 37.86 36.00 35.30 31.28 32.00 36.00 177.16
10 Smokin Los BBQ 29.44 35.28 34.58 28.28 34.14 38.56 172.00
11 Fire in the Hole Cookers 30.16 29.44 33.44 36.00 34.14 35.56 169.30
12 Barbacoa Bandits 31.30 32.72 33.88 30.14 34.58 34.14 166.62
13 Texas Smoke 33.16 34.14 36.00 28.00 32.00 31.30 166.60
14 TX BBQ Kooker's 37.14 28.72 31.30 34.86 30.86 32.00 166.16
15 County Line Cookers 32.00 32.72 32.72 32.00 29.44 35.98 165.42
16 Notorious Meat Rythm and Ribs 35.28 29.42 28.72 31.56 31.58 26.86 156.56
17 DCO Cookers 30.14 28.72 29.44 35.28 29.42 30.14 154.42
18 Pivo Pitmasters 28.72 36.00 28.72 31.28 28.00 26.16 152.72
19 Texas Craft Que 29.44 30.58 29.44 26.86 25.44 34.86 151.18
20 3rd degree burners 28.00 28.72 30.58 28.72 26.14 28.00 144.02

Pork Results
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 KNR Pipeline 39.28 39.28 36.72 39.28 36.00 36.72 191.28
2 Pure Luck 34.84 39.28 39.28 36.00 33.86 39.28 188.68
3 On Point BBQ 31.56 40.00 38.14 37.42 36.00 36.00 187.56
4 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 36.70 28.74 40.00 36.00 37.86 35.28 185.84
5 Big Horn Cookers 35.28 39.28 39.28 31.58 36.00 32.72 182.56
6 Barbacoa Bandits 35.28 36.00 39.28 33.44 32.72 38.14 182.14
7 Double S Smokers 30.14 39.28 39.28 36.72 30.86 36.00 182.14
8 Texas Smoke 34.56 37.42 35.28 37.42 37.42 30.14 182.10
9 All Metal Concepts 30.14 39.28 35.28 33.70 38.58 34.58 181.42
10 360 BBQ 35.98 36.00 39.28 32.28 36.00 28.72 179.54
11 Smokin Los BBQ 31.56 37.86 34.14 34.14 34.58 36.72 177.44
12 Fire in the Hole Cookers 33.42 35.28 36.72 34.14 36.70 34.14 176.98
13 Coachin' BBQ 27.56 31.30 34.14 36.72 32.72 37.86 172.74
14 Texas Craft Que 34.58 32.00 33.86 28.70 36.70 34.56 171.70
15 DCO Cookers 26.14 30.14 34.56 33.42 32.00 30.58 160.70
16 TX BBQ Kooker's 24.72 33.14 35.28 28.72 30.58 32.72 160.44
17 County Line Cookers 32.70 31.56 28.72 32.72 31.28 32.00 160.26
18 Pivo Pitmasters 28.72 32.00 38.56 29.42 28.70 31.56 160.26
19 Notorious Meat Rythm and Ribs 30.12 27.56 29.42 30.58 28.00 28.72 146.84

Brisket Results
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total
1 On Point BBQ 36.72 40.00 37.14 34.14 34.14 32.72 182.14
2 Fire in the Hole Cookers 36.00 36.72 32.72 35.28 35.28 35.28 178.56
3 All Metal Concepts 37.86 34.58 30.58 34.14 37.42 34.14 178.14
4 Double S Smokers 36.28 32.00 32.00 34.58 35.28 39.28 177.42
5 Pure Luck 36.72 30.86 35.72 30.58 35.28 38.58 177.16
6 Pivo Pitmasters 37.14 37.14 28.72 29.44 37.42 36.00 177.14
7 KNR Pipeline 32.72 33.86 37.84 35.28 36.00 32.28 175.70
8 Latin Gringo - Big Horn 5 37.42 30.58 30.58 32.00 36.00 36.42 172.42
9 Barbacoa Bandits 32.02 32.70 35.28 32.72 36.00 34.58 171.28
10 Coachin' BBQ 33.86 36.00 31.28 32.72 36.00 32.28 170.86
11 Texas Smoke 29.44 36.00 35.28 32.00 30.58 36.00 169.86
12 Big Horn Cookers 30.16 36.00 31.28 32.72 34.14 32.72 166.86
13 Smokin Los BBQ 34.84 31.72 31.28 35.28 32.00 31.28 165.12
14 DCO Cookers 34.14 29.44 33.70 32.72 34.14 30.42 165.12
15 County Line Cookers 32.00 36.72 26.86 33.42 30.86 32.00 165.00
16 360 BBQ 32.72 36.00 28.00 32.72 31.28 27.58 160.72
17 Notorious Meat Rythm and Ribs 32.00 25.44 28.72 28.72 34.58 33.44 157.46
18 TX BBQ Kooker's 35.28 30.16 26.16 30.86 28.02 31.30 155.62
19 Texas Craft Que 28.72 28.72 28.00 32.00 32.00 28.72 150.16

Dutch Oven Breakfast Results
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total

Beans Results
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total

Open Protien Results
Rob Bailey
Event Coordinator
Knights of Columbus 2490 Cook Off
El campo, TX
Jan 22 2022

Rank Team Name Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Total